
Saturday, May 17, 2014


My goodness, I've been away from this space for longer than expected. I'm sure you all understand sometimes work and life just gets busy and there's not much time for anything else. My new job is going really well, but I am still working at my old job to help wind things up, so that is where much of my time and energy is focused right now. There is lots going on here on the homestead as well, so I thought I'd give you guys a quick update to show that we aren't just being lazy over here! ;)

We finished planting the vineyard! I say "we" but actually it was 99% David and 1% me. He worked really hard on this space, from cutting down trees and cleaning up the mess, to installing the support for the vines and finally getting them all planted. It took us several months from start to finish (check out more on that here) and we are both thrilled that the vines are in! PS - The blue tubes you see are grow tubes which act as a mini-greenhouse to get the vines growing.

The garden is coming along very well! We have so much planted, I can't even remember it all. Again, by "we" I mean mostly David haha. This year we went a bit crazy with starting tomato seeds that we saved from our tomatoes last year and had over 100 seedlings going under grow lights in the garage at one point. I ended up selling some plants to a coworker and we planted the majority of them in our garden. We didn't have enough space for them all in the garden beds, so many of them are in pots and other repurposed containers (like buckets).

Our main bee hive is doing incredibly well, but our split not so much. It's having a hard time getting up and going, and we are trying to figure out what's wrong and help it along as much as we can. But we are hopeful that we will be able to harvest a good amount of honey this year!

The animals are doing well and we actually gained a new guinea friend recently. One of our neighbor's guineas starting hanging around a couple weeks ago and now he won't leave. He's pretty entertaining, so we don't mind the extra company.

All the plants around the house are springing back to life and it is amazing to see the transformation. After the horrible winter, I just can't get enough of all the green out here!

I hope I can post again soon, but in the meantime, I just want to thank each of you who has checked in and sent sweet messages and emails to me letting me know I'm missed. It means so much that you would think of me and take time out of your day to say hello!

We have a busy weekend planned, but hopefully we can get some relaxation in to recharge before the new week starts. I hope we can get in at least a little hammock time :)



  1. Tammy Hi there girl ,
    So excited to see a post from you . Yes life can get busy and of corse we understand .
    A vineyard ~ hurray for you !
    We just plated up some tomaters too, can hardly wait to have a fresh tomato from the vine again.
    Isn't it great to see green again !
    David looks like he is taking a well deserved rest in that comfy hammock !
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Hi. Glad up see you are well and busy. I check on your blog every few days to be sure I keep up with you and was excited today to read about the vines and bees and all. The hammock looks great!!!

  3. great to see an update from you! you have been VERY busy and very productive. :)

  4. Thanks for the update. I miss your posts! Hope you'll return to blogland real soon.

  5. Wow, you've got a lot going on! The vineyard is so exciting to watch. I've never seen it go from A to Z before. Congrats on your honey! Wish I could buy some from you.
    David deserves that snooze in the hammock!

  6. Great photos ! And kitty so sweet :)

  7. Your garden is looking great, good luck with it all. Love the photo with the kitty cat. :)

  8. Hi Tammy you have both done very well , love your Vine. A well deserved rest I see on that wonderful Hammock . Good to hear of the Bees doing well also, I do hope you find out what is wrong with the others though.
    Enjoy your time , great photo of Kitty and Hammock.
    Sheila x Best Wishes.

  9. So nice to hear from you again! You two are such a productive team!

  10. It's nice to see a new post from your neck of the woods. I do like the picture of baby stomping along ready to get a picture taken and looking put out at how long since the last picture, with the tail up and the fluffy fur. I hope you don't work 2 jobs + farm all summer long. That would bee too much. Send one of the pets to do one of the other jobs, such as the paralegal job. I believe that Duchess would be good at that. She could sign all documents with a paw-print: no one ever gets tired of that sort of thing. I'm sure the deer will be pleased with their new feeding-pen when the vines start growing. Grape leaves make excellent food; I eat them all the time in the form of stuffed grape leaves, which is an excellent Greek delicacy. Say a meow to my favourite cat. I've been ill lately and unable to work on drawings of her like I mentioned. But at the moment I'm starting to feel a bit better, and hope the trend continues. It's already in the high 80s here and 7% humidity. I've really got to get out soon.

  11. It sounds like you don't have much time to breathe, enjoy your hammock time!

  12. Hi Tammy! I've been wondering how you are doing! So happy to catch up and hear from you. I've missed you :)
    Everything looks fabulous. If you'd like to chat about the beehive split let me know, maybe I can help or share some tips.

  13. Well hello there! I completely understand that life gets busy sometimes, but it was nice to get a little update :)

  14. HI Tammy, everything looks wonderful, good luck with all your projects. So nice to hear all is going well. Happy week-end!

  15. Good to see you, I'd wondered how everything was growing. Have a great weekend; hope all the busy-ness winds up soon!

