
Monday, March 17, 2014

The Vineyard: Part I

Back in January, I shared our resolution for this year is to dig in and add long-term improvements to our property. We visited a winery in January to get some ideas on how to set up our vineyard and ever since then David has been working like crazy to get our space ready for the vines.

This is the view from our back porch. If you look really hard, you can see up on top of the hill we have our space cleared and all the posts in for the vines! David gets about 99% of the credit here, since he cut down around 60 massive trees and stacked up all the wood. I helped with moving the wood that I could carry and burning some bigger sticks.

Here you can see the posts and all the wood stacked in between the trees (yes, we got snow yesterday - ugh!) and a pile of sticks to burn still. The posts were reused from part of the rustic wooden fence that ran in front of our house.

We also have bamboo placed where the vines will go in order to get an idea of the spacing. We're planting a total of 56 vines, so we need a lot of fencing and support. The vines are being shipped to us in a few weeks so we had to get the structural support in place before planting the vines.

This is the view from the vineyard looking back down towards the house. We do still have some cleanup left, but for now at least the space is ready for the vines. (If you look to the right of our house, you can see our garden space. To the left of the house is the chicken compound.)

Our biggest goal of all is to dig a pond on the property in the space between the house and the vineyard. We are getting quotes on the pond construction and mapping out the best size and placement for the pond. Now all we have to do is win the lottery!


Shared with Maple Hill Hop 


  1. This is very exciting. It will be fun to see the vineyard come to life. Deb

  2. Everything looks great and how exciting to be expecting the vines in a few weeks. You have a lovely home/property and a pond will be so nice.

  3. This is soooo exciting! I just love the picture from the vines to your house. It's so cozy and homey. I'd never want to leave (not that you really do want to leave). I can totally see the pond too. You have inspired me to get going with our vineyard. You know, in all my spare time! :)

  4. i love seeing all yalls accomplishments. the vineyard is going to be beautiful as it matures. that will be a beautiful pond spot, too. your house looks terrific from the back view. it looks big. do a house tour for us please.

  5. your blog changes....looks so nice....I don't know how to do all that really looks good. Now as for the other....y'all don't mess around. I like to talk about it....and stew on it....and read about it......and talk about it.......and maybe in a couple of You two are very inspiring!

  6. This is going to be amazing! Your hard work (and heavy, too!) is going to be so worth it! I love that you're going to have a pond. How peaceful and pretty that will be!


  7. Wow - you guys are ambitious! I like the idea of growing grapes for a winery. Will love seeing how it all comes together.

  8. If you need a volunteer for wine tasting, look no further! Seriously though, you are making great and exciting changes and I can't wait to hear about your journey!

  9. Looks great and I wish you all the best on your vineyard and winning the lottery!

  10. Well done on all that hard work, good luck with the vines.

  11. Such exciting developments! You and David sure have been working hard. I look forward to seeing the progress!

  12. Beautiful! Can't wait to see how the vines look.

  13. I love the view from the vineyard to your homestead. It looks quite charming. I'm looking forward to seeing your vineyard come to life! Great job!

  14. Oh I hope you win:) I am sorry that probably won't happen Tammy but with your and David's enthusiasm and drive there is nothing you cannot accomplish together. Love the vineyard. Hug B

  15. that is pretty amazing. It is a lot of work that will pay off in the long run. If you are going to make wine hopefully I can buy a bottle in the future. And I love seeing the wide shot of your home. It is beautiful.

  16. Wow I can't imagine the work that goes into cutting down 60 trees. Damn. I cannot wait to follow the progress of this through the year!

  17. Wow - you guys have been busy! I didn't realize you would plant them so early. I'm assuming your ground isn't frozen???? How exciting to think about a pond too. My husband wants a pond on our next "someday" farm. :)

  18. That's one way to stay busy in the snow. And it does looks like a lot of work has been done. Can't wait to see the progress..


  19. You are reminding me of our early days on the farm and our grapevines that we planted -- 30 in all.
    Has your husband considered renting a Cat and doing the pond work himself? That's what Shane ended up doing after we were initially quoted a price we just could not afford.

