Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Mother Nature

Here in Missouri, it's not uncommon to have wild swings in temperatures. Case in point - just ten short days ago, David and I snuck away to the Lake of the Ozarks with some friends and were enjoying 70 degree weather.

Our private dock on the Lake.

We caught up around a bonfire at the lake's edge at night, feeling comfortable in light clothing.

Today, this is the reality in our part of Missouri.

That's me, under about twenty layers of clothing. We ended up with 11 inches of snow, and this morning when I woke up the temperature was -10. That's not the wind chill, that's the actual temperature!

The chickens and Emma kitty are not coming out of the coop, and who could blame them. I have been refreshing their water every several hours and taking the chickens hot oatmeal and scrambled eggs to warm their crops. Baby is hanging out in the garage and the indoor cats are watching all the action from the warm house.

Duchess is built for this weather, so she is having a blast running around in the snow. I do put her in the coop at night as well since it's getting so cold, but during the day she is out and about.

The guineas, hardy as ever, are just fine as long as they have a perch to rest on. Some of them have found their way to the coop, but others are still outside like this old timer.

We're all hanging in there, but not exactly happy! It seems the snow is here to stay as the forecast does not show us getting above freezing at all, so we'll just have to get used to it for now. As I say nearly each year, spring can't come soon enough!

Have you been buried in snow this winter?



  1. We have snow in my part of Wisconsin, but from how your pictures look I do believe you have more on the ground than we do. Temps are dropping quite a bit tonight, and there are wind chill advisories going into effect. Staying in tonight with my cup of tea.

  2. Wow! That's quite a range of temps!!! We've had cold, colder and, well, colder. :) And snow. And ice. No 70's, but I am grateful for that because the plants AND animals would be quite confused. :) Hope all is going well in your neck of the woods!

  3. Hello Tammy, it looks like you have had much more snow than we did.. I am glad the chickens, kitties and Duchess are able to handle the cold..I am rooting for an early spring or at least some warmer temps.. Love the photos, especially Duchess.. Enjoy your day!

  4. Hello,
    Oh my, you have more snow than we do here in Northwest Wisconsin!!
    But we do have the awful cold. We had -1 for our high temperature today. YUCK!

    Keep cozy,

  5. Good to hear from you! I wish we were buried in snow. Here in the Pacific NW, we're in the middle of a unseasonably warm winter. Our mountains barely have any snow, which is a huge bummer for us skiers. Send some of that lovely snow our way! :)

  6. Hi Tammy, here in Arizona it is in the low 80's, the weather seems quite crazy every where. Love your beautiful pictures of the snow.

  7. WOW.. What a difference a week makes. That is a lot of snow. Being a full time RV'er we move to where the weather is warmer. We are in sunny California for now. Stay warm.


  8. Good to see you!

    We haven't had a lot of snow, unlike last year, and the temps have been somewhat above normal until this week. Brrrrrrrrrrr

  9. Long time no see :)
    Up until this month, I was thinking winter was not too bad, but these below zero temps February decided to bring, is no fun!!
    Spring can't come soon enough.

  10. I thought Missouri was considered the south?!!! Glad you and Duchess have enough layers to get you through. Sending you some sunshine!

  11. the same is said for our part of virginia! i remember when we moved to missouri, the saying was "you don't like the weather? wait 10 minutes" and it is true here too...we also had that beautiful summer weather a couple of weeks ago and now covered in snow and record breaking cold! stay warm!!! wonderful photos!

  12. Nice to hear something. Talk about contrasts, at night down here it's maybe 30'f and in the day now in the 70s. But soon I will go to a place much colder than your neck of the woods. In about 5 weeks I should be freezing on lake Superior, enjoying the end of winter, as I'm finally moving out of this place.
    I'm glad you are bringing hot oatmeal for Emma: cats like a good bowl of oatmeal, with some fresh catnip garnish, but you can't get it this time of year, so she'll have to have it plain or with Greek yogurt. Give her a bowl from me.

  13. That is a lot of fluff Tammy-I like your getaway pics. It's in the 80's here-probably a sign of a hot summer to come. (Mad face) glad all your furry friends are well. Miss u.

  14. The 70's are a distant memory for you, I see! The farm looks very lovely covered in white, but looks very cold indeed! Glad everyone is staying cozy and warm and aren't you sweet for bringing your little friends hot oatmeal! We have not had any of the 'white stuff' this winter, here in Washington State, which is a very bad thing for the mountains. The ski resorts are all shut down and our reservoirs and hydroelectric plants are suffering due to the low snow-pack, although I have been enjoying an unseasonable warm winter! That usually means a wet and cold summer, though. Stay warm and cozy and so nice to see you are back to blogging again. xo Karen

  15. We got our first snow of the year a few days ago--about 3-4 inches. But the real news here is the brutally cold weather that followed it. Record lows. Right now the temp outside is 5 and supposedly the windchills are as low as -30. By Sunday we're supposed to be up to 50 again. I am ready for that! Hoping you and your critters stay warm.

  16. I LOVE those snow pics, my friend!! Absolutely breathtaking!

  17. Hi Tammy good to hear from you here, those snow pictures are what can I say wow!
    Take care and warm, I see you are taking good care of your fur babies.
    Sheila x

  18. You have much more snow than we do here in Minnesota. Your photos are lovely and the guinea looks fabulous with those white feathers!

  19. We've had the same problem in Denver. Two weeks ago it was 75 degrees for a week and now winter has returned. Today's high was 15 or so and we've got a foot of snow, with more to come. And we still have to get through March and April- our snowiest months.

  20. Beautiful pictures! We only have 5 or so inches of snow, but the temperature right now is -15 degrees, and they won't be going up any time soon. Our chickens come out of their coop a little bit at a time ;-)

  21. Missed you my friend! YES WE HAVE BEEN BURIED - BEYOND BURIED REALLY! Crazy snow here in New Hampshire. 70 degrees would feel like an absolute dream! Glad you are enjoying it! Your animals look adorable, as always! xo

  22. I just mentioned you [I was wondering if your dog and Jacqueline's (Cheapskate Blethering) were the same breed]. And then I moseyed on over and you're here, lol. Glad to see ya! We're cold here too. The kids had two snow days last week for frigid temps and that's it, all of their snow days. Anything else they'll have to make up now.

    And as for your animals...I'm w/the house cats, stay inside where it's warm! Oh gosh, I just thought of something, that great big beautiful cat is Gizmo! Right? Ha! :) Anyway, Hi and nice to see you. :)

  23. It looks like you have nearly as much snow as we do way up north, Tammy!
    We're ready to get back above zero anytime now. :)
    Fun seeing you all in photos again.

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