  16. Sometimes it would be nice if there was one more day in the week so we could get done everything we want to! Glad to hear all is well :)

  17. Glad to hear from you! I was wondering where you went! Sounds like all is going well on the homestead!

  18. "Our Neck of the Woods" has been included in the A Sunday Drive for this week. Be assured that I hope this helps to point even more new visitors in your direction.

  19. It so good to see you here.. I sure do know how life gets in the way.. But it sounds like all is going well. I just LOVE the photo of your kitty.

    Hope you enjoy your weekend my friend.


  20. Happy to see you pop up in my feed reader, and glad things are going well. Summer is the most exciting time on the homestead, but it also leaves the least time for blogging. :)

  21. Glad to see a post from you! Just figured life had gotten in the way! What a wonderful job your hubby has done! I hope you get to spend lots of time out in the great space you two have created!

  22. Hello Dear Friend.
    Oh, I do love that last photo!
    Happy all is going well.
    My prayers to you.

  23. I'm SO happy when you stop by! That last photo is the bomb! Your hubby looks like he's doing a great job and all that green around you is heavenly. Have a great week! Until next time Tammy!!!

  24. I nearly jumped out of my seat when I saw your blog come up in my reader!

    Wow you (and David) have been so productive! Way to go!

    I loved this post... thank you so much for brightening my day.

    Wishing you all the best.

  25. So happy to hear your updates! Not only is work life busy, but planting time is the busiest time of the year, so I can imagine how exhausted you must be by the end of the day. You are doing remarkable things and I can't wait to see your progress!

  26. the last photo is adorable. How wonderful to have been adopted by a neighbor's guinea!! My goodness you will be rolling in tomatoes come summer! :) The garden and vineyard look amazing - hope all is going well.

  27. That looks like a great hammock! Glad to see you are still getting lots done on the homestead!

  28. Hi buddy, it's great to hear from you! You guys have been busy and your photos look awesome! I love it all :)

  29. Hello! Work really does get in the way doesn't it? Glad you've doing well and that things are coming along nicely on the homestead. How soon before a wine tasting? Cheers!

  30. Nice to see you back Tammy, you were definitely missed!

    Janie x

    PS also nice to see David relaxing in his hammock after all the hard work ;)

  31. hi!! it's so good to see a post from you! busy as always i see!

  32. Glad to hear that everything is going well!! That's neat how the new grape vines start off in the tube!! Such a neat idea and wonderful way to protect the new plant. The hammock does look like a wonderful place at the end of the day!! Love that the days are growing longer so there's more time working outside!! Take care!!!

  33. I was so excited when a new post from you popped up in my blog reader! Glad to hear things are going so well, and keeping my fingers crossed that you all have some hammock time soon :) The vineyard and garden look great!

  34. Glad to hear all is well! Your garden looks great :)

  35. Hey, looking forward to all that lovely wine which you will be sharing with us in the future.Nice to catch up with you.

  36. It's a busy time of year on a farm. Glad yours is so productive and y'all are finding the time to tend it. It's especially nice to see that you have a strong hive of bees alive and well. That's not so common these days.

  37. Sounds like you deserve hammock time! :) Busy is good. And hurrah that the vines are planted. My grandmother grew grapes in her garden and she loved them above all else.

  38. Hope you got some well deserved hammock time, Tammy!

  39. Um how on earth did I miss this post??? I came back today to leave you a comment to come back soon and it turns out you already had! Oops!! :)

  40. That vineyard is going to be amazing! I'm so jealous of your beautiful land, I recently found out our rental house is going to be sold so it's goodbye garden hello apartment for a while I think, not sure what to do with all our plants! Glad you are having a good summer, I love seeing the green too!

  41. Hi Tammy! I've just come off a blog break and so this comment is coming in very late, but I wanted you to know that I have missed you and that I know how busy life can get. Everything is looking really productive there (well the last photo, not so much, but a rest well earned, I would say) and I can't wait to see your garden growing. There is nothing better than a fresh picked tomato! Hope you are hanging in there and finding some time to enjoy the summer. xo Karen

  42. Totally understandable to take time off. I have had a long break myself. I enjoy seeing your progress. Hope to see your posts some more.

  43. You are definitely missed Tammy but yes, life gets so busy sometimes you just have to focus your energy elsewhere!!! Looks like things are going well and the homestead looks amazing! Can't wait to see your harvest!!!

  44. I'm just swinging over to day hello and wish you a happy 4th of July. :)

  45. hi tammy, happy 4th of july!!

    i've been thinking about you.

  46. That garden would keep out even MY chickens

  47. Hello! Feel free to watch my new photo album "Roses" Greetings

  48. I'm popping in to just let you know that you are missed!! I hope everything is well with you and your family....:)

  49. Hello, you were on my mind so I thought I'd pop over and say g'day :)

  50. Hi. sure do miss your blog posts. I check back often to see if your back. Hope all is well with you and yours.

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