
Monday, March 31, 2014


Oh, how I've missed you guys! I didn't get a chance to post last week because I started a new job on Monday that kept me very busy. But it's good busy, because I'm loving it so far (I'm a paralegal in the real estate/finance division of a company). It's much more demanding than my previous job, and I've found it has been a struggle to balance work, homestead demands, and the blog.

We're seeing more and more signs of spring around here lately, and our garden work is in full swing. Lots of seeds planted in the garden already with tons of seedlings growing indoors. Our vineyard is set up and ready to go when our vines arrive, which can't be soon enough! We also recently planted 30 trees (10 pecan, 10 persimmon, and 10 evergreens) as part of our digging in goal for the year since these trees will take many years to grow and produce for us.

Of course there are cats, chickens, guineas, a dog (and a husband) to feed every day, so that keeps me busy as well.

Baby waiting not so patiently for her food.

So with all of that, the blog had to take a back seat this week while I figure things out. My good blogging buddy, Jackie, reminded me that blogging should be fun, not another thing on your to do list. And this week, it was more of a thing on my to do list. She knows a thing or two about balance, so I will listen to her advice.

 This one's for you, Reifyn.

I'm not sure going forward how regular my blogging schedule will be, so if I'm away for longer than normal, things probably just got a little bit hectic around here. With spring and summer coming up and the gardening work getting even more time consuming, I do see that happening.

I had a few people check in on me last week to make sure everything was ok (thank you guys!) so I thought I'd just let you all know what is happening right now. I won't be around to visit you all as often as I did before, but please know that I still care and I do think about you all the time!



  1. They are such adorable kitty cats. Congrats on your new job. Have a great week and take care.

  2. I'm so happy for you in your new job. A challenge is a good thing. We will be right here, whenever you get the chance to post! Your sense of balance is essential. Everything will flow from that. Have a great week!

  3. Oh yes, it's going to be very busy for you with Spring and Summer coming too! Congrat's again on your new job - it will take time but you'll be in a rhythm again soon. Happy Monday!!

  4. congrats on the new job and i hope you continue to like it! and good luck finding balance, you'll get it!!

  5. Congratulations on the new job. I hope you find a good balance in the next few months once the job starts becoming more routine! Have a wonderful day and know many are thinking of you during your transition!

  6. Glad to hear you're settling in at your new job. I think anytime we start a new job, we need to take the time to learn what we need to so that we get it right :)

  7. Tammy best of luck in your new job, you certainly do have your hands full. Spring and summer will be a busy time for you guys also. Love the pictures.
    Take care :)

  8. I was wondering about you. I am glad the new job is going well.
    The cats look like models! I think that picture of Baby would be good for a Fancy Feast ad. :)

  9. happy new job! just enjoy your life!

  10. Congratulations on your new job as a paralegal!! And you're right, you sometimes have to balance and prioritize. Blogging should never feel like an obligation or chore. Sometimes life has to take priority :)

  11. I'm glad you are loving your job but you will be missed. Hopefully you will figure out the balancing act....I know it is so hard. Please don't ever give up the blogging.....I so enjoy visiting here. Hugs!

  12. Congrats on the new job!

  13. Thanks for the update. I was wondering where you went. Congrats on the new job. Hope you can still drop in and visit - even if it's just occasionally, keep in touch!

  14. Congrats on your new job, your friend is right, posting should not be another thing you have to do. Although I will miss your frequent updates, wish you the best.

  15. Good advice from your buddy, blogging is fun not a job... Congrats on your new gig and know we'll be thinking of you as well. Looking forward to your posts when you have time. ((hugs))

  16. Great advice... we need that balance and blogging needs to be fun.

    Congratulations on your new job... we missed you on Friday but all these pictures of cats has Grace overjoyed.

    Wishing you well.

