
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Waking up to spring on the Homestead

It was so beautiful out this morning that I had to grab my camera and go for a walk with Emma kitty. Here are a few shots of what spring looks like on the homestead.

I have a busy weekend ahead, but I'm so glad I was able to carve out a little time to be creative. I feel like it is so important to have unstructured "play" time to recharge. And for me, there's no better way to recharge than this. Nature, animals, photography...give me those three things and I'm a happy girl!



  1. Your place is so pretty Tammy! :)

  2. And for me there would be no better way than walking with my fave cat... I'm so glad to see a post from you, and that it includes not only beautiful pics of springtime, but also the best kitty in your neck of the woods. Here on lake superior it is waking up very slowly to spring. Been here close to one month now. The ice on the lake is gone, the morning come very early, and the light is always heralded by the singing of the birds, of which there is a wide variety, including Canada geese returning home and also seagulls, which truly surprised me for a fresh-water place. Always glad to see a post here. Best always, R

  3. Such lovely photos...the light is wonderful! So sweet to take a little stroll with your precious kitty. Everything looks beautiful. - K

  4. It is looking like spring there. Everything is beautiful! Somehow I missed seeing your last with all that snow until now! Spring looks really pretty after 11 inches of snow!

  5. Lovely pictures! Doesn't get any better than nature, animals and photography ;-) Happy Weekend.
    Lori from LL Farm

  6. Ohhh...I love your homestead!! Beautiful photos!! Hope you are doing great...have a wonderful weekend!!

  7. I agree spending time with nature is important! I love your cute kitty and lovely flowers.. Beautiful post, Tammy. Have a happy weekend!

  8. Nice to see flowers blooming and things getting green. Thanks for sharing a slice of your world!

  9. Well, hello, stranger! So glad to see your post. I hope your spring is filled with goodies from the garden and beautiful blooms!

  10. So glad you're back. I enjoy your blog.

  11. How wonderful everything looks. Your kitty is precious...he/she blends into the nature!

    Jane x

  12. So pretty! You have so much green already, and the size of your hosta?? Wow! Love the photo of your rooster on the fence!

  13. Hi Tammy,
    I always enjoy looking at photos and hearing about your homestead. I love the rooster photo :-))

  14. That second shot is so fantastic!!

  15. What a great space to enjoy spring! Your farm is so pretty! Happy that you got some time enjoy what you love most!

  16. Beautiful shots Tammy, what a spot! I love lily of the valley, my very favorite flower :)

  17. Great shots Tammy what a beautiful place to live. So glad you had the time to post today.
    Enjoy your week.

  18. Such beautiful pictures! Happy spring, Tammy!

  19. I love how you captured your rooster mid-crow. Great shot. Happy spring!

  20. Lovely photography, as always. I have missed you!

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