
Friday, January 17, 2014

Feathered Friend Friday: Good Morning Chickies

Welcome to our "Feathered Friend Friday" series. Each Friday I write a post with interesting facts, photos, or funny stories about our chickens and guineas. If you need to catch up, you'll find all the Feathered Friend Friday posts here

I just love my morning routine. The best part of it is when I get to let the chickens out for the day. I can hear them grumbling and complaining as I reach the coop because they don't like to be locked up for even one minute after the first light.

When I open up the big coop door, I get out of the way lest I'm trampled by the eager hens waiting impatiently just on the other side. The sight of my happy chickens makes me so happy that I can't help but greet them with a joyful "good morning."

The chickens can't wait to come out, and the guineas can't wait to get in and eat some of their food. And yes, that is Emma at the end of the video! She sleeps in the chicken coop each night now. Adding to my belief that she truly thinks she is a chicken herself.

Some mornings I have special treats for the chickens, and this morning it was the remnants of a spaghetti squash from our dinner last night (check back next week for the recipe!). I thought they'd enjoy pecking and pulling at the last remaining strands of squash, and I was right.

Of course I couldn't leave out Duchess. I always save my peanut butter jars when I'm done with them so she can lick out the last bits at the bottom that I couldn't get to. A dog with peanut butter is a happy dog!

We've been keeping chickens for over four years now, so this has been my morning routine for quite a while. I wouldn't have it any other way!



  1. how very cute. i like your coop kitty. :)

  2. I don't think this post could have any more cuteness in it than it does already! The noise of the chickens in the morning is so joyful and happy... loved watching them pour out of the coop. And it's beyond cute that your kitty sleeps with the chickens and pretends to be one as well.

    Also, what type of dog is Duchess? I have a yorkie/maltese mix who is only 15 lbs., but my dog looks like a mini-Duchess! Wondering if your pooch is a form of terrier.

  3. Wondeful pictures of animals
    Beautiful friendship cat and chickens
    Have a nice weekend :)

  4. Cute photos and I loved the video! Looked like chicken rush hour.

  5. I love your posts! The chickens are precious but Emma thinking she is a chicken is!!!
    I can always come to your blog and smile....thanks for sharing!!

  6. Yes, I agree - any dog with some peanut butter is a happy one. I loved all the pictures of your animals :)

  7. Our dogs love getting the peanut butter jars too!

  8. Emma the chicken-kitty is too funny! Love the video of the happy chickens running outside! :)

  9. haha i give ozzy our left over peanut butter jars too. amazing how clean they can get them isn't it?!! have a great weekend, loved the photos :)

  10. Oh I love the video, I can't believe Emma thinks she's a chicken too. lol as for Duchess he looks so happy with his peanut butter. Hope you'll have a great weekend!

  11. The other day I stumbled across your site with your photos for sale. I love that photo with Emma and your chickens. SHE is the cutest sweetest thing. I love that she is one with them. AWE and the picture of Dutchess that is one pup. I love your morning routine. I long for something like that. I am dreaming big . NOW if i could find a farm in the back yard and a beach in the front. I think that would be a slice of heaven for me LOL . Hugs and have a blessed weekend my friend.

  12. Isn't that a great way to start each day. When they all come out and they're doing their chicken talk it just makes me smile. I always have to stop and pick up and pet my rooster Biscuit. He struts around at my feet every morning until I do. I love my chickens!

  13. Love the little video! Just made me smile. I was surprised to see Emma come out of the coop. yes she must think she is a chicken. Cute picture of Duchess cleaning out the peanut butter jar.

  14. I looked for a Feathered Friend Friday post earlier, but didn't see one. I had been thinking how you could do with another type of bird as addition for the farm. Maybe an emu, is what came to mind. They are not as dangerous as ostriches; and although you can't put a saddle on their backs, I thought about a howdah like they have in India for elephants. It would be a nice change for Emma from the porch or the chicken coop, riding on an emu's back. Imagine the omelettes you could get from just one egg too. Still, I'm not sure she thinks she's a chicken so much as just trying to hatch her own kitten egg. There's no better place to try than a coop.

  15. Aw , you made me smile ! :)) Love hearing you say" good morning" in the clip too lol

  16. Very nice, thanks for sharing, the cat is so funny sleeping in there with them!

  17. Such a cute video, can't believe you have a cat that sleeps and drinks water with the chickens. Great idea about the peanut butter jar. We always buy the trader joes brand and the jars are plastic. Our chocolate lab would just love that, she adores peanut butter.

  18. I love it. Thank you for sharing your happy mornings. :-)

  19. I am so happy that I am not alone in telling my chickens "Good Morning"! And as far as Emma, that is so awesome. I just love her!

  20. It must be bliss to have this feeling of loving and caring:)

  21. Chickens, Emma, and Duchess -- priceless pictures. love them

  22. I love it and have a nice weekend!

  23. Tammy, your chickens, Emma and Duchess are all adorable. I think it is funny that Emma thinks she is a chicken, so cute. A wonderful post, have a happy weekend!

  24. What a funny kitty cat! :) Cute dog.

  25. always great to see your chickens, tammy! what adorable shots!

    have a great weekend!

  26. Even if you're having a bad morning, isn't the chicken greeting the best thing ever? I love it. I think the fact that Emma is with them so much is one of the cutest things ever. She is the queen of the coop. :) The photo of Duchess with the peanut butter jar is adorable. Ours love peanut butter too.

  27. It cracks me up in the video when Emma unexpectedly jumps out at the end!! I didn't see that coming :) it's so neat how she sleeps in there with them and protects them.

  28. Great video! I love how it goes chicken*chicken*chicken*cat*chicken*chicken. Too funny!

  29. hahahaha, Emma thought it was time to get up too...she can't miss out, you know!! Hhahahahaha Awesome. :)

  30. Emma is such a pretty tortie! It makes me smile to think that she likes to sleep with the chickens. She's smart, I bet it's warm in there. :-)

  31. What a wonderful way to start your day! They are so happy to get out there and stretch! Peanut butter is very comforting, enjoy Duchess!

  32. I love that Emma thinks she belongs in the chicken coop! Our dogs love peanut butter so much. When Buffett had his ACL fixed this summer, we went through a Costco sized jar of peanut butter giving him his pills twice a day. Plus Henley had to have his sympathy spoonful as well. Two dogs, two scoops of peanut butter twice a day for a month...good thing they had their own jar.

  33. I love that Emma sleeps in the coop! I think I would like your morning routine, too :-)

  34. That's too funny, Emma thinks she is a chicken, seems that she loves the chickens! I do everything I can to keep our cats of the coop. When we let the chickens out they will chase them but other than that they don't hurt them! :-)

    I love your pictures!

  35. What a wonderful shot of Emma drinking with hen!! At least she can help protect the chickens from rats and mice and hopefully snakes!

  36. That picture of the cat drinking alongside.....priceless! I love heading out in your barnyard. :)

  37. Great post oh I love those Chickens , Emma and cute Dog..never tried mine on peanut butter.
    Enjoy your lovely moments xx

  38. Okay, we came here this morning because my daughter wants to get a whole bunch of farm animals (we live in a condo so that wouldn't fly so well). Anyway we've watched the video a few times now because she thinks Emma is hilarious (she loves that Emma sleeps in the coop). Anyway you have a new blog follower... she's 6 years old and inner name is Grace ;)

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