
Friday, January 31, 2014

Feathered Friend Friday: Cam The Protector

Welcome to our "Feathered Friend Friday" series. Each Friday I write a post with facts, photos, or stories about our chickens and guineas. If you need to catch up, you'll find all the FFF posts here.

Shortly after moving to our homestead, we decided to get a rooster for our flock. We lived in the city before so only had hens, but being out in the country we wanted a rooster for flock protection and also just because we could! In my opinion, a crowing rooster really makes a homestead so much better.

David teaches music at a rural school with a lot of farm families, so one day he asked his students if anyone had a rooster for sale. The following day, a student brought a young Barred Rock cockerel to school in a pet carrier and he spent all day with David and the kids in the classroom. David brought him home to me that night, and so my love of roosters began.

I know some people have had bad luck with mean roosters, but I'm pleased to say all of my boys are good as long as I know my place and keep my distance. I learned this after Cam began to show signs of aggression towards me when he was about a year old. Anytime I got too close, he would peck at my legs - and peck hard! I learned to respectfully keep my distance, and he has been a gentleman ever since. 

I quickly learned his vocalizations, and can tell if he's calling the girls over for treats or warning them to run for cover because he spots a hawk overhead. It is quite amazing to see him in action and observe how the hens listen to him and respect his command.

He's not a cuddly boy, but that's ok because he is busy taking care of his girls. It works best if I just stand back and let him do the job he was born to do. And he does a great job of protecting the flock. I can safely say we will always have at least one rooster in our flock, and hopefully Cam will be doing his job for many years to come.



  1. I love my rooster also! They really do take care of the girls. I gave my first rooster away because he was too big and was hurting the girls and I thought about not having a rooster. But the girls started being very mean to each other until I got Rod Stewart. Now it seems that everyone is happy. Love your blog! Have a great day!!

  2. He sure is a beauty!! Glad he is such a great protector to the girls!

  3. Love the picture of him in the doorway! Be glad he is a nice rooster. My daughter can't go into her grandmother's barn until we make sure the mean rooster is in the coop! She always remembers because she saw him attack grandma once.

  4. I love it! 'Let the rooster do what he was born to do'. I like letting animals use their natural instincts. And that you respect Cam and his roosterness. It's really neat to watch a good rooster in action taking care of his girls. :-)

  5. Nice looking rooster!
    We have had some meanies and we have had some gentlemen.
    Buffs have been my favorite :)

  6. i love how they truly do take care of their hens. :)

  7. What a handsome rooster. He has a nice tip on the head.
    He really is beautiful and so proud.
    Greetings from a cold Poland :)

  8. Gosh, he's awesome!!!
    How lucky the girls are to have him around!

    diane @ thoughts and shots

  9. Tammy, what a gorgeous photo of this beautiful rooster! TFS

  10. Beautiful rooster. And a nice story too.

  11. Such a striking fellow. I would have a rooster if I had no neighbours. Maybe one day

  12. He's so handsome and that's hilarious that the student brought the pet into school with him like that. I love it :)

  13. Our first rooster was naughty and took to charging me and the boys. He became dinner. But our next rooster was much better.

  14. Love your story! He is beautiful and as you said, best admired from a distance!

  15. Cam is so handsome. I love the Barred Rock breed.
    Your story is great, well done sharing it. :-)

  16. What lucky girls to spend their days with such a beauty!

  17. What does the warning for the hawk sound like? BOCK! Bock, bock-ba-CAW! Bock, bock, bock,bock,BA-CAW! Something like that? I can actually talk rooster to an extent, and hens really pay attention when I do. One day if I were to visit your neck of the woods, I'll demonstrate the technique. I can talk cat fluently and a limited amount of dog (most of it is coyote actually; but other canines understand it). If you get ducks, I do an excellent duck-call. Geese are another matter—too nasal. I'm glad you can comprehend the language of that rooster. Most people have no clue about animal talk at all.

  18. "a crowing rooster really makes a homestead so much better" SO TRUE. I have such fond memories of waking up to the sound of a crowing rooster on my papaw's farm when I was little. Cam looks like a king!!

