
Monday, January 6, 2014

Lavender Infused Ponderosa Lemonade

Last Monday I wrote a post on the Ponderosa lemons our cousin from Alabama gifted us with this Christmas, and today I'd like to share a delicious drink I mixed up using these gems.

Lavender Infused Ponderosa Lemonade
Adapted from A CUP OF JO
Makes 6-8 servings

1/4 cup local raw honey
1/4 cup sugar
1 cup water
1T dried lavender
1 cup fresh Ponderosa lemon juice
2 cups water for diluting

For the syrup - in a small saucepan, combine the honey, sugar, and 1 cup water. Bring to a boil, then turn off the heat. Add dried lavender and steep for 3-4 minutes (or longer for stronger lavender flavor). Pour the syrup through a sieve to strain out the lavender then chill in the fridge.

When the syrup is chilled, combine it with the lemon juice in a pitcher. Mix in 2 cups of water (or more if it's too strong for your taste). Add ice and enjoy!

I wasn't sure how this would turn out since Ponderosa lemons aren't actually true lemons, but I was really happy with the end result. And even though this is definitely more of a summertime drink, it goes great with winter meals, especially the more heavy, rich dishes. We have already polished off the entire first batch of lemonade, so I guess I'll be making some more soon!



  1. This sounds refreshingly wonderful! I would love to give this a try :)

  2. Sounds good! I sent a friend lemons for Christmas since they are harvested here in winter. It's like having a bit of summer in the dead of winter! Enjoy!

  3. Oh my this sounds so refreshing. I must try this and I just happen to have lemons, although they are not ponderosa lemons. I'm on my way ~ thank you for the inspiration

  4. I'm sure it tastes great

  5. Mmmmm......sounds great! Glad you're putting those lemons to good use.

  6. I suppose you wouldn't have to add ice where you're at: just set it outside for 10 minutes or so. If you're lucky, an icicle will fall from the roof edge into the glass. You could even reach up & break one off if you're in a hurry to drink the lemonade. Using icicles to replace ice-cubes is one more step on the road to self-sufficiency. When life gives you icicles, make lemonade.

  7. I really love the beautiful picture you took. It makes it look even better than it sounds!

  8. Looks delicious. The images look great.

  9. Looks and sounds delicious! It is lemon season in my area now...hmmm.I think I need to go to my neighbors for some!

  10. This sounds delicious - I really want to try this, thanks for the recipe! Photos are amazing - as always!

  11. A wonderful source for vitamin C in mid winter!! Sounds wonderful!

  12. Lemonade is my hubby's favorite! He'd like this any time of year, I'm sure.

  13. Yummy!
    I enjoy a true glass of lemonade anytime. This sounds really good.
    Thank you.

  14. Oh, this makes me wish it was summer! Sounds absolutely fabulous, and all of your photos are so pretty. I now may have to make up a batch of fresh lemonade (I say as I'm drinking my hot chocolate!). haha.

  15. Mmm. I love lemonade. Did you zest the outer part? If so, you should make YUM!:)

  16. Looks delish and would be so great for summer. Stay warm friend!

  17. Yum. The addition of lavender must have added a really nice flavor.

  18. That looks delicious!

  19. Hi Tammy, This sounds WONDERFUL and so refreshing. Lavender is infused in so many foods and drinks! I need to try this. Hope your week is off to a good start.


  20. Tammy, it looks and sounds delicious!.. Thanks for sharing the recipe..Have a great day! Stay Warm!

  21. I'm going to make this this summer when my lavender is in bloom. Delish.

  22. That's so great , thanks for sharing this. I am going to try the recipe for certain, as we grow lots of lavender . Thanks Tammy

  23. oh gosh, that sounds and LOOKS yummy!

  24. Love it, and funnily enough I was considering making vodka lemonade a couple of days ago. Those two lemons in the fruit bowl really need using up :)

  25. Wow, this sounds absolutely amazing!!! I'll have to save this recipe for the summer, though. I'm not much of a fan of cold drinks in the winter. :-)

  26. I'm not a lemonade drinker..but If it has lavender in it...well...that's a different story...I also like the idea of honey it. I will definitely be giving this a try Tammy. Thank you and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  27. Yummmmm......sounds delicious! What a great way to use up some of your lemons.

  28. Do you use a certain kind of lavender, Tammy or will any lavender buds do? I stared and stared at the first photo. My goodness it's really quite professional - like it came from a magazine! Beautiful work.

  29. That sounds absolutely lovely! How refreshing that would be... And I especially love that it even has honey in it :)

  30. That does look pretty good. and that sure is a great way to use up all those lemons..


  31. Oh I need to some lemonade ASAP! Looks so thirst quenching and refreshing.

  32. That looks so good and I agree with a hot or spicy meal. Very refreshing , I could just take a sip right now.
    Thank you for the recipe.

  33. I would have never thought of mixing lavender and lemons -- sounds great!

  34. I love lemonades but have never considered them as a winter drink. Now you have me wanting to have some lemonade because this not only sounds but looks delicious. Hope you're having a great week!

  35. that sounds great! and delicious! i love lemonade but have never tried it with lavender.
    thanks for sharing the recipe.

    big hugs


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