Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Clearing The Camera

This winter just won't let go! It is into March and we are still getting winter weather and David is still getting more snow days at school. It's past the point of ridiculous. We got another blast of ice and snow over the weekend, so we've been spending our days hibernating inside.

Which means lots of human-kitty cuddle time...

Kitty-kitty-kitty cuddle time...

Hot coffee and freshly baked cookies...

And judgy looks from Gizmo when I haven't changed out of my PJ's all day long.

Even the guineas are hibernating. They fly up into the trees to roost at night, and if we've had snow and ice before dawn, they refuse to fly down.

But really, who can blame them? I'd stay in bed all day as well if I could!

Here's hoping spring really is just around the corner.


Shared with Maple Hill Hop 


  1. oh, that must be cold on those guinea feet! :) such cute kitty cats!

  2. These are some great pictures! :-)

  3. absolutely adorable - every single photo. Gizmo is adorable, even when he's being judgmental. :) Love the new look of your site!

  4. Oh, what a lovely view. My dog also likes cuddling and sleeping on my bed under the blanket.
    Greetings :)

  5. I feel like I've been hibernating, too!
    Enjoyed your cozy photos of everyone staying warm.
    On cold, gray winter days when I don't have to leave home - you can bet I'm rockin' the pajama pants! :)

  6. That first photo made me laugh - oh, and judgmental Gizmo cracked me up. At least you are making the best of all that cold and ice by staying home in your jammies, baking cookies and cuddling with the cats. I really do hope this is the last of the horrible weather for you - (and the guineas :) xo Karen

  7. Enjoy those snow days! We've had none here, sadly. :(
    Your Guineas have the right idea! :D

  8. I love that picture of the three cats on the sofa. Adorable. And those cookies look like all kinds of awesomeness. You would really love Instagram. I would love to see all your photos on there. If you ever join let me know so I can follow you!

  9. That picture of your husband with the kitty is precious!!

  10. Love kitty cuddle times! Yes, I'm over winter too. We had a snow day on Monday, and a 2 hour delay yesterday.

  11. Wow those guineas fly really high up!! That's funny they won't come down! I hope winter will ease up and warmer temps will be around the corner :)

  12. I know it is technically still winter until March 20-something, but I am a little tired of the cold, too! Those cookies look delicious.

  13. Love the cute kitty photos. Hang in there, spring will come. I'll think warm thoughts for you!

  14. I'm with the kitties....not the guineas! Love your photos and the cookies...oh my!

  15. Ha HA okay you had me laugh big about the judgey look from Gizmo for the Pjs still on .
    I am going through the Winter blues now as well ~ just hit me pretty good this week , don't care how cold it is I have been doing my morning farm rounds in a big parka and PJs and boots I am on strike for getting dressed until Spring lol
    Hang in there Tammy ...Spring has to arrive right ~ till then coffee, cookies and PJs ~ sorry Giz ;)

  16. Your cats are so sweet! I can't blame your guineas for staying in the trees. It does look cold. Coffee, cookies and pj's are the best way to handle the weather. Come on spring!

  17. Love the kitties! I wish mine liked to cuddle more.

    Spring has to come - right???

  18. Great post. I have been worried sick about my guineas all winter.

  19. I had no idea the guinea fowl could fly up so high!!! Poor things. I hope your Spring arrives very soon for you.

  20. Well down here last summer is still going. It was hot is October and November and is far from cold now still. 1 snow day & five days of rain, 2 of which were the edge of the storm that dumped snow on you up there this past weekend. I still worry a bit about Emma. Does she have any friends outside other than the chickens? I want to send a box of warm air for Emma to sleep in. Was David really asleep or just pretending for the picture?

  21. I love the afghan on your couch. Did you make it?

    My favorite picture is the coffee and cookies. Maybe because that's how I've been spending my time so it really speaks to me, ha ha!

    We're hoping for warmer weather here, too!