  19. I can't imagine not having a rooster, I truly love to hear their crowing and they do take good care of the hens. My Buff Orpington rooster was challenging me for awhile but we had a 'discussion' and now he keeps away from me! LOL!!

  20. I had no idea roosters behaved that way! I'm impressed with the job Cam does!

  21. I grew up with lots of animals and always had pet roosters. One used to follow me every where even into the house(mom didn't appreciate it)

  22. He's a good looking boy (I miss my Roo)!

  23. What a handsome boy! So glad he has a home with you.

  24. awww, a sweet story. Cam should be David's rooster, I'm sure they bonded at school that first day.

  25. I am so happy your Cam taking care of your girls. He is handsome! I can hear my neighbor's rooster crowing sometimes. I like hearing the rooster crow. Great post, have a happy weekend!

  26. So handsome!! I do love both photo's of him :)

  27. This is such a beautiful story, I love the sound of a rooster crowing, it does make a homestead so much better.

  28. Such a cute rooster. I am rather 'chicken' and send OH in to get the eggs at his parents chicken coop.

  29. Such a cute rooster. I am rather 'chicken' and send OH in to get the eggs at his parents chicken coop.

  30. Sounds like he is doing a great job.

  31. Thats what roosters were born to do! Protect, procreate, and provide. Good job Cam!

  32. He's such a handsome guy! I do think it helps tremendously if they are free-range. They have a little more space to call their own. Our beloved rooster became aggressive toward me and would eventually come at me with his spurs. He was doing his job - I can't blame him. Beautiful photos. :)

  33. What a handsome chap he is also..such a brilliant idea that is indeed a good job he does there. :)

  34. Handsome gentleman. We had a rooster at one time. He was actually really nice which was a little shocking for us. We had to give him back because we can't have them in our city. The lady we bought him from was happy to get him back because she had a lady for him. It all worked.

  35. Oh he is so handsome those are the kind I love Barred Rock. If he is not mean and keeps the girls safe and happy that is all you need.Hug B

  36. Beautiful pics of your handsome rooster, Tammy! My Barred Rock girls are pretty mean, so I'm not surprised that he's a pecker. LOL. I wish we could have roosters here in the city!

  37. Very nice pics of him, and I laughed about a student bringing him to school all day. That's just cool, Tammy!! :)

    Looks like he got lucky, and so did you guys!

  38. Cam looks like my King Helgar's twin brother! Handsome one, that Cam. I'm always amazed at how the girls listen to his calls. He is truly the guardian of our flock.

  39. He is a very handsome boy! We're getting a new rooster this spring, I miss have one around (as I'm my girls do too!)
    Janie x

  40. We had chickens and a rooster as a kid... so this one brought back some memories!

  41. As long as there is resect from both sides!!
    He is a pretty rooster and looks very healthy.

  42. A nice rooster. Glad you know how to abide by each other.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  43. Our Plymouth (or barred) Rock rooster is a bit of a whoos. But he keeps the ladies busy as a good rooster should. Cam is a beautiful boy. :)

  44. What a handsome guy he is! I only have girls thought about a rooster but not so sure about the fertilized egg thing....

  45. What adorable shots.

  46. They do take care of the hens, but I have seen them attack humans before. II would also keep my distance and let them do their job.
    Great shots of your little guy.

  47. you answered one of the questions I chickens show affection? I see your boy doesn't...but If I had chickens I wold want to love on them...and them love on me a dog...or cat! I'm such a nerd!

  48. I tried commenting the other day, but I don't think it was a success. (slow internet here lately!)
    I loved your first rooster / classroom rooster story!

  49. I love the second picture of him. He looks like he is calling out to the girls.

  50. Cam is so handsome!!! And obviously taking her job very seriously. We used to have chooks at home in Singapore including one very mean rooster. I never went near him but he would attack me every time I tried to walk out the front gate!

  51. Cam is really beautiful :-)

  52. As usual, your rooster portraits are so good.


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