
Friday, January 3, 2014

Feathered Friend Friday: Dreaming Of Summer

Welcome to our "Feathered Friend Friday" series. Each Friday I write a post with interesting facts, photos, or funny stories about our chickens and guineas. If you need to catch up, you'll find all the Feathered Friend Friday posts here  

As I've heard on the news lately, many of us are currently experiencing bone chilling cold and lots of snow. Thankfully, we don't have tons of snow, but it is a lot colder here than normal. Our forecast has low temperatures below zero for the next upcoming days. I am not built for this kind of weather! The bitter cold has David and me dreaming of living in a region where we can have a garden year round and the temperatures rarely dip to the freezing mark. I do believe the chickens are dreaming of this as well!

For now we are all stuck in the frigid zone, but to transport me to warmer days I thought I would revisit some of my favorite summertime shots of my flock. Perhaps it will warm your bones as well to see some bright green and flowers.

Ahhhh, doesn't that feel nice? One thing I miss the most about summer is all the vivid colors. I just feel instantly energized and inspired when I see beautiful flowers and a vast array of colors. Add in some free ranging chickens with their fluffy butts to the landscape and that is my heaven.

Are you dreaming of summer lately or do you like the cold, snowy weather?


Shared with Maple Hill Hop 


  1. Yup, we are one of those people with the snow & bone chilling cold, but hey - it comes with the territory I suppose. The boys are I are sitting here dreaming of the beach......

  2. Well I am dreaming of summer now:) It is extremely cold now and even the beautiful snow and snowshoes are not making me want to go outside. Love your photos yes I am dreaming. Hug B

  3. I feel the exact same way!! I have always loved spring/summer and never been a big fan of chilling winter. I love to be outside barefoot in the beautiful green grass and flowers! I have been looking through my summer/spring pics too, dreaming of warmer times. It is supposed to get down to 2 degrees here tonight, and the high tomorrow I think is like 14. Bla!!

  4. love your beautiful chickens!
    i always enjoy seeing your photos,tammy.

    i don't think i'm dreaming of summer as it is not too cold here.

    big hugs!

  5. That is exactly why I love living in Nevada. We experience it all in the course of the year. The winters are also mild. I often dream of living someplace else though, because we don't get enough moisture/rainfall in the course of the year. I rather enjoy the snow (not so much the frigid temps) and its simple beauty though.

    Looking forward to more stories about the flock... makes me laugh when I see things in mine that happen in yours as well

  6. Tammy, I love your cute chickens! Your lovely photos have me longing for spring, I hope it comes early. Have a happy weekend!

  7. Such pretty shots. Right now I'm dreaming of winter - we're having unusually warm and grey days over here!

  8. Aw that was great ! I was happy about all the snow we got til I got a glimpse of Summer again lol.
    We just got hit with a blizzard 16 inches of snow ~ have been having fun taking pictures , but the chickens are as mad as old wet hens ;)

  9. I am definitely dreaming of the summer! :-)

  10. Looks like I'm not the only one with a case of winter blues.

  11. I like the cold, snowy weather. Sadly Oregon has been having an unusually dry fall and winter so far. Not much snow in the mountains for skiing! Boo! Take care and keep those chickens warm. :)

  12. You certainly have extremes in your climate, we are quite temperate, so not to hot and not to cold! I'm not sure I could live with snow, I like it on the mountain tops where I can look at it and feel the chill in the wind and that's it! Hope your chooks are snuggling up and keeping warm. I won't tell you what the weather's like today! Have a wonderful 2014 Tammy, before you know it'll be spring! Sx

  13. I kind of like the cold right now and I love snow--but partly because we don't get much of it down here! I did feel bad for the chickens this morning as it was awfully chilly!

  14. I miss summer. Great pictures, they did make me feel warmer, if only in my imagination!

  15. Well, I'm dreaming of winter myself. It's sunny & over 60'F each day and barely 32' at night. That's not winter. I've got to get to the NORTH this year sometime. I fear I'll have to suffer another summer here; but at the end of it, I hope to do the opposite of most birds and fly north. I come from cold climates so imagine how horrid it is to see one day of snow this past year. The cold only makes me stronger, but the heat is very draining.
    But for your chickens, I suggest the possibility of little quilted coats, similar to what people put on their miniature poodles. They will stay warm then.

  16. Haha! Fluffy butts is such a funny term but oh, so accurate when talking about healthy chickens. :-) I love the cold weather (have lots of padding to keep me warm), but seeing those photos does make a person yearn for greener days.

  17. To garden & grow year round, to leave windows open & hear birds sing... It sure would be wonderful!!
    It's been a cold, cold winter so far. I can only remember about 4 days that have gotten above zero in the past month or so!

  18. That was such a breath of fresh air. Love these photos, they make me long for summer.. I can't wait..


  19. You'd like winter here, but probably not summer. That's when WE hibernate because of temperatures. It's been dreary here the past few days and cold today, so it was wonderful to see your sunny posts. Now, go make that hot cocoa!

  20. Well, I enjoy summer a lot, but it is so very busy with our teenage sports minded kids. Winter is the time to relax a bit. But, I am not enjoying the bitter cold at all.

  21. Hi,
    I do love to cross country ski. So that is why I love winter. But this winter has been awful cold for us in Wisconsin. :-( too cold to ski.

  22. I love seasons! It makes me appreciate that which we have. My fave is when the seasons change...getting out rainboots, to flipflops to sweaters to boots. I think if everything was the same, I wouldn't appreciate what we have as much. But I dislike below zero. Boo.

