Monday, December 9, 2013

First Snow Of The Season

So last Friday we got a bit of snow...

It was quite a bit for us! We first got a solid layer of ice on Thursday afternoon, then about 6" of snow on top of that. We were prepared in case we lost power, but thankfully we kept our power all weekend long. Normally the ice is what gets us when the limbs get really heavy and fall off onto the power lines, but we didn't get enough ice to weigh down the branches.

The chickens refused to leave their coop on Friday and were pretty grumpy being stuck inside.

"You expect me to come out there?!"

Even some of the guineas hung out in the coop all day long. Finally on Saturday, a few of the chickens ventured out once I made a path for them and threw out some scratch. A few more braved the snow yesterday, and today it seems like everyone is used to the snow and decided to leave the coop to stretch their legs a bit.

Duchess is in her element when it snows, and she had so much fun running around in all the fluffy snow. And apparently eating it as well.

I was worried about Emma kitty, so I brought her inside into the guest room for a few days. But she seemed like she really wanted to get back outside, so yesterday I took her back out. At first she didn't like the snow on her paws, but before I knew it she was running around in the snow having a blast. I've been keeping an eye on her, but she is doing great outside and seems content to be back where she is happiest.

Did you get any snow over the weekend?


PS - Today Sue is posting her recipe in our Christmas Cookie Tag series. Head on over here to see what she is sharing with us!

Shared with Saturday's Critters, Maple Hill Hop  


  1. OMGOODNESS you all got some serious snow. GODS blank canvas I say .. I just love it . I WOULDNT be so blessed to have any snow . We are still wearing shorts around the house. It has been a bit cooler the last week though. I said the other day its beginning to feel a lot like christmas. I love the pics and AWWE Kitty loves the snow. Just love it

  2. Tammy, your place looks pretty covered in snow. I would think the chickens are really unhappy with the cold wet stuff. And your Duchess is such a cutie. We had about 8inches and then freezing rain on top, which makes it really heavy to move. Wonderful post, have a happy week!

  3. no snow, here, but a bit of ice. lost power several times one day but thankfully kept it thereafter. i was grumpy like your chickens, too. :)

  4. Hi Tammy! Love your photos! No snow here, just rain! Typical Alabama weather this time of year! Thanks for sharing! Blessings from Bama!

  5. Wow look at all that snow, it's so strange to me coming from a place that hardly ever gets snow and it being our summer! It's great to know Emma is still happy being outside even in the snow! Sx

  6. We are forecasted for snow tonight and tomorrow but then it's supposed to turn to rain. I'll take anything above freezing at this point. Your dog is awesome, definitely dressed for the weather. :)

  7. The first picture had me stumped for a minute I had to enlarge it face mask LOL Very cool !

  8. Yikes - you guys got some snow, huh? We got a dusting this morning, but that's it. Now it's raining, so that made it all melt away.

  9. Your snowy place is beautiful. It seems that the white dog likes the snow.

  10. I'm so jealous! Love the snow. We might get some chickens when we move up to N. Michigan. What are the best kind of chickens for that type of weather (cold and snowy winters)?

  11. We had a bit of snow all right. I was very glad to see it after a warm November and a hot October. Those chickens do look put out all right. I'm glad you mentioned Emma & the snow as it's always been in the back of my mind if she would be all right out there. I wonder where she sleeps to keep warm? I miss seeing her in the header picture.

  12. Your snow is beautiful! We never get any...:( Love the photos as usual especially the rooster and Duchess close ups! Have a great week!!

  13. I so enjoy seeing your snowy scenes, as it never snows here in the deep south.
    It's 83° here in South Florida today :)

  14. Lots of snow in Wisconsin - The below zero temps are what is getting me down lately! Can't wait for the balmy teens and twenties to return ;)

  15. beautiful pictures. Duchess is gorgeous!

  16. Love seeing the chicken and Duchess in the snow! We had a bit of ice.

  17. Love all the snow! We got a little bit in the air last Friday morning. I'm hoping we get some tonight. We usually don't get much snow at all in Portland. When we do, people freak out! But after growing up in South Dakota, and skiing at the mountain, I'm very used to it.

    Keep those cute chickens warm! :)

  18. No snow...some ice and then sleet.. a slushy mess...blah! It has been soooo cold.. I cannot blame the chickens.. I would not want out in that either...I know with all that fur Duchess was in paradise...I am so glad the kitty was ok. I worry about all the animals around that are in the many, have no one to take care of them.. Have a great week and Winter Blessings!

