
Friday, March 21, 2014

Feathered Friend Friday: Happy Girls

Welcome to our "Feathered Friend Friday" series. Each Friday I write a post with facts, photos, or stories about our chickens and guineas. If you need to catch up, you'll find all the FFF posts here

Now that spring is officially here (woohoo!) I can tell the girls have a little extra pep in their step. It's easy to see that they are thrilled with the warmer weather. They can barely wait to get out of their coop in the morning, and they don't want to go back in at night. We humans are ecstatic with the warmer weather, but our feathered friends are happy as well!

It's still very brown out here, but there are small signs of green popping up around the house. In no time the grass will be back in and the girls will be overjoyed to chomp on fresh greens and catch bugs.

They really are getting back into the groove with their egg laying, and we are collecting around a dozen eggs a day, sometimes as many as 14 eggs from our 16 girls. They are definitely earning their keep!

My favorite thing in the world is sitting outside on a beautiful day while watching my chickens free range and happily scratch through the woods. I am so thrilled that soon I will be able to do just that!


PS - This one goes out to my youngest follower, Grace. Hope you liked this post! :)


  1. Woot for free range & happy chickens And for spring!

  2. hi tammy, enjoyed your chicken photos so much!
    happy spring!


  3. Yay for pep in our step! Love the girls beautiful pictures! :)

  4. Those are some pretty gals, Tammy! My girls were so excited when I opened the coop door this morning and let them out - Spring (and sunshine) has a way of exciting us all! :)

  5. they are so cute. love happy hens. :)

  6. How fun! I can't wait until we live somewhere we can have chickens!

  7. This was fun. Beautiful chickens. You should make this Feathered Friend Friday a link-up that we can all add too : )

  8. Oh, your lucky spring chickens!! We're getting inches of fresh snow on top of the still-there old, thick snow today. It looks like Christmas outside. Yesterday was gorgeous & accomplished some melting though! Two steps forward, one step back.. that's Spring here. :)
    My sister shoveled a path for her chickens to be outside this past week, and collected 24 eggs the next day! What a difference fresh spring air & sunshine make.
    Enjoy your weekend, Tammy!

  9. Glad humans and animals are enjoying the warmer weather. Have a great day.

  10. Are they all down from the trees? I'm glad they're happy scratching about the yard!

  11. I am jealous that you have signs of spring - I have nothing here in Massachusetts. In fact, they said it might snow next week. Sigh.

  12. Happy Spring!
    It is finally showing some signs :)

  13. Cute chicken. Would have love to see their eggs too.

  14. I love your photos. Thanks so much for sharing them with us.
    What dishes do you prepare to use so many eggs?

  15. My favourite thing would be to watch Emma scratching and free-ranging through the woods. I wanna see more pictures of her. There can never be enough pictures of her on this blog.

    1. PS. I wish you would consider placing a photo of each animal in the sidebar which we could click on to see all posts about that creature. When you look at your stats in blogger, you will have an inordinate number of clicks on one of your cats.

  16. Love it! I hope the snow is over for you now, and that everything bursts forth into springtime lushness :)
    Janie x

  17. Oh my goodness! Grace was over the moon for the shout-out... thanks Tammy, that was so sweet!

    Grace wants to know what you do with all your eggs. Do you eat all of them... because in her words:
    "That's a lot of eggs to eat and I don't like to eat eggs unless they're in a cake or cookies or bread or something."

    Thanks again for this extra special posting. Wishing you a lovely weekend.

  18. Awe! I don't know how old Grace is-but how fun that you mentioned her! You're girls are beautiful. Do the eggs keep longer than store bought? Do you trade or sell any if them?

  19. Oh I love spring at your place and getting to see your chickens out enjoying the fresh air. Gorgeous shots Tammy. I am sure Grace loved those photos. Hug B

  20. That is my favorite thing to do now, too! Pure joy :)

  21. Nice to see that the girls are out and about!

  22. Yes, everyone is happy spring is here! Love your photos of the happy chickens.

  23. Your 'girls' look very healthy and happy! I never get tired of seeing them - they always make me smile! Happy Spring! xo Karen

  24. Your chickens look so healthy and loved. Enjoy reading the feathered Friday posts. They are my favorite!

  25. They do look mighty chipper! Are you able to sell what you don't use yourselves?

  26. They are looking good Tammy :)
    Great egg laying counts too !

  27. Three cheers for Spring! I can see my lawn, Tammy. Woo hooo!! :)

    You've got some great pictures up today!

  28. Sort of a random question - I read somewhere that brown eggs aren't especially healthier for you (as many people believe); they are only more expensive because it costs more to care for those breeds of chicken. Is it true?

  29. They do seem like they're very happy! You're giving them a nice little life and they're rewarding you with lots of eggs!

  30. Wow, that's a lot of eggs! My 3 ladies are still laying anywhere from 1-3 a day. Which is perfect for us, but I'm seriously thinking of getting 2 more and selling the eggs. Chickens can be addicting!

  31. Happy Spring, Tammy! I am glad your girls are happy.. Enjoy the good weather.. Have a happy Sunday!

  32. They look happy girls , and that is a lot of eggs to prove it.
    Love the shots just great!

  33. you will be all stocked up for Easter eggs!

  34. Beautiful photos. Ours are happy too although the temps have dipped again today through Wednesday but possibly 52 degrees on Friday!! :) Happy Spring!

  35. Was enjoyed reading this post! Happy spring my friend!


  36. Oh your chickens aren't the only ones that are happy that spring is here. Even here you can see the pep in a lot of people's steps. :) Hope you had a great weekend!

  37. Yeap!! I'm had the feeling as your Chickens --- was difficult coming in this weekend at the end of the day!! What a beautiful weekend!!
    You have such lovely Feathered Friends!!

  38. Happy girls! Nothing much better than chicken TV and tons of eggs, Yay!

  39. Beautiful, healthy chickens! I know you are enjoying the eggs!

  40. I'm happy to hear the chooks are happy! How I wish I could be sitting with you watching the girls scratch the ground - sound delightful!!

  41. I am sure they cannot wait for all the grass.

  42. I really, really want to borrow your chickens. My girls would love to hang out with them.

  43. I love your chickens. And they are so lucky to have you as their owner. They have a good life. :) Best wishes, Tammy

  44. Aww, what happy ladies! This past weekend I went to a local sheep pasture and sat for a good hour with the chickens. The sun was out and they were free range, happily clucking and singing. Those sounds are good for the soul :)

  45. Such pretty girls too.

  46. They are just the most beautiful chickens! I am sure they are living full and happy chicken lives on your gorgeous property! I always buy local free range eggs. I would feel too guilty otherwise.

  47. I'm checking in on you as I haven't seen you and no new posts. Hope everyone's doing well. If not-sending xoxo to feel better. Xo

  48. Your chickens are so sweet Tammy:) I'm glad they/we are finally transitioning into spring! xxleslie

  49. A very healthy youngster.. Makes my lot look a bit like they live on the rough side of town

  50. Tammy, where are you? It just occurred to me that I have not read a post from you a long time..I hope all is well. I miss the girl stories...Just wanted you to know I miss you! Blessings!

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