  17. Totally understandable. My blogging has been sporadic over the last year. It sometimes is difficult to do it all and honestly, we really aren't supposed to and shouldn't expect that we can. Blogging definitely should be for fun. I like the interactions so wouldn't want to give it up entirely. It's like visiting old friends every day. Congrats on the new job. I was a legal secretary for 10 years before coming to Kuwait. Now I work for the Superintendent of the American school my boys have attended and boy oh boy is it busy. Barely time to go to the bathroom but I've learned that the work will always be there the next day I just do my best every day. Take care! Tammy

  18. Congrats on the new job my friend! I did miss you but completely agree, blogging should be fun and not a stress! You'll find the balance but it will take time and that's ok, we will be here :)

  19. Congratulations on the new job Tammy! I know what you mean about trying to find time for everything, it is a crazy time of year. I do hope you find your balance mojo soon :)
    Janie x

  20. So many new and exciting things going on! We will be happy to hear from you when you get a chance. Blogging should neve be an obligation.

  21. How exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time! Congratulations on your new job Tammy!
    Your blog writing is always a joy to read, so take your time coming back here if you need it. And don't worry about reading all the blogs in your own blog reader either! Everyone has busy times come upon us!

  22. Horray! There's my fave kitty finally coming out of the hole in that stump where she's been hiding out since January 24th or so (the last time anybody has seen a picture of her).
    If you work full-time, I wonder that you will have time for all the new things you want to do with the farm, such as raising grapes as deer-feed to keep the local deer happy & putting up the emu pen & making a new roof of turf for the goats to graze on. That's a good deal of things to get working on.

  23. I did wonder about you. I thought you may have gone on a little vacation.
    I am excited for you with your new job.
    And of course I am so excited about your projects at home.
    Blessings to you.

  24. Best of luck with your new job - so very exciting! Finding the right blance can be tricky - but once you're settled in, you'll figure it out. Enjoy!

  25. Congratulations Tammy! You will find your grove ;) hang in there. Sound likes lots is going on with your home and spring beginning. One day at a time! Beautiful photos! xxleslie

  26. Congratulations on the new job! I can certainly relate. I just started back work after being on convalescent leave and I'm having such a hard time finding a balance myself now. I hope you're having a great week so far!

  27. i was wondering where Feathered Friends Friday was. iI missed you too. Congratulations on the new job. Looks like all the kitties were patiently waiting for you. They are so pretty. Hoping your blogging is not too far in betweeen. You will have a lot to show and tell with your busy days.

  28. Congrats on the new job. It always seems very hard to be on the computer when it is beautiful and warming up outside. And then there is always so much to do. Take your time. Get in your groove. We'll catch ya on the flip side!

  29. Yes, life does get away from us at times and starting a new job is one of those times! Congratulations! You will find a balance eventually and until then, we will understand. Love your kitty pics. :) Karen

  30. Great shots of that lovely cat! Enjoy your new job.

  31. Congratulations on your new job! I hope this spring treats you and your homestead well. It looks like things are off to a great start :)

  32. All the best with your new job! I took a hiatus from blogging mid-November to early March because life was in full swing and I need some simplifying wherever I could find it. Sometimes on-line stuff has to take a back seat for a while.

  33. Life has been busier than usual over the past week or so, too - and I haven't been able to do any blog reading in that time.. I was feeling pretty bad about that, but my hands were very full juggling other good things.
    Catching up today, I'm glad to learn I wasn't the only one!!
    Congrats on your new job, Tammy. I've often wondered & thought to ask what your job away from home is.
    My own blogging changes with the seasons & what's going on in our life. I've thought the same while spending hours at other jobs working on the house lately - just like I haven't had a lot of time to read, and want to keep up with my reading goals for the year - I've reminded myself that these are things I do for pleasure - they're supposed to be fun, not an obligation or chore.
    So, I take part in very few "scheduled" posting parties, and just let the blogging juices flow whenever they do. :)

  34. Thanks for sharing an update Tam! And yes blogging should be fun and not another job to do. Baby is beautiful btw... all cat's are, but she looks very cuddly! Glad you are enjoying your new job!

  35. You just do what you need to! I totally understand breaks in blogging from time to time, especially since I got pregnant. Whew, there are a lot of days where I am just too worn out to do anything but sleep! But I LOVE blogging, so I will continue to do it even if posts are sometimes sparse.

    How exciting about all of your tree editions. Sounds awesome!!

