
Friday, March 14, 2014

Feathered Friend Friday: Chickens And Ice

Welcome to our "Feathered Friend Friday" series. Each Friday I write a post with facts, photos, or stories about our chickens and guineas. If you need to catch up, you'll find all the FFF posts here.    

We haven't had super cold temperatures for a few weeks now (thank goodness), but for most of winter every morning I would have to chip the ice out of the chickens' water pan. It would freeze solid overnight so I'd have to break up the ice and refill with fresh unfrozen water each morning.

For some reason, the chickens always went for the pieces of broken ice first before drinking the actual water. In the dead of winter, they go crazy over ice. Go figure.

Goldie's high stepping cracks me up.

Do you see Emma?

Eventually when they had eaten all the smaller pieces, they headed over to get a drink of water and a bite of food to start off their morning. It was kind of a funny ritual every morning to make me smile when I was freezing while breaking up chunks of ice and dreaming of warmer weather.

Now that we are into weather above the freezing point, I can look back and reminisce at these photos and smile even bigger knowing that soon enough they will be foraging for grass and bugs, not chunks of ice!



  1. Next winter you would be advised to get really big chickens: then they will eat up larger chunks of ice and clear it away from the driveway and paths for you. Some people have goats to crop the grass on the roofs of their buildings—you could keep chickens to clear the ice away. You've really come up with a good idea there, and I hope next winter to hear of the success of that project.

  2. So funny how they like the ice now after having it so much. I used to have a dog that was obsessed with ice. And Goldie looks like she's really showing off for the camera LOL.

  3. Very cute that they love the ice. The high stepping cracks me up.
    I hope you all enjoy the weekend.

  4. I love the morning light showing off your fine feathered friends!

  5. I love your chickens....:) They really seem so happy...:) Great post!

  6. the light in your photos is bea-u-ti-ful!!! It's funny that they like ice when it's already cold - go figure. I always enjoy hearing about your chickens!

  7. Goldie likes marching just like her Daddy.

  8. too cute! always love seeing your lovely photos of your chickens!
    happy weekend~
    big hugs!

  9. Beautiful lighting in the photos! Chickens are so strange sometimes. Probably why I enjoy them so much!!!

  10. Goldie must be trying out for the band! Chickens like ice? Who knew?

  11. The light in these photos look wonderful.. I do love reading your Friday Chicken post. And that is so weird that they love the ice.. I would have never guessed it.


  12. Ha, ha, that's so cute that your chickens love the ice chunks! Thanks for sharing photos and story.

  13. That is so funny! I wonder why they did that...

  14. That is too funny....and cute. I love your chickens.

  15. Wow! Never knew can eat ice. cool.

  16. Ours like it too. They also like frozen lettuce and snow. Funny indeed. We have a chicken who also high steps but it's because she has bumblefoot. Have you checked Goldie's feet to make sure there's no sore underneath? Fingers crossed she just walks that way. :)

  17. LOVE the sunlight off the chickens, a true sign that Spring is on it's way! So pretty Tammy!

  18. I love your photos.
    I like to crunch on ice too. :-)

  19. They are a never-ending source of entertainment, huh? So glad things are warming up there.

  20. Chickens know how to make the best of things, don't they? Love those fluffy butts. xo Karen

  21. Oh they and all of us are looking forward to seeing your beautiful photos of them pecking around in the sun and green. Hug B

  22. That's to funny! I never noticed my girls going for ice, but they would it snow. I did spy Emma keeping an eye on things :)

  23. Eating ice just gives me the shivers.. I love Goldie's high stepping. Your chickens are adorable..Have a happy weekend!

  24. We are expecting snow on Monday :-( I misread your title as 'chickens and lice'. I'm glad they have ice, and not lice.

  25. Whoohoo I'm happy for you that warmer has come your way. Those girls are so funny aren't they. I sure love those fluffy butts :) Happy weekending Tammy!

  26. Looooooved this post (did you write it just for Grace *wink*). She loved spotting Emma and thought it was hilarious that the chickens loved the ice so much. She likes to step on and break up ice "puddles" too. Also... Goldie's high stepping... classic!

    Wishing you a lovely weekend.

  27. The high stepping is very regal. :) I did see Emma!

  28. Really lovely photos and great story!

  29. Lovely thought seeing these guys enjoying the Spring weather.
    I do wonder why they go for the frozen cubes first. Let us know if you find out.
    Sheila x Enjoy your weekend

  30. Really lovely pictures :)
    Have a happy weekend :)

  31. Sounds like they enjoy a nice cold treat.

  32. Our chickens are foraging today ~ one of the few non freezing days we have had in a while.
    Won't it be fun when they start chasing the bugs again !

  33. Your chickens are always so amusing. So sorry to hear about the loss of Roosty. That would be the hardest part of homesteading for me. I'm such a sap when it comes to animals. Wishing you all the best, Tammy

  34. That's funny that your ladies like ice. Mine wanted nothing to do with ice or snow. Although at some point they did have to walk in the snow. There for a while, I shoveled snow in front of their coop so they could come out a bit.

  35. I truly enjoy these stories about your chickens, what a great adventure!

  36. I love chicken antics! I told my husband this weekend, that next year, I'd love to have a heater for my galvanized chicken water bucket. I saw them at Tractor Supply and my eyes glazed over! haha

  37. Love your chicken photos! We would love to have chickens in our backyard but I am afraid my dogs would get them...not good.


  38. That's very interesting about the ice. How fun that you keep learning about your girls. Great pics Tammy

  39. I get your chickens ice thing.There is nothing better than chewing ice. I like it.

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