
Monday, December 8, 2014

Christmas Traditions

I just couldn't end the year without posting about our Christmas traditions here on the homestead! Ever since we moved out here, each Christmas we choose a tree from the woods to cut down and bring inside. They are never full, gorgeous trees, but there is something charming about the skinny, non-traditional trees that I love.

We took Duchess with us this year to search for a tree and I think she may have enjoyed the hike just as much as us.

We found a cedar deep in the woods that we decided on, and David went to work on cutting it down and dragging back to the house.

We had to do quite a bit of trimming to the tree, but finally managed to get it just right. I'm really into the simple, natural look for Christmas decorating, so I added some white lights and called it a day. I love to pull out my vintage enamelware this time of year, and found that leftover cedar clippings and half-melted candles made a pretty display for the trunk/coffee table. I'm still adding some festive touches around the house as I get sudden bursts of inspiration!

Another fun tradition is sending out Christmas cards with photos I've taken from around the homestead.  This year, I was looking through some photos and when I happened upon a snowy photo of Duchess from last winter, I knew it was the one.

Thankfully we haven't had snow like that this year (yet!), but we'll see how the next few months go.

On a non-related note, I just wanted to say thank you if you are reading this! I know I haven't posted in a long time, so if you are still following me that's awesome :) After starting a new job this spring, I just got engulfed in my new responsibilities and trying to learn everything about my new career path as I could. I'm feeling more comfortable now and have more of a schedule figured out with balancing work and homestead demands, and have found that I really do miss the blogging part of my life. I haven't had a creative outlet in a while and haven't taken many photos at all, and that makes me quite sad to be honest. Taking photos and blogging was such a big part of my life for a couple years (as you can see if you read back through the archives) and it feels so odd that I just basically stopped cold turkey. All of that to say that I am going to try to update the blog on a more regular basis (although not as often as before) and take more photos. And of course I miss the community that I had here as well, because that is what made blogging so rich for me. So I hope you're still out there, and I wish you the happiest of holidays!



  1. Welcome back! I wondered what happened to you. :) Hope we see more posts in the coming new year.

  2. So good to see you again, may your Christmas be merry and rich in memories!

  3. Love that Christmas card! So glad things are going well for you at the job and looking forward to seeing your homesteading posts. We've missed you!

  4. So gorgeous! You have been missed. Merry Christmas <3

  5. Tammy, welcome back! And what a gorgeous post to start off with.. Lovely Christmas decorations and Duchess is just beautiful. I hope to visit you again soon, Merry Christmas to you and yours..

  6. Welcome back! I'm always happy to see a post from you, no matter how often you're able to visit this space. :)

  7. Well, you finally made a new post: I was surprised to see it this morning. Most of the people I've followed have dropped off blogging in the past year: it's just the way it is—life changes. I know I'm sure my own habits of this kind will change dramatically, or even end completely at some point. I am glad to see a post with Duchess, because she's my second favourite animal you've got. How's my fave? I hope she's well these days, and doesn't get too cold outside. Nice to see you're not plowed in with snow this year. It doesn't look like it's going to be too bad for your neck of the woods this time (I hope for you anyway). All the best, R.

  8. So glad to hear from you! I was just thinking about you the other day and was hoping all was well with you and David.

    Everything looks beautiful on your homestead and I am glad to hear we will still be getting posts every now and then from you! Merry Christmas!

  9. Hey Tammy! Nice to see a post from you again and to see that all is well. I do love the natural look of holiday decorating rather than all the glitz and glimmer. I basically just changed things up in our living room to add pops of red and have added little Christmas things here and there around the other rooms. Keeping it simple now. While you have chosen a new career path, I shall be quitting my job at the school in June and am counting down the days. My boss is retiring after 12 years here and I am tired of the chaos. It's become a very toxic environment the past couple of years so I will be happy to stay home and have my time back to do with as I please. My blogging as been sporadic, too. Not enough hours in the days for everything, and sometimes not enough energy to do more than what is required once at home. Thank goodness for weekends. Wishing you and yours a very happy holiday. Tammy

  10. I have always wanted to cut down my own tree. Maybe next year :)

  11. Tammy!! So happy to see you back! You have been missed! New name for me by the way... Sugar Cookies to Peterbilts is gone, but Big Rigs 'n Lil' Cookies is the new improved me!

  12. So nice to hear from you, your tree is beautiful. We cut down a tree once and it was way too big. Duchess is adorable! Happy Holidays!

  13. What a pleasant surprise to see your post! I kept checking periodically over the past few months. :-) Your tree is just delightful, Tammy! Merry Christmas!! xo

  14. This update just made me so happy. Not only do I love Christmas, but I love hearing about what's happening with you (although I have a little person who would love to see how the chickens celebrate Christmas *wink*).

    Your tree and home are so festive and Duchess is such a sweetie!!

    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas Tammy and all the best in the coming year.

  15. I am so glad to see you, Tammy! I kept checking and wondering about you, and am happy that everything it ok. Your tree and Dutches are beautiful, but I do miss your chickens :)

  16. SO fabulous to hear how things are going Tammy! LOVE your photos - always and Dutchess on your card? PRICELESS! Welcome back!

