
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Homemade Living: Personalized Christmas Wreath

Several years ago I bought a big wreath at a church yard sale for only $1. I wasn't sure about it at first because it was just a basic green wreath, but I'm so glad I picked it up because I have used it each year since. It works great as a base to add embellishments to make it my own and add interest. And I can change it up each year, so it's like having a brand new wreath.

I have the ever growing feather collection (especially this time of year when the chickens and guineas are molting) so this year I decided to use feathers to decorate the wreath. My favorites are the spotted guinea feathers, so I used lots of those. I simply tucked each feather into the branches of the wreath in a random arrangement. They stayed pretty well put, so I didn't worry about securing them tighter.

In addition to the guinea feathers, I also filled the wreath in with some chicken feathers for variety and used some of Buttercup's golden and black feathers. It has been over a year since we lost her and I like to use her feathers wherever I can. It's a sweet way to remember my girl.

I'm so glad I shelled out the big bucks to get this wreath! I know I will use it for years to come. Do you hang a wreath on your front door at Christmas?


PS - This will be my last post in the Homemade Living series. I have decided to take a break for the new year, but I have really enjoyed working with the other ladies in the series and will continue to follow their posts. If you have some time, visit Mary and Jackie today to see what they are posting in the series. Thank you for supporting me and the other bloggers in the Homemade Living series!


  1. I love it!!!

    I don't hang a wreath because I have a homemade sign that my mom made for me, so I hang that instead.

  2. I love what you did with the feathers. It looks really great!

  3. The wreath turned out very pretty. I don't use the wreath I have, but maybe the inspiration will get me decorating it! Mine is also just a plain green wreath - not as large though!

  4. We always have a wreath on the front door. Yours is pretty and what a good idea to change it each year by adding different items.

  5. I love this wreath so much - it's beautiful, natural and one of a kind. What a pretty way to celebrate the season!

  6. I never thought of using feathers in my wreaths before. I don't usually make them this time of year, but make them whenever the mood strikes me at other times. Often use some kind of vines or (when I lived near them) silver-dollar eucalyptus, then weave flowers and berries on stems into it. I try and pick things that will dry well. When I put it on the wall in a room, it's quite aromatic for a long while.

  7. Awww...what a sweet idea! And I love that Buttercup's feathers are incorporated. Yes, we hang wreaths, including on the coop, but now I'll have to incorporate a little bit of the Coop Girls in them. :)

  8. Great idea! I'm going to start thinking more creatively about the bundles of feathers that the geese, ducks, and chickens leave behind. We don't have a wreath on the front door, no reason besides laziness I think.

  9. A wonderful personalized wreath!! Every year you can add different things and make it special for things going on in your lives at the time.

  10. Oh Tammy I LOVE this and it would do very well in any season. Oh I can see me doing that but with my collection of Wild taunting turkey feathers:) Hug B

  11. That is so beautifully unique!

  12. Love the wreath, very creative. Happy Holidays!

  13. Great use of the wreath and the feathers! (And sorry I didn't link you up today, I didn't know you'd be posting. Oops!)

  14. Wreaths are so pretty on the front door. What a deal Tammy and glad to hear it's getting used year after year. I love the feathers!

  15. Great idea!
    Very creative indeed.
    Yes, we hang a wreath up on our garage. Each year we purchase one from the Boy Scouts. It always smells so good when it is delivered. Our garage door is facing North, so the wreath lasts all winter. :-)

  16. That is such a gorgeous wreath, Tammy! I would have never thought feathers would look so pretty in a wreath, but it definitely does. You are sooo creative!

  17. I love your feather wreath, Tammy, and it is so special with your sweet Buttercup's feathers to remember her by. I am a feather collector, too (although it is from wild birds and not chickens) and this is a wonderful idea to use them! I do hang a wreath most years, but this year I chose a little basket to fill with holly and greens. Next year I might use your idea! Hugs xo Karen

  18. I love also your feather wreath, Tammy!

  19. What wonderful way to use your feathers! I have always thought feathers are so decorative. I used to have a wreath and grave blanket business, so I had wreaths galore on everything. This year I just did a balsam swag on the front door. Love the color of your front door!

  20. I think that wreath is fabulous with all your girl's feathers. Very creative use of natures gifts.

  21. I like it because it looks so natural.

  22. Beautifully crafted, in tune with nature:)

  23. Tammy, you wreath looks pretty with the feathers. I like that it is a way for your to keep Buttercups memory alive. Have a happy day!

  24. I really love this wreath. It's original and beautiful and it comes from your heart since it involves som many things precious to you!

  25. Great idea and so creative Tammy, I love it! We also hang a wreath on the door.

  26. What a lovely wreath!

  27. What a clever idea. It gives the wreath a whole new look.

  28. That is gorgeous!!! I love what you did with the wreath. :-)

  29. I recognize those guinea feathers! Great job on adorning the wreath with a personal touch. xo

  30. Looks gorgeous and such a lovely way to remember Buttercup by.
    Have a very happy Christmas and New Year, Tammy!

  31. hahaha I'm laughing about you shelling out the big bucks for your wreath. You just made my day! Stopping by because it will be a while before I do again so wanted to wish you Happy Holidays! Heading on vacation, posts are scheduled so we should be good blog wise. I'll see you again in the New Year. Give Emma a hug from Madison :)

  32. We do have a big wreath that we hang, and it was worth every penny! Yours looks great!

  33. What a wonderful steal this wreath was! I just love it! Also totally love your use of the feathers with it!! perfect! HOpe that your Christmas season is very special

  34. hi tammy, your xmas wreath looks gorgeous!
    how creative you are, my wonderful friend! love it because it looks natural.
    what a great idea!


  35. This looks beautiful and the greenery is so realistic! I would not have guessed. ;-)

  36. Very cool Tammy . I love this concept :))

  37. I love it! The feathers make it fabulous!
    And I'm laughing, because I just commented a while ago about my bicycle tire wreath. ;) Not nearly as front-door worthy as your pretty creation here!

  38. I love the feathers in the wreath! Absolutely awesome!

    Wishing you a lovely day.

  39. I love the Guinea feathers how lovely , you are indeed full of great ideas. x
    Have a lovely day

  40. I have a pitiful wreath that I haven't even pulled out of storage this year. It's great that you have one that you can change up each year. Best wishes, Tammy

  41. That is a fabulous idea and so beautiful!!


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