
Monday, December 23, 2013

Gizmo Love

I haven't done a Gizmo post since back in September, so I thought I'd give a little update on how he's doing.

First of all, as you may see, he's huge! He really has grown so much that when I look back on older photos I'm just blown away. It's hard to remember he was every so tiny as he was here. Since I don't have human kids yet, Gizmo is my little fur baby so it's the closest thing I have to compare to when parents look back at baby photos of their kids and feel a bittersweet nostalgia.

He is about seven months old, so he's starting to get a little bit sweeter and more cuddly. He still loves to play and definitely still is a kitten, but he is showing beginning signs of being slightly more mature. We got him fixed last week and I always hate taking animals in for procedures like that, but thankfully he did just perfect and never seemed to be fazed by it at all.

Poor Fitz is still having a hard time adjusting to him because Gizmo always wants to play and Fitz is a grumpy old man. But I have noticed Fitz being a little more playful from time to time, so I think Gizmo is sort of bringing out the kitten in Fitz again. All in all, welcoming Gizmo into our home has gone much more smoothly than I thought it would. I'm so glad I tricked David into letting me keep him in the house!



  1. he is a handsome boy. glad he did well with the neutering.

  2. In the first picture he really does look huge—but I wish you'd put him on a white blanket with miniature trees and a miniature house next to him, perhaps with a small figure of a person under his paw: then he would have looked truly huge!

  3. What a sweet kitten. He has such a lovely spot on the nose. I can see that he is very friendly.

  4. Awww, Gizmo has gotten so big & he is soooo cute.

  5. He look like he is comfy , cozy being a house cat :))

  6. Gizmo has really grown! And he is such a cutie! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  7. Gizmo is such a cute little kitty. Thanks for the update and the great photos.

  8. Awww.... What an adorable cat!!! :-)

  9. So adorable! I have two cats and can't believe how much they've grown, either. Gizmo is obviously thriving!

  10. He looks very sweet and has such beautiful markings!

  11. ha ha - I take it it wasn't hard to convince David. :) Gizmo is beautiful! He has his "big boy" face now, no longer a kitten. It feels like it happens overnight, doesn't it?

  12. Love me an adorable Gizmo post! I can't believe he's gotten that big Tammy! He is adorable!!!

  13. Such sweet pics of Gizmo!! I love your blog! It always calms me and makes me smile...:)
    Merry Christmas!!

  14. He's so handsome!! And I know I said it before, but I sure love that quilt!

  15. He is pretty. I love cats! Even when you do have "real babies" your pets will still be your "first babies" and you will still include them in family pictures and activities. We always have. They are part of the family and they add to the family fun. We got a new inside puppy after the kids all left home and we called the new dog their little sister.

  16. Nice cat. He has such a sweet face. Thank you for sharing.

  17. We are too. It's been nice to see him grow up into such a handsome boy.

  18. What a sweetie. He is one lucky kitty.

  19. I do love his coloring so much! I am sure he will only continue to get more handsome with age :)

  20. Gizmo is adorable!! And the blog post introducing him is equally adorable. That B&W photo of Gizmo on the window silk is so stickin cute. I'm with you on Fitz. I'm sure Gizmo brings out the pkayful side of Fitz. Merry Christmas my friend.

  21. WOw, somebody is all grown up! Lovely pics.

  22. Ahh seeing posts like this make me want a cat so much, Gizmo is a super cutie!

  23. He's such a sweetie! Love that first pic - that expression seems to say volumes! I can't imagine a life without kitties. They each have their own unique personality. He is a very lucky little cat! xo Karen

  24. We all know that the healthier immune system the less challenges your dogs are likely to face down the road.pupy love

  25. The first thing I thought with the first picture was WOW he got huge! hahahaa Still a beauty though, and I'm here to wish you a Merry Christmas. :)

  26. Wow, he has grown up into a big kitty! It is totally the same with kids...I just saw a friend with her two month old and couldn't believe how light he felt. I didn't remember my daughter ever weighing 7lbs and she weighed 5lbs when she finally came home from the hospital. Have a wonderful Christmas!

  27. Gizmo is such a cutie and so is Emma. Just stopping by to say Merry Christmas Tammy to you and your family. We're on vacation in Canada but I had to visit one of my favorite blogs. I hope you have a wonderful day today!

  28. He is so handsome, gosh what a cutie pie. Whenever we bring a youngster into the family the older pets of ours get a bit grumpy... but they get over it. I think the young ones help keep the older ones young too. Merry Christmas to you guys!

  29. Gizmo is beautiful!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family Tammy!
    Michael :-)

  30. Happy Holidays to you and your family Tammy .
    Sending blessings from our farms to yours.
    Holiday Hugs,

  31. Merry Christmas!
    Gizmo has the same markings of a cat that I once had. He's beautiful :)

  32. Merry Christmas to you, and all your feathered and furry friends. Gizmo included. :)

  33. What a handsome boy! So glad you guys have found each other.

  34. Beautiful Gizmo photos and I see a beautiful Quilt!
    Greetings, from Holland

  35. He looks beautiful. And wow! To the eyes.

  36. oh he is just soooo cute and will probably keep fritz young! happy new year!

  37. Awww.. Gizmo is so cute. I just love your photos. Thanks for sharing them with us..


  38. I love his markings. Very unique and beautiful.

  39. Yay! Glad for the update. What a beauty!


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