  23. Thanks Tammy! That is just what I needed to see!

  24. I love those fluffy chicken butts, I had them when I was growing up. As for winter I really enjoy it because of all of the months of triple digits we have here! Stay warm.

  25. Your pics do make me dream of warmer days and all the colors of Spring and Summer too. We woke up to a bone chilling 5 degrees....yikes and is supposed to dip into the negatives by Sunday night and Monday... I love snow but I hate this freezing temps... Yes, I am ready to dig in the dirt myself!! Stay warm and Blessings!

  26. I would mind the winter if we were having cold temperatures like you are. Below zero is well below my tolerance zone. I love the diversity in your flock.

  27. It is bone chilling cold here and I am so dreaming of summer. Those fluffy butts warmed my heart!

  28. I don't mind the cold so much as I mind thevwild temperature swings. 50's today but teens and 20's for the weekend. Not right. But of course it will be cold because I am off of work.

  29. Lovely chicken! I see that they are really friend for you. Your blog is so interesting. Thank you for sharing

  30. Bless you; fluffy chicken butt and green grass was just what I needed to help me prepare for the frigid weather and mountains of snow to come.

  31. I live in a tropical country,so I experience summer all the time. And I'm here wishing for snow. Haha. Happy New year.

  32. You have the healthiest chickens and being where you live, I understand your desire for warmer days!! BUT - here in GA, we need this cold. We're getting down into the 20s and barely hitting the 30's. After the mild winter last year we had a terrible abundance of spiders and other bugs!! We need this cold to kill the bugs and bug eggs!!
    Stay snug and stay safe!!

  33. i love these summer shots...i'm ready!!

  34. DREAMING of SUMMER Tammy so thank you for these pics! Brings me right back! We had an insane snowstorm here in Southern New Hampshire - 2 snowdays for the kids and woke to -12 temps. Safe to say there isn't a lot of sledding or 'snow much fun' here. Staying toasty inside! Oh and congrats that your posts have been shared on that website! Very very VERY exciting indeed!

  35. I'm always a summer gal and we've got a big storm coming again, right on the back of the last one we just got over. I just hope we keep the power. :)

  36. Belas fotografias...Espectacular....

  37. I've been sending warm and cozy thoughts out to everyone is cold climates. What do you do with the chickens in the winter?

  38. We're in between some pretty violent storms here, but I'm dreaming of a thick blanket of snow. Sigh.
    Janie x

  39. Love this! Nice to know that I'm not the only one dreaming of summer or at least late spring. I hate winters, love looking at snow falling but hate when its all slushy and brown. Hope you're having a great New Year!

  40. Love seeing those fluffy butts in the beautiful summer flowers! We are having a mild winter here in Washington state, so far..... but it does get cold at night - into the 20's here in the mountains. I try to enjoy each season for its own beauty and right now I am enjoying the lovely bare trees and tawny grasses. We rarely have snow here in Western Washington - a dusting now and again - and we can garden year round - maybe a place you might be interested in? Of course, now that I said that, we will be sure to have a huge snow storm! :) xo Karen

  41. Love the pictures...all your beauties look like they are having the best time! We don't get cold weather here...I couldn't handle it I'm afraid...its 70 and I have a hoodie on over my Tshirt! We did get some hail a few weeks ago...but snow only come to the mountains near my house...wish we had more rain though! Have a wonderful day...stay warm!!

  42. The bad...sub-zero temps, lots of shoveling, extra animal tending and frozen fingers and toes (and combs!) The good...the stillness, the quiet and when I wasn't outside, staying in my sweats on the couch all day with a dog keeping my toes warm. I got lots of computer work done - I can never stay still that long in the summer! Those great pics remind me that I am definitely a summer girl :-)

  43. Hee hee-your girls are too cute-I can't imagine the conditions people are experiencing. But yes-I'm dreaming of spring and all the renewal that comes with it. These photos DO energize you-amazing how powerful color is. Xo

  44. So very cute!

    I am dreaming of spring and summer... and we still have at least 3 1/2 - 4 more months of winter.

    Stay warm my friend.

  45. It's so nice to take a look at your girls. I am looking forward to spring and warmer weather with hopes of starting a small brood again.

  46. What beautiful pictures! I can completely understand how you would yearn for those days. Here in SoCal, we are yearning for our winter weather... it's been a very warm and dry season so far, and nothing has turned green and lush as it usually is by now :-( but summer nights outside do sound amazing...

  47. Thanks for sharing such lovely warm photos! Your dream sounds like our dream. Someplace mild enough to garden year round and not have to deal with bone chilling cold. (The Oregon coast and surrounding area fits the bill!) Here in Ellensburg, we've had awful cold, but zero snow. The lack of snow is so, so unusual for us that I worry about the impending water shortage this summer and what it will mean in terms of forest fires and the local hay farmers. It can't be good!

    Thank you so much, dear Tammy for your unwavering support and here's wishing you the best of everything in 2014!

  48. I'm hoping you, the hubby, the chicks, the dog, the hens, and the cats are staying warm. Happy New year.

  49. Oh gosh, these pictures make me yearn for Spring and Summer. This arctic chill needs to go away!

  50. Hi Tammy,

    Stopping in to say hi! Love seeing all your sweeties!


  51. Great idea! Love the pics. My flock would do anything for a summer day right now. I do enjoy winter - just not the ice. I can handle snow and I can handle cold, I'm not a fan of slipping and sliding. :)

  52. Yes those shots are amazing , gives you a warm glow. Spring what a wonderful thought , when it does arrive I think I will treasure every moment.

  53. Love the 4th picture, reminds me of a bottled shape gourd. You are blessed.


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