Monday, November 4, 2013

Yellow Leaves

On my walk with the roosters last week, I observed all the leaves changing color. We have so many trees out here, but it seems like the majority of them turn yellow in the fall. There is some brilliant red here and there, but what stands out the most to me is the bright golden color so prevalent in the woods.

I just love how the yellow pops behind the red rooster coop and think the colors look so beautiful together (Duchess likes to sneak into the little run when she sees me).

The color reached its peak out here about a week ago, then we had a storm that blew a bunch of the leaves off the trees so we didn't get to enjoy the color for too long. But I'm always grateful for the moments of beauty that I am able to witness in the woods. I just love seeing the transformation each year and know I will never tire of it!


Shared with Maple Hill Hop 


  1. oh, that fenceline along the trees is awesome! love your pup, too.

  2. How interesting that your leaves turn mostly yellow. Our leaves turn all sorts of colors in our yard.

  3. I absolutely love Fall colors!
    The rain and wind blew a lot of the leaves off the trees here too. But we still have some color!
    Beautiful pictures :)

  4. So pretty! We also had a wind storm this last weekend that blew most of the leaves off the trees but that's ok, we didn't get much of a show this year.

  5. Excelentes fotografias de Outono....

  6. Beautiful! It really is amazing how quickly the leaves change and then fall - but it's so worth it!

  7. I love the beauty of fall leaves. Truly the most beautiful work of art is the one in our own "backyards".

    Wishing you a lovely day.

  8. So pretty with the pop of red from the chicken coop and the fence running next to them. The trees in my front yard are that color too. We had an awful lot of wind yesterday that blew down a lot of them.

  9. What wonderful pictures. I think we are around peak here.

  10. Oh Tammy that is truly the place I feel most at home in the woods with all its beauty. You captured it perfectly and Duchess is so cut. B

  11. Nice fall colors! I'm loving seeing everyone's blog posts about the fall color in their area.

  12. Looks like a perfect woodsy hideaway! We lost alot of leaves early; extension site said it was damage from the cicada emergence. But the sumac has been gorious, and we're still seeing a few pockets of scarlet and orange.

  13. I Agee, such a beautiful shade of yellow! My favorite is when the sun hits it, so pretty! I love the shot of duchess !!!

  14. Oh, how pretty. We don't get to see such flamboyant, lemony trees down here in North Florida.

  15. Lovely photos, dear.. Love the red barn, too.. Your dog is so cute.. xo

  16. Awww. Duchess makes me smile! I agree with you, I love the transformations. I am always in awe in spring when the green starts flooding the tree's!

  17. Tammy....I love your place in the woods!!! The leaves are stunning....what great pics!!! The cat in your header is the cutest pic!

  18. Your pics are gorgeous! I love this time of year and how colorful everything. I especially love your photo with the rooster barn and Duchess, that photo pretty much says it all :) Love it!

  19. The colour is amazing - such lovely shots!

  20. Beautiful Autumn photos!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  21. Beautiful yellow color trees...

  22. Love the yellow leaves and colors. And Duchess is a cutie! Beautiful images, have a happy day!

  23. Gorgeous! Missouri sure puts on a lovely fall show!!

  24. The rooster coop is adorable. You have such a good eye for beauty, Tammy.

  25. oh beautiful pictures and i am laughing at duchess! how cute!

  26. We get a nice mix of fall colors here, but we are well past peak and everything is yellow.
    I love the color tones in your photos, very nice pictures!

  27. Your trees are beautiful and I love all the leaves on the ground in that first picture! :)

  28. Your leaves are turning so beautiful. The leaves didn't get a chance to turn to long here. We had an early blizzard when the leaves were still green and now snow again.

  29. That first picture is just beautiful, such a great shot and such a cute guardian :) Beautiful colors. I agree the transformation never gets old, even the first snow is always exciting and then spring, and summer... even though by the end of winter we are usually glad to see the backside of it, the next year it's always beautiful to see the fall come and then everything fall into a restful slumber again :)

  30. Gorgeous! Do you use the leaves as ground cover or mulch? How wonderful that the trees grace you with their beauty and then provide nutrients for your garden... Thanks for sharing today on the Maple Hill Hop!

  31. Our leaves are mostly yellow. I do have a maple tree in the front yard that is a beautiful red color. Most of the aspen trees in the mountains turned brown and then just fell. Too much rain at the end of the season. I love the deep golden yellow color though and behind the red of the shed (coop?) is stunning.

  32. I love fall, and seeing your sharp, beautifully taken photographs was a treat.

  33. You really live in such a pretty place Tammy -- loving the fence bordered by those gorgeous trees!

  34. What a beautiful 'neck of the woods' you live in Tammy! I love the golden leaves against the dark trunks of the trees. Duchess looks nice and warm and ready for winter! xo

  35. So funny - I was wondering if Duchess was actually in the coop or if it just looked like it. A new, hairy breed of bird. :) Your property is beautiful!

  36. Hi Tammy,
    Love your fall pictures, looks like you have alot of maples. Maples in our area turn more yellow as well but some are all fire engine red.

    You have a really nice site, love all your pictures. Found your site searching around Goolge, glad i found you.

    check out my fall colors, picture I posted this evening. Rich Colors of Autumn

    I raise chickens too!


  37. I feel the same way. I love the leaves changing, it's gorgeous. Most of our trees turn bright yellow too, and it's just so pretty. I laughed at your dog in the run. :) Great pics.

  38. I can never tire of watching the changing colours of leaves in autumn too. My street too turns predominantly yellow in lovely!

  39. Lovely simply lovely the golden color's of Nature. A lot of Wind here to Tammy and a lot of rain.
    Hope you enjoy the color's for a little longer. x

  40. really stunning shots Tammy. I am always struck by the contrasts of the wood to leaves after a rain. xo

  41. I'm here from THE LITTLE ACRE. I figured if Sue had your blog listed, then this had to be a friendly place to land. In Indiana, my greatest joy was my humongous Sugar Maple. When it turned bright yellow, my whole house glowed from the reflection. The rest of our trees were Hard Maples, and never did anything of beauty. So you might have a lot of Sugar Maples there.

  42. All I can think of is tapping trees. I hope you give it another whirl.

  43. Missouri must be so beautiful in the fall.

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