
Friday, February 21, 2014

Feathered Friend Friday: Random 5

As I've done in the past, today I thought I'd join my friend, Nancy, for a random 5 post about my feathered friends. Today's random 5 is all about eggs!

1. This week two of our hens started laying again after their winter break. Isis (Easter Egger) lays green eggs and Summer (Welsummer) lays dark brown eggs dotted with speckles. It's so thrilling to find the first mint green egg of the season in the nesting box!

2. We sell our eggs for $2 per dozen. For interested potential customers, we like to provide a colorful half-dozen starter pack to try and get them hooked. How could you not love these pretty eggs?

3. Collecting eggs from the nests at the end of the day, bringing them inside and writing the date in pencil on the end of each egg, and arranging them in cartons is one of my favorite things ever.

4. Since we always have access to delicious fresh eggs, you might expect that we eat them at just about every meal. In reality, we don't eat eggs very often. I do bake with them, but we only eat egg dishes every couple months or so.

5. Right now we collect up to seven eggs each day, and I usually put them in my coat pocket for safe keeping until I get back in the house. Several times over the past couple weeks I have accidentally crunched eggs in my pocket. It makes for a pretty gooey mess. Yuck!



  1. pocketful 'o egg - yuck! :) the green is very pretty!

  2. How do you clean these eggs? They look very clean. The ones you get in the supermarkets are actually pressure-washed, which results in a good deal of ruined eggs & accounts for what looks like web-like watermarks on the outsides of them. Eating tons of eggs isn't good for you, so you've made a healthy decision not to eat them each day.

  3. I have to say I find it absolutely fascinating how each hen lays different colored eggs. Is it due to different breeds or is it just because each hen is uniquely different? That mint green egg reminds me of Easter!

  4. ...if I had a nickel for every egg I've forgotten in my pocket. :) So happy you joined in this week at R5F Tammy. Love those green eggs!

  5. I love egg collecting also and I hate when I do the "egg in the pocket" Beautiful photos and now I want a hen to lay mint green eggs...:) Have a great weekend!

  6. My husband and I once had over 100 chickens. I liked gathering the eggs and then my husband took them to the Naval base where sailors would buy them. Gee, let's see... that was in the 50s. A long time ago.

  7. They are looking beautiful ~ you take great egg pictures Tammy ! ( well you take great pics aa the time actually lol)
    Our girls are still on strike do to snowy conditions.

  8. I love that you mix and match the colored eggs. That alone would draw me in :)

  9. What pretty eggs. I've never seen a mint green colored egg (except for Easter Dyed) before. Such a pretty shade. - Not funny (and yet funny) about the cracked eggs in your pocket.

  10. When you said you put them in your pocket for safe keeping, I instantly thought one might break...then I kept reading, lolol

    They are pretty eggs!

  11. Ohhh my.....Those eggs are absolutely beautiful. You need a pretty lined basket for those eggs! GORGEOUS photos.

  12. Pretty eggs! I am surprised you don't eat them more often.

  13. Oh I wish you lived closer I would be buying your eggs that sounds very cheap for such beauty and knowing the cast of Characters doing all the work they should be priced much higher.
    Eggs in pockets been there done that :) Your photos make me smile. Hug B

  14. Wow those eggs are so pretty. I love the green one. I adore eggs and eat about 10 a week!

  15. Eggs are such amazing little miracles! Every one of them is a little gift of wonder. Collecting the eggs is one of my favourite things to do, and I often check a few times each day to see if we have any! Our girls are laying sporadically at the moment too.

  16. those eggs are so pretty! I would LOVE it if I could buy my eggs from you! I wish I lived closer to you so I could! Fresh eggs are the best, and yours are so pretty and colorful! Who wouldn't want to buy eggs from you?! :)

  17. I'd be a great customer. We eat them often. Love your price, too. I pay $4.00 a dozen for organic, free-range here.

  18. Beautiful! We just started getting our blues again, too. We ordered a few more chicks for the spring and had the hardest time finding white layers, what kind do you have?

