
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Chai Coconut Ice Cream

I recently mentioned how I had ice cream on the brain, so to get my fix I made a batch of chai coconut ice cream from one of my favorite food blogs, Cookie + Kate. This recipe first caught my eye last year because the base is coconut milk, not dairy milk. I don't digest dairy very well, but I still love ice cream, so I just make my own with coconut milk since it's easier on my tummy.  

Kate's recipe calls for mixing spices with black tea, but since I already had chai tea bags in my pantry, I just used those so I didn't have to mess with all the spices. Honey is added to sweeten up the ice cream, another reason why I really like this recipe. I try to use natural sweeteners whenever I can and honey is a favorite. Hopefully this year we will be able to harvest some of our own honey from our bee hives to use in future batches of this ice cream!

The ice cream is perfectly delicious as is, but this time I decided to add some mini chocolate chips and walnuts on top and found that it was such a good combination. I like different textures in my food, so the chocolate chips and walnuts added a satisfying crunch to the luscious, smooth ice cream base.

Have you ever made your own ice cream?



  1. The header pic has disappeared & your font has become art deco. I hope one day you'll put that picture back with Emma in the left corner.
    I like these photos—very artistic. I'm surprised there isn't a cat paw reaching for the ice-cream: but I expect since it's non-dairy they don't like to eat it.

  2. I haven't, but I'm sending this to my DIL who loves chai. :) It looks pretty delicious.

  3. I have never made ice cream. Like you, I don't digest dairy easily, so this would be a good recipe for me to try. I love all your photos. Thanks so much for sharing. Mildred

  4. Ooooh, I want to check out the recipe. This sounds good and looks yummy! I don't like using sugar either, so this might be a good match. Thanks, Tammy! Enjoy your chai!

  5. I say it over and are amazing! Looks delicious!

  6. Chai coconut ice cream sounds awesome !!!!
    We have made a lot of snow cream ( yes ice cream from fresh falen snow) this year ~ it is Mountain Mans specialty. I should do a post on it next time it snows.
    Our Easter egger laid a blue egg in the hay this am in 20 degree weather. As I took a picture of it , you were the first person I was thinking of , funny how our blog friends come to mind so often.

  7. We love homemade ice cream and frozen yogurt, but with the cold temps we haven't pulled out the ice cream maker in quite a while.

  8. Yum! This sounds so delicious!!! I have to make some soon - I haven't ever made my own ice cream but I have made that banana "ice cream" and snow "ice cream" in the past (not the same!) BTW your blog looks like it's getting an update - looks great!

  9. Now I really want some chia ice cream!!! :-)

  10. I love chai tea, so I've got to try this! Thanks for sharing.

  11. You are so creative in the kitchen - I love it. And this sounds divine!!

  12. It sounds tasty. I have made a chai cake before, but never chai ice cream.

  13. This sounds marvelous! The ingredients even fit into my MS diet if I use green tea instead of black. Yahooo! Tammy, you are my hero. :-) And your photos are perfect. I see why you wanted those pink bowls now.

  14. Wow! Coconut Ice cream sounds amazing......except maybe the chai as I don't like tea.

  15. No I haven't, but I think I want to. I'm not a huge ice cream eater-I like frozen yogurt. I'm also lactose intolerant- and Breyers makes a really good lactose free vanilla that I keep in the house and everyone else seems to really love it. I LOVE your ice cream freezer that made especially for ice cream? beautiful shot Tammy

  16. Tammy this looks delicious! I haven't made ice cream in years; the last time I did it was strawberry and walnut. Yum!

  17. This looks so delicious Tammy!

  18. Yummy. Yes, I make my own ice cream too. We love homemade ice cream and never buy it in the store anymore.
    I will give this recipe a try too. :-)

  19. This recipe sounds delicious! Ice cream making is one of my obsessions, and I have posted many recipes on my blog, some with cow milk/cream, some with goat milk, and some with coconut milk. Feel free to check them out:

  20. This sounds amazing Tammy. Ive purchased coconut ice cream and enjoy it so much i need to limit myself to just a small container for portion control: ) The chai sounds yummy and nuts and chocolate is always a welcome addition.

  21. Hi Tammy, an ice cream attachment for our kitchenaid mixer is on my list. I've been wanting to make ice cream for awhile now. This looks very good, love your chocolate and walnut additions.

  22. Growing up we made ice cream all the time in the summer on the old crank ice cream maker. Nothing better. Now my husband and I have several ice cream makers. A big electric one, a mini electric one that will make two large bowls full, and an ice cream ball for camping. That one is the most fun. You put your ice cream mix in one side, the salt and ice in the other side and then toss the ball until it's ice cream. Nothing better after a long day of hiking.

  23. Mmm! The only ice cream I've ever made is vanilla. I'll be right over!

  24. This ice cream looks just delicious! Pinning!

  25. This looks totally awesome. I would love to have this for lunch. And also breakfast and dinner. And also for an in-between-meal snack.

  26. I love chai tea so I know I would love this! I do make ice cream in one of those 1-quart keep the bowl in the freezer ice cream makers. It's just the right size for us. I use goat milk (of course)! :)

  27. I see you recent vintage finds have made it into to your pics. I love the ice cream but I really love the bowls.

  28. Sweet little photos, Tammy - now I want to go out and buy an ice cream maker. This looks so yummy. I have never made home-made ice cream. The coconut milk sounds so delicious. xo Karen

  29. My friend, Tammy of Simplesouthernhappiness directed me to your blog. She said I would like it and from what I have read so far, I love it. Love your photos and would like to print up some of your recipes,especially the chickpea curry. Nice to meet you!


  30. I LOVE making my own ice cream! This looks fantastic!

  31. It has been a while since I made my own ice cream. Your photos are quite fantastic.

  32. Yummy. I am craving a bowl of your delicious looking ice-cream. I usually buy but there is nothing better then having it homemade.

  33. We generally make ice cream on July 4 with the old hand-cranker. This looks so good!

  34. Oh yes we make homemade ice cream often. Love it and I love your food pics!

  35. What a wonderful recipe.. Thank you, Tammy...xo

  36. Hello! Feel free to watch my new photo album. I greet and wish you a beautiful weekend!

  37. Wow that does look good and I do like the idea of using coconut milk.Thank you it will make a delicious change.
    Enjoy your weekend x

  38. Happy weekend Tammy ~
    Hope Jack Frost hasn't gotten you under the weather .
    Be Well,

  39. I love ice cream and love the idea of using coconut milk! This looks delicious!

  40. Tammy, your ice cream looks delicious.. I've never tried to make ice cream but I do like to eat it.. Happy weekend!

  41. As usual it looks delicious!

  42. Tammy, your ice cream looks delicious.. I've never tried to make ice cream but I do like to eat it.. Happy weekend!

  43. Yum! I don't digest milk well either so this looks like a winner! The pink bowls look fantastic.

  44. I've never made my own icecream before but this one sounds delicious. I'm still not back completely in the game but just wanted to come by today and say thank you for stopping by and sending me well wishes for my speedy recovery. It really meant a lot to me!

  45. Oh my, this sounds and looks absolutely amazing!

    My tummy can't handle milk either. This is perfect!

  46. Oh yummy! That sounds so, so, so, so, so, so good! :) Lovely photos, too. Best wishes, Tammy

  47. Oooo chai and coconut!! Sounds like a winning combination of flavours. I want to lick my screen right now

  48. I love how you are so willing to try new flavors, and combine things I would never think to. It's friends like you that inspire me to try new things :)

  49. How did I miss this??? It looks and sounds amazing!


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