
Friday, January 10, 2014

Feathered Friend Friday: Switcheroo

Welcome to our "Feathered Friend Friday" series. Each Friday I write a post with interesting facts, photos, or funny stories about our chickens and guineas. If you need to catch up, you'll find all the Feathered Friend Friday posts here

Since we were hit with temperatures way below normal earlier this week, we had to figure out how to keep all the animals safe and as warm as possible. We performed a few housing switcheroos with Duchess and Baby staying in the garage, Emma hanging out in the guest room, and our sweet Roosty Roo taking up residence in the guest bathroom.

We kept the chickens tucked away in their coop for a couple days while it was really bad (they didn't want to come out anyway) so we knew we had to separate Cam and Roosty. Cam is our head rooster and he does okay with Roosty as long as they have space, but when they are enclosed together Cam bullies Roosty and chases him into a corner where Roosty cowers in fear.

(FYI - Roosty was a "pullet" we got at the feed store several years ago, but he turned out to be a boy. I couldn't part with him, so we just incorporated him into our main flock and got some more hens so that he and Cam wouldn't fight so bad. This was before we let Ellie hatch out her chicks last spring and got four boys out of the five chicks. These four roosters are in their own free-ranging flock because six roosters together would be way too many).

We didn't want Roosty to have to go through the emotional trauma of hiding from Cam for several days, so we brought him into our guest bathroom. It works really well because we have a corner shower enclosure and we put pine shavings on the floor just like in the chicken coop. When it's time to clean up, we just remove the shavings and hose the shower down. It's actually the perfect setup!

The morning after we brought Roosty inside, we were awakened by his crowing at dawn. It's a little shocking to wake up to a rooster crowing inside your house, but he is the perfect alarm clock because he goes off every few minutes and we can't hit the snooze button on him. A while back our hen, Liliana, was staying in here while recuperating from an injury, and I remember being startled by her "egg song" after she laid her egg each day. The cats went a little crazy, too!

All in all, we had a total of five cats, one dog, and one rooster in the house earlier this week. It was a little crazy, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm living my childhood dream!



  1. laughing at your shower chicken coop! but it makes a great one!

  2. That is wild! I love the image of the rooster crowing inside of the house! He looks quite cozy.

  3. awwww, looks like Roosty has a good temporary home! haha!

  4. These stories always..and I mean always put the biggest smile on my face! You two are brilliant!

  5. Cock-a-doodle-dooooo! You could always put a towel over the window if the crowing was a bit much. I would've gone nuts in one day of that; there were chickens on the farm I once had, but no roosters and they had their own insulated buildings. They were Little Red Hens, like the Little Golden least I think I recall a book like that when a child.

  6. I didn't even think about bringing them all inside! Don't know where I would put all 29 of them anyway. I think they kept each other warm enough. Very funny post!

  7. You have very lucky animals Tammy!! I did put a heat lamp in my coop but I am sure Rod Stewart would have loved to come in the house....he thinks he is King of castle As your posts!!

  8. Love your photos of Roosty. Looks like you've found a good way to keep him warm during your cold snap.

  9. what great photos, and a great solution to a problem! Roosty might never want to leave :)

  10. I am glad we aren't the only farm that does things like this ! lol

  11. You do what you have to! The weather was so cold!!

  12. I'm just wondering how you're going to persuade Roosty to leave, lol. It's so good to see people who truly love their non-human companions!

  13. Awww, I love that you brought them inside and were careful to keep their specific needs in mind :)

  14. I'm sure that Roosty appreciated his warm accommodations for a few days. He had it better than Cam did!
    Kathi at Oak Hill Homestead

  15. Haha! That's great. When I saw how big his comb and wattles are, the first thing I thought of is how quickly frostbite would set in and ruin them. You are willing to do what others wouldn't. :-)

  16. It is so great that you had an extra shower to make the temporary home. I can only imagine waking to the crowing..priceless!

  17. Great pictures Tammy! I'm glad you are doing the old switcheroo to protect our fine feathered friends:) They have such a good home.

    Have a nice weekend!


  18. LOVE the pics of this handsome guy! I also love that you take such good care of your friends! What a happy family!

  19. I love the photos. My favorite is the one in the shower. You have to enter that one in a contest. It is so fun!
    It is warming up here ~ Yay!
    Have a great weekend.

  20. Tammy, you guys are the best, love what you have done for them.

  21. I had to laugh over your rooster in the shower!

  22. What a fun few days y'all had. Your feathered friends are lucky to have a home with you.

  23. Glad everybody survived the brutal weather! I wondered what the rest of the animals thought! lol..

  24. This is hilarious! And I didn't realize your cat total was 5. Wow!

  25. Cam the bully, that's too funny. That does look like a comfortable set up he has there in the bathroom and I'm sure he enjoyed it. I don't know what I would do with a personal alarm clock like that indoors. I love hitting my snooze. :)

    P.S I didn't think Madison would recognize your blog with the new design but she saw the rooster and said "kitty". Have a great weekend my friend!

  26. I am glad things worked out and everyone had their "own space". The shower coop is really funny, but it works. Have a happy weekend!

  27. I love your compassion and that you kept them all safe and warm :)

  28. You are such a good mama to all your babies, fur and feathered. Love the idea of the shower coop and that the clean up was an easy one. Glad that polar vortex thingy moved on :) have a great weekend.

  29. Aww, I bet Roosty didn't mind the cold weather a bit. Looks like he had the perfect set up. :) Very sweet post, Tammy. :)

  30. You always do such a great job with your chicks...

  31. I enjoyed reading your post this afternoon. I LOVE reading about your chickens and Roosters. Very cool that you can bring them in when you need to.


  32. That's hilarious. You had a rooster in your shower! It was cold and even our Newf with his two fur coats wanted in the house. And the ladies hung out in their coop too not wanting to venture out.

  33. God bless your heart. That was very nice.

  34. ha ha - that's the most adorable thing ever!! We used to move our broody hens into my craft room when it was just about time for the chicks to hatch so the others wouldn't harm them. My girls would only hatch in winter.......not too convenient for us. :) It's such a nice thing, having them as guests for a little while, isn't it? I bet Roosty was confused but pleased with his new home.

  35. That's quite a fancy coop there, kinda like staying in a 5 star hotel :)


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