  36. Tammy, congrats on your new job! I am happy for you and that you like being busy.. Pretty kitty photo. Blogging is just for fun with me, so please do not worry about being away. We will be here when ever you are able to do a post.. Enjoy your week and happy April!

  37. Why thank you for the shout out!

    I really mean it...that blogging should be fun. Not that we all won't miss your pictures, but if it ends up on your 'have to' list, than there's nothing fun about that. Take all the time you need, but you best be coming back when things re-balance themselves. I want to see how your vineyard is coming, your garden, your pond, the chickens, guineas, dog, cats, the bees, your neighborhood cows, the other animals that I am waiting for you to add (nudge nudge, whatcha waiting for?!), your eye for antiquing, the random things your get from your grandmother, your delicious food, your back to basics get aways with the ladies...and I could go on. You are just so darn interesting!. Girl, you can't keep us in the dark forever! Keep on keeping on and doing that which you do best. Just pop in here and there to give us updates so we won't worry.

    And thumbs up and congrats on your new position. :)

  38. Tammy! Congrats on your new job...and do heed that piece of good advice. Bloggin should be enjoyable and not a chore. Just blog when you can, I'll be here waiting!

  39. I definitely understand how life gets in the way sometimes! I do live my stops here on your blog! Glad to here you are enjoying your work!

    Love your photos my friend!


  40. Congratulations on your new job.

  41. Beautiful photos and congrats on the job! I'm catching up a bit tonight and happy to hear your news. Hope it doesn't keep you away too much though :)

  42. Here's to your new chapter! Congratulations and enjoy! Even if it's not as often, I'll still look forward to your beautiful photos and posts :-)

  43. The kitties are all looking great ~ I had been missing you and came by to see how you were.
    I understand ~ life gets busy .
    Enjoy .

  44. good luck tammy and enjoy your new job. look forward to reading your posts as and when you can post.

  45. Looks like you are well on your way to a productive spring and summer. We are still waiting for spring here in the north!

  46. It's so great you're enjoying your job, it takes up so.much of our time so it's just sad when people hate going to work!

  47. You are missed but life is moving in the direction it needs to at the moment for you and the family. I'm going to take your friends advise because that's how I'm felling at the moment. So happy you popped in Tammy! 😊

  48. Congratulations on your new job !
    Great photos of cats !
    Have a nice Sunday :)

  49. Congrats on the new job!! How exciting!! I love your cute!!

  50. Congrats on your new job! Hope things are going well. I have had to put the blog on the back burner for a bit to, but hoping to be reconnecting again soon. Anxious to be sharing gardening and chicken updates soon! Our existing coop is in a barn that is getting torn down soon, so time to start planning for the changes coming up and how to care for the girls... and Punky!

  51. Glad to hear you are loving your new job. It can be a fun experience.

  52. Congratulations Tammy on your new job!! Not sure how you're going to do it all!! Your creatures are sure going to miss you. At least the days are getting longer and you'll have more time in the evening to take care of everyone's needs!!
    God Bless Ya!!

  53. I'm here to wish you a Happy Easter. :)

  54. congrats on the new job, tammy!
    terrific photos of the cats, too.

    happy easter! (in case you celebrate it!

    big hugs!!

  55. hope you're doing well. sending big hugs!

    i linked to you today!

  56. Congratulations on your new job! It's hard balancing blog life sometimes. That's my biggest struggle right now. Some make it look so easy. I wish you the best in finding your balance.

  57. Just wanted to say hello and I'm looking forward to seeing you blog again. The internet misses you :)
    Janie x

  58. i was just thinking of you and hoping you are well...i'm sure you are BUSY!!!

  59. Belas fotografias...Espectacular....

  60. I warmly greet you and invite you to see my new photos.
    I wish you a successful week.

  61. I'm just waving hello because I miss ya. :)

  62. I just wanted to stop by and say I miss your posts :)

  63. Peeking in on you and letting you know you're missed. Xo

  64. Just checking in - it has been a while. Glad you are doing well and the animals too!

  65. I love this post. We have all taken a break from everything and enjoyed some much needed me time I think .. Wanted to pop in and say hello. XOXO HUGS


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