
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Kitten Antics

If you've ever had a kitten, you know how funny they are. Gizmo is pretty much a constant source of entertainment for us around here. He's always doing something to make us laugh and I often find myself calling for David to come look at what Gizmo is up to now.

One thing that cracks us up the most is how he likes to relax. Last night I was doing some work on the computer and looked down to see Gizmo like this.

He stayed that way for a while! I thought he was just being goofy, but apparently it was comfortable. He really likes to stretch out and relax. Sometimes he gets so relaxed he eventually falls asleep.

Of course with Gizmo being a kitten, it's not all relaxation. One of his favorite things to do is jump on top of Jasper when he's taking it easy and minding his own business. They wrestle around for a while then the chase ensues. Jasper is much older (around 8 or 9 years old) so he will only put up with Gizmo for a short while before he's finished playing and runs to a place where Gizmo can't reach him.

Often times this chase will happen in the middle of the night and they love to run across the bed using us as launching pads. We haven't had a night of uninterrupted sleep in quite a while!

Brotherly love.

I also have to be very careful when I'm taking my food photos. I've learned to take my business elsewhere and shut the door so I'm not disturbed by an always hungry and curious Gizmo.

I'm sure he will settle down eventually. I'm trying to enjoy these days because in time he will not be a kitten anymore and I'll miss these days of crazy Gizmo. But I don't think Jasper will miss them one bit!



  1. Too cute! I love the pic of sleeping Jaspar with playful Gizmo on top of him.

  2. Oh my word! They're adorable!!! :-)

  3. We kept one of those kitties that we rescued and Kenzie called her speedy Gonzales because he is so fast I call him GONZO for short LOL But Jelly bean looks at me like REALLY …YOU BRING him here LOL. This morning she just stared at him . I think she will be like Jasper and not miss this stage at all LOL … HUGS and blessings for a great new week

  4. I know someone who had such a funny kitten, he'd wait and when her dog went by, jumped on him, hahaha, it was hysterical. But it didn't take long at all for him to settle down, and I sure missed him jumping around being funny. :) I laughed at your pictures.

  5. Aww, he's too cute! You can tell he's looking for adventure :)

  6. Our kids (and maybe even myself as a child) all had the little golden book, "Kittens Are Like That." Gizmo reminds me of that book! We also have "Puppies Are Like That".. our McGee is coming up on his 6th birthday, and while there are many rewards of a dog who has reached maturity, I kind of miss the puppy in him!

  7. ha ha - that's so funny! Oh boy does he remind me of Jackson. Jack will be 3 in March and he still acts that way so you've got some years before he'll lose the playfulness {and years before you'll get a good night's sleep again!} :-)

  8. Awww, I do wish I could have a kitty. I am wicked allergic, so I visit with other people's - until I start to sneeze LOL.

  9. Now we know where the fur in the peanut-butter cookies comes from. Years ago on Sunday mornings I would always get this big bag of greasy fresh-made donuts from a real little cafe bakery across the street from the biggest horse-chestnut tree ever. You'd take them away in a wax-paper bag, which, despite the wax, would soak up much of the oils. If you didn't pick them up carefully, they'd fall to bits when hot. Well one cat really loved to eat them and looked forward on Sunday morning to chomping some fresh and still warm donuts. So I can see if your cat wants to eat cookies.

  10. He's so cute. I used to have a cat that loved to lie on his back like that.

  11. Adorable and I love the shot of him taking a sniff of the cookies. What a smart kitty!

  12. How cute - looks like he's into "kitty yoga!"

  13. My goodness, Gizmo has grown! And he's growing into such a handsome, albeit mischievous, boy.

  14. Oh, I love your kitties.. So sweet.. Your cookies look good and love the styling.. grin.. xo

  15. adorable kitties. I need and want one so bad. My husband and I disagree on being a cat owner, so we have been cat free for quite a will.

  16. Ahhh Tammy-Gizmo and Jasper are so adorable. I can't imagine having kitties playing in the middle of the night-and darting off the bed to boot. Cute post.

  17. Watch those cookies! These pictures are just adorable, how fun. Hard not to smile when you have that kind of cuteness around :)

  18. Gizmo's kitty antics are adorable. Such a cuttie

  19. Just to cute! The camera absolutely loves him, too!

  20. Kittens do bring such fun to life - love hearing about the crazy things he does. He's a cutie pie. It's been a long time since I have had a kitten - I seem to end up with fully grown cats that need a home. I had a cat named Jasper throughout my children's childhood and he lived for 18 years! Love the shot of Gizmo in the cookies. :) xo

  21. Can you see me smiling.. Because your photos have me smiling. They are adorable.


  22. Cute kitties! What fun you must have with all of them around the house. Gizmo wants some of you yummy cookies. Cute photos, have a happy day!

  23. They are so cute! It is so much fun to have a young kitty in the house. Our one year old kitten Guy is so much fun!

  24. Oh my goodness what adorable pictures and tales of a kitty with big personality! Love the sniffing of the cookies.

    Wishing you a lovely day.

  25. So cute Tammy:) I love those little pink noses and paw pads. Kittens are inquisitive and have such a silly sense of humor. I don't have a cat at the moment, but I can remember the days when I did and all the antics.. they DO have a mind of their own! xxleslie

  26. I love how playful they are as kittens. My two would play "take down" in the middle of the night. Winston still gets the cat crazies and runs like a crazy cat.

  27. What a cute character he is! I love the shot of your cookies in the tin too, yum!

  28. What an adorable and curious little kitten you have. His name suits him well.

  29. Ha. I love it. We have a 1 year old and a 4 year old kitten/cat. :-) They are so funny. Our 1 year old, B, he likes to stretch out, tummy up in the air. Max our 4 year old cat, he only sleeps curled tight in a ball. Fun! I just love Gizmo!

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  31. Gizmo is totally at home sleeping on big brother!! Love it when they are belly up!! Means a very happy kitty or pooch!

  32. Oh they are so cute, Beautiful shot! x

  33. For the safety of any other animals you may have, you should keep your kitten quarantined until after they have been vet checked and certified healthy.Get More Info


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