  17. Enjoyed this post so much! You and David remind me so much of myself and Poppy when we were younger and built our little cabin in the country. Even the woods and the cedar trees look the same as around our place. I collected old graniteware and pulled it out at Christmas too. Duchess is beautiful! Wishing you two a merry Christmas!

  18. So glad to see another post from you, Tammy. I often check your blog and reread old posts--I enjoy them so much.

    Your decorations are beautiful. Merry Christmas!

  19. I was so happy to see a post from you :) Your Christmas traditions sound so lovely and your tree came out beautiful!

  20. Oh Tammy it is so nice to see you back here. I can see you have been busy with another chapter in your life and am so happy that it is working out for you.
    I love your tree and your decorations. Oh Duchess has grown she is so beautiful.Merry Christmas to you, David and all the rest of your wonderful family of furry and feathered friends. Nice to see you back I could never forget you. I look forward to your next post (no pressure). HUGS B

  21. Great to see you back! Your decorations are beautiful.

  22. I was so excited to see you out and about!! I love the tree and the photo you put on your Christmas Card. :) Merry Christmas to you!!

  23. I'm so glad to see you back Tammy!! We have missed you and your wonderful posts. I know exactly how you feel husband started his own business and I am his full time helper and I'm having a very hard time with finding time to blog. I miss it also. I absolutely love your cedar husband and I did that for years...having only lights is a good idea because those limbs are not made for heavy they love icicles...:) Your Christmas card is beautiful and perfect. I sure hope we get some more updates from you as I'm always interested in your homestead and love to see your animals...:) Have a very Merry Christmas!!! Hugs!!

  24. Tammy, It is good to see you again. I love your card! Happy holidays!

  25. Happy Christmas Tammy & David, have a great festive beak and a wonderful 2015 :)
    Janie x

  26. Hi Tammy, these are lovely Christmas traditions and glad to see you back on the blogging front. Wishing you a very Merry Holiday Season x

  27. I've missed those beautiful pictures!! So happy things are going well for you - I think of you often. Wishing you, David and all the critters a very Merry Christmas. :)

  28. We used to cut own our Christmas trees like that when I was growing up here. When I moved back 13 years ago I intended to go back to that way of doing it. But I searched high and low and couldn't find a suitable tree. I was surprised since we never had trouble finding one back then. But people don't let cedars grow along fence lines the way they used to. Yesterday while on a part of the farm I don't often visit I came across a perfect cedar, but with our children grown and gone I decided to just leave it there. Glad to know there are still people cutting down their own trees grown naturally. Merry Christmas.

  29. I know I am still here! I just love your beautiful photography. I was so excited when I saw that you had posted something! I had gone on quite the blogging hiatus myself after having a rough pregnancy and then life with a newborn, but we are starting to fall into a good rhythm now so I am trying to get back to it. Loved hearing from you!!

  30. Merry Christmas to you and yours Tammy . Wow I was so glad to see you here .
    Your home looks so very lovely and festive ~ gorgeous really.
    Wishing you all the best in the coming New Year,
    Happy Holidays ,

  31. Glad you are back! I love reading about life on the homestead and seeing your awesome photos. Merry Christmas!

  32. Hi Tammy,
    I have missed you. You are a true inspiration to me. :-)
    Love your Christmas card.

    Have a great Christmas and Happy New Year!

  33. Wonderful photos !
    Merry Christmas !

  34. Hi Tammy! I'm still checking in. Glad to hear we will get more frequent updates in the new year. Happy Holidays!!

  35. Glad to catch up with you Tammy! I have been missing in action as well for the last two months with work and wonderful family activities!!
    You put out a perfect Christmas card with Duchess. See he has had a hair cut this winter!!
    god Bless and a Very Happy New Year to you and to your family!

  36. Ti Auguro un anno splendente che ti regali i suoi riflessi più belli e i suoi raggi più caldi ogni giorno, come se il sole splendesse sempre. Buon 2015, e che sia come lo vuoi tu. Auguri.!

  37. Hi Tammy good to hear from you and a great post.
    Best Wishes for the New Year
    See you soon.
    Sheila x

  38. Happy new year to you and your family. I have been reading your blog for a while. I do admire your choice to live green and simple life. I too made the change 8 years ago when I left my well paid job in London Uk and moved to a little house on a farm in Italy. I have been living off the grid since and despite having very little money (sometimes nothing) I will never get back to my old life. I can say now I have a life and it feels so good.

    Well done to you and I hope you will be living off the gird soon, and maybe even quit this job, so you will have more time to grow all your food, craft and write on your blog ;)
    Kind Regards
    Cyrene & Critters

  39. Happy New Year Tammy. You've been missed. Glad you'll be peeking in more often.

  40. I was away from blogging, myself, late in the year, so I missed this post!
    I feel similarly, that with life being busy and full and changing, I haven't done certain things as much this year, particularly taking photos. Thankful for a fresh new year. So happy to hear from you, Tammy!


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