
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Chickpea Curry

You know those recipes that you try once and keep making year after year? This chickpea curry is one of those recipes for me. I recently came across it in the very back of my recipe folder and couldn't believe that I had totally forgotten about it! I hadn't made this curry in forever, so I quickly remedied that by cooking up a batch over the weekend.

Chickpea Curry
Slightly adapted from The Kitchn
Serves 4-6

1 clove of garlic
1/2 t peppercorns
1/2 t whole coriander seeds
2 T vegetable oil
1 T red curry powder
2 cups sliced potatoes (sweet potatoes work also)
2 cups sliced carrots
2 cups water (or stock)
2 cups cauliflower florets
14 oz can fire roasted chopped tomatoes
14 oz can full-fat coconut milk
14 oz can chickpeas
2 T tamari (or soy sauce)
1 T fish sauce (optional)
1 T honey or agave
2 cups cooked brown rice

1) With a mortar and pestle, grind the garlic, peppercorns, and coriander seeds into a paste. Heat the oil in a dutch oven on medium high to high heat (you want the oil very hot when you add in the paste). Fry the garlic mixture and stir until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add curry powder and fry another 30 seconds.
2) Add the potatoes and carrots and stir to combine with the spices. Pour in the water and simmer for 5 minutes. Add the cauliflower, tomatoes, coconut milk, chickpeas, tamari, fish sauce, and honey.
3) Bring mixture to a simmer and continue cooking until the vegetables are done, about 15 minutes. Serve the curry over brown rice with a good bit of Sriracha on top for added heat.

The balance of sweet and heat in this dish is what makes it so delicious and interesting. If you can handle it, I suggest adding plenty of Sriracha on top for even more heat! Even more than the flavor, what I love best about this curry is that there are plenty of leftovers to eat for lunch the rest of the week. The mixture gets even better as it sits, so the curry tastes great for up to five days after it is cooked. I haven't frozen it before, but I think it would freeze well. Such a versatile dish!

And a side note - do you have a rice cooker? I have always botched rice when cooking it on the stovetop (too sticky and gummy - yuck!) so I decided to get a rice cooker and I love it! The brown rice for this dish was cooked perfectly and I didn't have to mess with another pot on the stove. I'm hooked!



  1. No rice cooker but my friend taught me the best rice lesson EVA .. Put the rice in the pan. Put like half inch water above the rice LET IT SIT and COOK - COVER etc 8-10 min TRICK is not to stir or touch and you want to …BUT DONT LOL .. then WALA perfect rice. If you are doing spanish rice then add in your seasonings etc… Hope that it works . I have had great rice ever since sister sue

  2. We got a rice maker as a wedding gift. LOVE IT. Best kitchen appliance ever.

  3. I'm hooked too on the rice cooker. Love it! I'm also hooked on the Jasmine Rice ~ I know the brown is better for you but the aroma and taste of the Jasmine rice has won me over.

  4. I like to try new dishes. It looks very tasty.

  5. I love chickpeas in curry so I'm definitely going to try this recipe! And yes to the rice cooker! I wouldn't be able to have rice otherwise - I'd burn it!

  6. My daughter has a rice cooker and loves it as well! I'll have to pass this recipe on to her as well! I love chick peas in soups and in salads!! Will have to check this one out!!

  7. Looks wonderful! I don't have a rice cooker, but haven't had much trouble from rice on the stovetop.

  8. I've had some rice cookers...but I'm a little leery as they are either made of aluminium or have non-stick teflon coating. What we cook in makes a huge difference for health & most people don't tend to consider this. I cook in glass cookware as much as possible. They don't make too much of it anymore, so you've got to find the pots & pans in thrift-stores mostly. Rice cooking is about ratios largely; though mine doesn't always come out as I like.

  9. It does sound delicious. I don't have trouble with rice, but I do have trouble with grits!! I can't get those right to save my life

  10. This is one of my favorite meals, going to try your recipe for it, looks soo good!

  11. This looks so good, Tammy! We love Chick Peas and Cauliflower and I am always looking for ways to include more of them into recipes. This is perfect. Thank you <3 xo Karen

  12. This looks like I NEED to add it to my menu for next week. Always looking for healthy, vegetarian meals - I love the flavors in this and know my family will too! Thank you Tammy!

  13. These look yummy, and just printed it up to try out! Thanks so much for sharing!

  14. I like the chick peas in this recipe. Would be perfect for me to make and take to work during the week!

  15. Since I am eating healthier I may have to add this to my list of things to try :)

  16. I've been adding curry spices to my collection, and slowly trying some recipes. We are both liking everything so far. We will have to try this recipe, I love chickpeas! I haven't tried tamari yet, off to research what that is!

  17. Hi Tammy, never used a rice cooker, but I've heard great things about them. Love this dish! Will be making soon.

  18. I've yet to get a rice cooker! I make sticky rice stove stop. You have to watch the water/rice ratio and them temperature. I usually cook it until it's almost done and turn off the flame and let it steam to finish. This curry dish looks delicious Tammy! Chick peas are so good for you .. use them in everything and we eat lot of hummus.

  19. I love chickpea curry as you can quickly whip it up from pantry staples.

  20. This sounds amazing. I love chickpeas so much and this sounds like a great winter dinner idea :)

  21. oh i do love a little curry. and chickpeas are my favorite. I can eat them straight out of a can. very yummy.

  22. Sounds very good indeed. I will have to give it a try. :-)

  23. i've wondered about rice cookers. i've only done it on the stove top but my husband complains about the rice all sticking the rice cooker makes them unstick and you have lots of little individual grains of rice? the reciped sounds yummy!

  24. a rice cookier is the best and mine doubles as a vege steamer. what a yummy recipe.

  25. I LOVE curry and chickpeas. I've never cooked with coconut milk and even though I LOVE Indian food...I know I eat the food that is made with the milk. This looks amazing.

  26. Sounds delicious!!!! I think the person who came up with the rice cooker deserves a medal because I always had issues prior to using it. :-)

  27. Mmmm - looks delicious! I do have a rice cooker, but prefer the old-fashioned way of cooking rice...

  28. This would go great with my sister in laws Naan recipe. She had a rice cooker she bought in Japan. They use it all of the time.

  29. I have never tried this before. I will have to give this a try. I love curry dishes and I'm sure the family will love this as well. Thank you.

  30. I swear you share the best recipes, thank you! Btw you are SO rocking the food photos... They're so good Tammy, love your dishes too

  31. This sounds and looks so fabulous Tammy! I definitely will be making this one! Thanks for sharing.

  32. Tammy, sounds like another yummy recipe! Thanks for sharing. Have a happy weekend!

  33. this looks so delicious! love chickpeas and i've never had them in curry before. thanks for sharing your great recipe. omg, i'm quite certain i'll make this for dinner tonight.


  34. Sounds and looks delicious. A young family member nicknamed these "bongo" beans so that's what we call them now!!!


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