  19. Your post brought memories of collecting eggs in the morning on my grandparent's farm. As little girl I hated the smell of the chicken coop but loved collecting the warm eggs. Lovely post, thank you.

  20. We have egg customers who love our green and blue eggs and we have had a couple that took awhile to warm up to them and we had to take them out of their dozen. When I ordered chicks last spring I got extra Americauna's just so I could get lots of green and blue eggs.

  21. Your photos are so pretty.
    We eat a lot of eggs. That is why we need to get some chickens. :-)
    Or become a customer. ;-)
    Have a great weekend.

  22. is the speckled egg from a special chicken? what a gorgeous egg. i love fresh eggs. i am craving some egg salad. boiled eggs. eggs yum!! ( :

  23. Love that tea towel! We got our first green eggs from our egg lady last week! So exciting! You really need to eat more eggs! They are so nutritious! We've been eating them quite often since we found our new egg supplier.
    Hope you make a quiche this weekend!

  24. I didn't realize they were so productive with egg laying, now does that mean it's due to having the rooster in there somewhere? (Pardon my ignorance) Or do they just lay eggs because of some hormone?

  25. the gathering of eggs brings back such sweet memories to me. as a child, we would help tend to my grandma's chickens. and gathering eggs was the most fun of it all. she would draw her apron up into a scoop and we would place all the eggs in it and she would carefully carry them back to the kitchen. Then, as our 3 kids were growing up we had chickens and other feathered friends for their 4-h projects. It was a joy back then to see the kids interested in taking care of the chickens and looking forward to gathering eggs. And, we too had colored and speckled eggs. And some mighty peculiar looking chickens. I enjoy your feathered friends post every Friday!

  26. What pretty eggs, Tammy - I love how you have them displayed! I would be so excited to find one of those mint colored eggs! What pretty paint colors those would make.... I wish I lived near you - I cook with eggs a lot. I do love to make quiche and omelets and custards. Especially custard. Enjoy your weekend xo Karen

  27. Love the pretty sampler pack, definitely a great way to showcase what the ladies lay!
    I am getting a pencil tomorrow, I need to follow your example and right the date on the egg. Genius! Also, I had a gooey mess in my pocket this week too. Reminds me of the outdoor coat that needs to get in the laundry this weekend :)

  28. I wish I was closer - your eggs are ao pretty and a great deal!!!

  29. the eggs are beautiful, sampler pack is a great deal. enjoy your post as always. thanks for sharing!

  30. You have colored Easter eggs without even coloring them!

  31. That is a real assortment of colours. Have never seen (or consumed) a green egg.

  32. $2 dollars?! I'm paying almost $4 and they aren't as fresh or pretty............ Your sampler pack is so fun Tammy. Nothing better than one (or two) farm fresh eggs for breakfast. Have a wonderful weekend!

  33. My family loves eggs! They do look pretty. I guess the pocket does not work well, what a gooey mess.

    Have a happy weekend!

  34. Your eggs are so pretty - I love the way you have a variety. With so many eggs, I think I'd make some nice veggie frittatas now and then - they're such a fresh quick meal!

  35. Your randoms made me smile. I raised chickens for years and can relate to all, accept not eating them everyday. I would go out and get a warm eat and cook it up for breakfast. And yes I'm eating an egg while I type this.

  36. Hello,
    I came by way of my friend's blog Suzz "TreeHugger", I knew somehow she would be following your blog because you have chickens. It’s a dream of hers and mine but since I am not able to have them where we live; I drool over blogs that do. So here I am, drooling over the lovely newly laid colorful eggs. They sure make for great photography and worth framing and hanging in a place of honor in the home. You are truly blessed!!
    GOD keep you all safe.