  19. What fun Tammy!! We are expecting a few inches tonight and are looking forward to it. I love pictures with Dutches:) that nose!

  20. Beautiful pics, Tammy! Always so much more enjoyable to see your pics from the comfort of my house, while all warm and toasty! We finally have snow, but it's so horribly cold, I am not outside, nor are any of the chickens! Maybe if we can get back in the teens or the twenties! Enjoy the snow.... I can tell Duchess is!

  21. I wouldn't mind the snow....but when we see pics of the mid west and that ice on the trees and wires-THAT'S scary. How fun that your kitty likes the snow. Is Dutchess a sheepdog? she's cute. Happy chicken lay happy eggs....glad the girls could get out.

  22. My in-laws got the ice and snow too! Glad we were there last week! Your farm looks so pretty covered in a fresh blanket of snow. Stay warm!!!

  23. Oh, it looks so lovely and festive with all that snow!

  24. It sure has been cold here but no snow.. The weather man says we might get some flurries tonight, We shall see. But then it's suppose to warm up after that. I really enjoyed your photos. And the one of your dog is adorable. Stay warm my friend.


  25. LOVE LOVE LOVE snow!! These pics are awesome. It's almost hard to see Dutchess though since she blends right in lol

  26. I just love snow - it makes everything so beautiful. Our Coop Girls won't venture into it much at all. I have to put straw down so they'll walk a bit. :) Not much snow here, maybe an inch. We were supposed to get about 5 inches but no such luck. Such beautiful photos!!

  27. We've had snow for a week or so, and this morning it's -2 F. It's seriously frigid, but there's nothing like the sunrise touching the flocked mountains!

  28. We've had loads and loads and loads of snow! Beautiful pictures though.

  29. Duchess sure makes a beautiful snow dog!! :)
    Our world is glowing white now that the dark gray stormy skies have cleared & the sun shines bright on all this snow! Bitter cold though.. McGee is knocking on the back door, he is NOT a snow dog, he just goes out briefly to take care of business & wants right back in by the fire!

  30. Our chickens are really not liking the snow here either... if they can't see ground they stay inside! Cracks me up. My cats... they are about the same way. They really want out so I let them out, and then they meow to come back in and when I let them in they just yack at me like make this stuff go away! We know you can...

  31. Love the shot of that dog nose! They are all great captures. Hope everyone stays warm!

  32. Duchess looks like she loves the snow! Glad you kept power and I hope you and your hubby have lots of hot cocoa to stay warm! I hope you'll share this on the Maple Hill Hop!

  33. oh you weren't kidding when you said you got snow!! love the photos of duchess and the grumpy chicken :D they are all beautiful!

  34. Wow. What is your record for snowfall?
    We are having an awful cold blast. - 20 degree windchills, YUCK!

  35. The ladies have not left their coop in a week. Henley, our Newf is loving the snow, however since we had below zero temps I kept both dogs in because I was worried about their feet. Today it is in the 20's...tshirt weather!

  36. It looks beautiful but cold! I'm glad you didn't lose power and that all your animals are doing well.

  37. It looks so beautiful. Happy Emma is doing good in the cold and you know I love love love that photo of Dutches saw it on FB the other day... So cute!

  38. So pretty and festive!!! LOVE the shot of dutchess...and the grumpy chicken! Suprisingly, no snow for us in New Hampshire until yesterday - and then it all turned to rain!

  39. I'm so jealous. It was 74 degrees here today.

  40. Woah that's quite a bit of snow you got there! Stay warm my dear. Duchness does look so happy frolicking in the snow.

  41. Such beautiful photos- I always love them!!


  42. I love that photo of Duchess. Ice under snow is never a good idea. Be careful out there!

  43. Beautiful pictures!! We are getting snow right now, although it's not too much yet, it supposed to snow through Saturday so we'll see.

  44. We got a fair share, and my window jumped off track tonight, brr. it's going to be a cold ride to the school tomorrow, gah. I hope they get it in to the car dr. quick, I don't want a broken window in the snow. :)

  45. They look all so happy, I hope you're all well.

  46. I just found your blog via Susannah at Simple Moments Stick, and I love it! I love that you all have a little farm and chickens! One day I hope to have my own chicken coop! Such a pretty snow, glad everyone and animal seemed to survive :)

  47. First snow of the season always is pleasing to the eyes. This season is very enjoyable. Most of the people rest in this season in their homes. Now it's time to avail Car Service Palm Beach Transport for more information.


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