  22. All the cats are gorgeous but I especially like Gizmo and his judgey looks!!

  23. I hear you! We had a blast again too.. This weather just makes me want to bake, cook and eat.....I have been drinking sugar free hot cocoa... The cats look happy.. Mine are in the basement at night...they have actually eased outside today to try and get some sun.. The sun came out and is slowly melting the snow.. Come on Spring.. I have had enough too!!!! Blessings!

  24. I love this post Tammy. And those cookies! Are they toll house? They look better than Toll house! And who doesn't love jammie day...regardless of judgemental looks!?

  25. It looks like y'all are very cozy in your neck of the woods! Sweet!

  26. I never knew they flew up into trees to roost! I'd really love to hibernate, too!

  27. sometimes those are the best days. I like pj days and especially fresh baked cookie day!

  28. Today was our 13th snow day. *sigh* At this rate we have moved into June..... I hope your weather improves.

  29. It looks like a good life for kitty-kitty -kitty! What a lovely, cozy day!

  30. Adorable photo of Davide and Gizmo. My goodness Gizmo is a gorgeous cat. Love the one of all three of them together. We, too, are worn out by this longer than usual winter. It snowed all day yesterday and is colder than blazes today. Apparently, and I am not putting any money on this, we are to see warmer weather on the weekend. Deb

  31. When I finally got my computer back and was catching up on all my blog reading, I was thinking that you hadn't posted a "Clearing the Camera" in a while! Love these posts. So interesting to see how high up the Guinea's perch. I remember you sharing that they go in the tree's, but they sure look far up... definitely safer that way :)

  32. To an observant person you can see who rules the roost. Love this post and all the memories this evokes. Walking the walk is what you do so well.

  33. Oh Tammy... although beautiful, I imagine the snow is getting old. Seattle is warming up however we are in for grey and drizzly days for another month or so. You all look very cozy though;) xxleslie

  34. I love the human kitty cuddle pictures! Nothing like kitty cuddling. So it was in the 40's here yesterday. It snowed 2" last night and was 55 today and the snow is melted. It's hard to figure out.

  35. Such cute kitty photos. Hope Spring arrives soon. :)

  36. I didn't know that Guniea's slept in trees, every day's a school day whether you're snowed in or not :)
    Our winter has been ridiculously mild, we've had 2 frosts all winter. Crazy. Anyway, happy spring! I promise it's on its way!
    Janie x

  37. I am tired of the cold and snow too but every one looks so comfy and the cookies look delicious, I guess if you have to stay inside that is the way to do it. We are going to have the 40"s here for a few days soon so I hope to stay outside a little longer. Keep warm!

  38. YUM, cookies and coffee. Cute kitties! Snow Days were fun at the beginning, now they are starting to be annoying..I am ready for spring too. Have a great day!

  39. Snow days-does that mean his school year will be extended? Oh no! I love pj days!

  40. oh i am laughing at gizmo's judgy look!

  41. Did someone say Spring ? :)
    I love pretty snow, but I could handle some green grass!

  42. Same here (regarding the long winter)! I didn't realize that guineas could fly so high!

  43. Lovely shots - that first one is too sweet!

  44. All the cuddle time at your house sounds divine. Winter has to loosen its grip soon! It's been such a long one. All your photos look so warm and cozy, except the one of the guineas. :-) Good thing they have feather beds to keep them warm.

  45. I love the kitty photos. The three on the couch is my favorite. :-)

  46. Here's to hoping too!! And I love your pictures, the first one is priceless. I hope you've framed it. :)

  47. Lovely photos! Grace loves that you have so many cats! I told you... you have a new fan. She insists that I look at your blog while she's around.

    I'm pining for spring too. It snowed a whole bunch last night... boooo!

  48. Awww. How sweet. Kitties are so cute and cuddly.

  49. Love your photos my sweet friend! Gizmo is so cute!!!! Hubby too!

  50. So much sweetness in this post. Cold weather makes for the best cuddle time!!

  51. Too cute, I love the cookie and coffee part.

  52. Kitty snuggles are so cute! So what happens with all the snow days, do the kids have to make them up at the end of the year?

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