  20. Wow, that is so cool to see the progress like that in your photos. From the looks of it, its' going to be a thriving vineyard! How exciting!

  21. You guys are getting really ambitious! Good for you. Excited to see if you are able to achieve all your goals for this year regarding your homestead!

  22. It is beautiful! Thanks for the wide open shots of your lovely property - really helps to picture you all there. These photos are going to be perfect as the 'before' shots - can't wait to see the summery 'after' shots in the future!

  23. Looks awesome!! Can't wait to see vines growing everywhere. And I know what you mean about the snow... ugh is right! So ready for warmth!

  24. Wow, that is a lot of work!
    It looks great.
    :) Can't wait to see your vineyard.

  25. This is so exciting. I can't wait to follow along along on this newest adventure of yours and David's.

  26. Wow! Is this ever exciting! You have such a lovely piece of land Tammy... all your hard work will pay off. I can't wait to see life come to your vineyard.

  27. you not only have dreams, you've made them goals and are working on them. i admire both of you.

  28. Oh wow I am so jealous!!!! I would LOVE to have a vineyard some day.....that is great you were able to get all the setup and prep work done yourselves--looks awesome!

  29. I really like the set-up of your property. It looks like you are using your space well, it's that type of planning that I struggle with the most.

  30. I looks great. I enjoyed your last photo. I can picture the pond.
    I admire your hard work and I am very encouraged with your Digging In series.

  31. This is such exciting news! I can't wait to hear and see more of your vineyard as it comes together. Also, your property is gorgeous! I dream of the day I can (hopefully) own a nice piece of land like this. So beautiful! Glad all of your hard work is paying off.

  32. All your hard work will pay off! You have a lovely property. It will be fun to see the vines growing and the pond put in.

  33. Yay!!! This is really exciting! :-)

  34. Wowsers! That's seriously exciting Tammy, well done on both of you.
    Janie x
    PS Can't believe you STILL have snow, not fair :op

  35. this is all so exciting! we are going to have a vineyard!!

  36. This is so exciting!
    Ha yes, I actually play the lottery, but so far haven't won...

  37. I've noticed in that January post when you went to visit the dogs at a vineyard, that they had no snow on the ground, but you did. In your region there's more than 1 climate: humid continental and humid sub-tropical. The south of the state is in the latter, and the north the former (more or less); so I wonder if wine grapes will do really well there? I'm guessing you're north of the big city, judging from the amounts of snow.
    I'm sorry to see those trees gone now; I do love a good tree.

  38. That's exciting. And that's a lot of work that you guys have done already!! Wishing you well with this, it sounds like it could be so rewarding in so many ways!

  39. So exciting Tammy! I can't wait to see how it comes along as the months progress! You are really living your dream, amazing!

  40. I know you guys are gonna LOVE having vines. 56 plants is a really good amount to start with. I know you are planting table grapes but will you be making wine as well? Love the view into your hood :)

  41. This is going to be such an amazing experience you're taking us on. Thank for letting us in on your adventure. Beautiful property.

  42. What a fantastic project you have going on, love that you are walking the walk and living your dream!

  43. This is going be wonderful Tammy! I can't wait to watch the progress:) The science behind wine making is amazing is it? My brother is a wine maker. Here he is:) We've been spoiled with lots of good wine over the years and my kids have fun memories running around vineyards at sunset. You will enjoy this experience. xxL

  44. Tammy, this is really exciting.. I am enjoying seeing the progress from the beginning of your vineyard! I love the view of your property, just lovely. Enjoy your day!

  45. OMG he cut down 60 trees? Wow. I am excited about this and look forward to the end result.

  46. Oh I can't wait to see the finished product. Looks like you are well on your way. I would also love to have a bottle of your wine. This is such a great project and I know that you will be amazing at it, just like at everything you do.

  47. Looking great! One thing is certain about improving a homestead: there is always something else to spend money on. I know what you mean about wanting to win the lottery. :)

  48. Your setting is so beautiful, I love it! I am really looking forward to watching your vines grow with you :)

  49. You have so many wonderful projects going on!! We built a pond two years ago and plan to stock it with fish this week! I love your bee hives and your vineyard plans!

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