
Monday, March 10, 2014

Flowers From a Friend

I met with one of my best friends over the weekend to hang out and catch up. We like to do coffee dates every so often to talk about what's going on in our lives and what we have planned for the future. Lots of exciting things happening for my friend and for me, so it's always fun to catch up.

Even with exciting things happening, life is composed of the good and the bad. My sweet friend wanted to help cheer me up since the passing of Roosty last week, so she came bearing a huge bouquet of mums in the cheeriest yellow color I have ever seen.

I've always loved cutting and arranging flowers and find it to be very therapeutic, but something about arranging these lovely flowers was extra special.

You know there's gotta be a cat in the mix somewhere.

I thought this was just the kindest and sweetest gesture and it meant so much to me. She is always inspiring me to be a better friend and an even better person. And the yellow color did definitely cheer me up. The cats seemed to like it as well - the flowers were on the table for a whole 15 minutes before they had to be moved to a safer location!

Now they are placed in different rooms throughout the house so I can get a burst of sunshine wherever I go and think of my dear friend and her thoughtfulness. The world is made so much better with good friends!



  1. They are bright and cheery Tammy,
    good friends are wonderful aren'y they !
    I think the cat fully agrees :))

  2. Hi Tammy, That was very thoughtful of your friend. I smiled when I saw your collection of milk glass vases. My late mom loved milk glass and every thrift store/garage sale we visited, she would purchase one! Your collection is beautiful and the yellow really shows up well!

  3. Good friends know just the right thing to do for us. Love those yellow beauties and their vases. Hope your memories of Roosty are getting you through sad days.

  4. So cheery and bright! I love the bud vases, I ALWAYS split my bouquets to share the love throughout the house. Looks like you had a wonderful weekend! Love that!

  5. Oh now that is a wonderful friend. They are beautiful and in all those rooms the cheer is everywhere. HUG B

  6. Those flowers are absolutely lovely! They would cheer me up too. What a great friend you have!

  7. What a nice thing to say about your dear friend. That's all we can ask isn't it, that they make us want to be better ourselves.

  8. That's a wonderful friend.
    I love this sunny color. Greetings :)

  9. Now, that is a great friend. The flowers are beautiful and they would cheer me up, too :)

  10. Oh, I am so sorry. I just went back and read about Roosty. I would have been a mess. How long did you have him? I could never do what you do...I get way too attached to every living thing. I think it's nice that you were able to meet with your friend for some Company & Comfort, as I like to call it. The flowers looks so spring like.

    Take care.


  11. What a great friend! I love the yellow mums in the white vases...a sweet kitty too!

  12. Sweet! What a wonderful blessing to receive flowers from a freind... Enjoy!

  13. A true best buddy can make all the difference.
    I like to do the same thing. :-) I place my bouquets all over the house.
    I love the yellow too.

  14. What a good friend you have, so sorry about Roosty.

  15. I'm sorry to read about Roosty Tammy. *hugs*
    A good friend can make all the difference; I'm glad she was able to cheer you with this beautiful bouquet!

  16. Your flower arrangements are gorgeous!

  17. Tammy, lovely flowers from your very thoughtful friend..It is nice to have some bright cheery color throughout the house. Have a happy week!

  18. What a lovely friend, those flowers are lovely. Cute kitty cats as well.

  19. So glad that you have a wonderful friendship. Life is so much better that way. Enjoy your blooms!

  20. Your friend was so very thoughtful - what a lovely gesture! I love the way you placed them in smaller vases - they really are like a splash of sunshine!

  21. They are so so beautiful!! This was so wonderful of your friend. It's apparent that you have a lot of people that care about you.

  22. That's so kind and thoughtful of your friend. I hope happier days are ahead :)

  23. Such a wonderful friend. I love that you put them in different rooms!!

  24. That was so thoughtful of her. :)

  25. Yes, there are times when friends can make such a difference in our lives. The Mums are so pretty and I like the way you've displayed them. xxleslie

  26. Good friends totally rock, and they're one of those things that keep getting better with age too. :) I love the flowers!

  27. What a thoughtful friend. She's a keeper ;-)

  28. That was very sweet of her to give such a cheerful arrangement. How funny about the cat and the flowers. It made me thing of my cat many years ago. She munched through the stem of an entire french tulip bouquet. All that was left of the arrangement was a vase full of stems and the table was littered with the flowers. Then she sat there looking at me like "What?" Ha.

  29. Nice flower arrangement. Your friend sounds really sweet.

  30. What a lovely gesture , yellow is indeed a very uplifting color and my favorite color flower.
    Lovely friend's are hard to find.
    Hugs Sheila

  31. How sweet of your friend to bring flowers for you! :-)

  32. Oh, I can't wait for sunny yellow spring flowers! I love your milk glass vases.. they look so cute together, but I bet it's just as wonderful seeing a burst of cheer scattered about your home, as well. I got together for warm visits with friends on two occasions this past week... good for the soul!!

  33. How very sweet of her! I really like your idea of putting them in smaller vases so you can spread them around the house! :)
    P.S. I STILL love, love the table you guys made!

  34. Hello from an old-time homesteader in West Virginia! I love knowing that younger folks are doing what I did 40 years ago. And I love the yellow flowers in white vases. How pretty. No flowers or spring here yet, but maybe next week.

  35. Pretty good idea for separate them to a smaller vases instead only one room to enjoy:). Spring is here! You are welcome to drop by my blog as well. ox

  36. That yellow is gorgeous! As are the cats... the one under the chair looks amazing in colour too. Glad you had a boost and yes friends do help us along don't they?

  37. Cut flowers this time of year always bring good cheer. Bless your thoughtful friend. xo

  38. You have some pretty special friends. How thoughtful to bring flowers to you, and such a sunshiny colour too.

  39. Beautiful flowers from a wonderful friend :) Made me smile that I am not the only one that has to be strategical with flower placement to keep them safe from the cats!

  40. Such pretty flowers your friend gave you! I Love the photo with your kitty!


  41. They are gorgeous and therapeutic for sure :) Happy you had a nice a visit

  42. I love to divide a bouquet and put a little cheer in each room. She's a thoughtful friend, for sure.

  43. I love separating out a big bouquet of flowers and spreading joy all around the house. Best wishes, Tammy


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