  37. I've debated selling the eggs, but we only have 3 chickens. I'm debating getting a couple more chickens just so I can sell the eggs. I know this summer, we'll be over run with eggs when they all are laying daily. We don't eat that many eggs either, although my husband will make a big batch of breakfast burritos to put in the freezer and that will account for 24 eggs easily, but we don't do that very often. Funny story...yesterday I put the two eggs I collected on a lawn chair on the back patio and then went to collect the mail. I came back and Henley (our Newf) had picked up the smaller of the two eggs and was carrying it in his mouth. He didn't bit down, just carried it.

  38. Wish I lived closer so I could buy your pretty and fresh eggs! Love the photos.

  39. They are beautiful! I crushed an egg in my pocket last week - yuck indeed. Forgot all about it and went in the barn on my way in from the coop to grab a bag of pellets. As soon as I lifted that 40 lb bag on my shoulder I knew what I had done. My arm came down and hit my jacket pocket. Back to the wash went my jacket. :-) We don't eat a lot of eggs either but I definitely use them in baking as well.

  40. Beautiful eggs. I wish I were your neighbor!

  41. Such awesome eggs Tammy! Wishing that you lived near!! About once a month, I buy eggs from one of my student's Mom who has backyard chickens for $4. a dozen.
    I love the different colors of the eggs!!

  42. Well, you surprised me! I thought you would eat more eggs. You are in it for the love of the chickens!

  43. I believe the love of eggs is buried deeply in us all. I love the shape and the colours and when they are still warm from the hen's bottom it always makes me smile inside and out. Only $2 a dozen for such simple joy. Who wouldn't? Here, free range eggs bring $6/dozen at the farmers market.

  44. Those eggs look much better than the ones at grocery store chains!

  45. I was just at my sister house and she has all types of chickens as well. And we ate fresh eggs that morning. She collects about the same amount as you do. My sister gets about $4 dollars a dozen. She lives in Pahrump, NV. I told her about your blog and how I love to read the stories of your chickens. She said she was going to have to check it out..

    Hope you have a great week my friend.


  46. I just love the beauty of your eggs. It was here on your blog... ages ago, that I first learned about the reasons behind the different egg colours for hens. I had previously thought it was an unpredictable oddity.

    Yuck to the pocketful of egg!

    Wishing you a lovely day.

  47. absolutely awesome eggs, tammy! i wish i were your neighbor so i could buy your fresh eggs.

    beautiful photos, too.

    have a great week ahead~

    big hugs!

  48. Beautiful eggs, we have all brown layer chickens right now. I noticed on Friday evening that Tractor Supply have the baby chicks and baby ducks too! :-)

    recent post, trail camera pictures:

  49. My sister sent over a fresh carton of 18 eggs last night - hers, too, are mixed with green, white, and dark speckled (and with penciled dates) and I find them just beautiful!
    Our three are not laying yet with the cold weather & we didn't give them any artificial light over the winter. It'll be exciting when they start up again.
    I love your pretty embroidered dish towel! My grandma has made sets of them for everyone in the family, and for every bridal shower she's been to as long as I can remember. It's her trademark handiwork. They make me happy. :)
    My mom made a set with birds for Christmas several years ago, too - they're so pretty I can't bare to use them, I want to frame them instead!

  50. Hi Tammy, I am enjoying browsing thru your blog tonight. I would love to have fresh eggs. These are so pretty and I love your embroidered tea towel too. I'm following you now.


  51. So jealous! Those are beautiful eggs. I am (im)patiently awaiting the days we get eggs from my mom-in-love. They just taste the best. And the day I can have chickens of my own!

  52. The mint green egg is very pretty. You have no idea how jealous I am. I cook with eggs very often and how I long for fresh laid eggs like that to cook with!

  53. I'm so happy to hear that someone else collects eggs in her pocket! When I go out to clean the girls' house, I get so excited that I collect the eggs first, pocket them, and then proceed to clean. Inevitably I hear a cracking noise and remember that I have eggs on board! LOL!


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