
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Homemade Living: How To Make Pomanders

Have you ever made pomanders or clove oranges? I've seen them before but never made any myself, so this year I decided to get some oranges and cloves and create some of my own.

It's really easy and straightforward to make your own pomanders. All you do is gather your choice of fruit (you can use oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes, tangerines, etc) and stud them with whole cloves. You can get creative and make designs on your fruit, or just completely cover them with cloves.

I found that it was helpful to use something to pierce the fruit and create a hole for the cloves before trying to insert them into the oranges (much easier on the fingertips!). I simply used an ink pen, but you can use anything you have on hand to make your pilot holes. This can also help if you are trying to make a design on your fruit so you can line up your cloves in a certain pattern.

You can also tie ribbon around your pomanders and hang them on your Christmas tree, but I chose to just display mine on a platter. The scent of the pomanders is amazing and apparently if you shake your clove studded fruit in a bag of powdered orrisroot (found at health food stores) the fruit will dry evenly and retain its scent for up to a year!

I got my whole cloves at our local health food store in the bulk spices section, so they were really inexpensive. And of course you can find a bag of oranges anywhere, so this is a great frugal way to decorate for the holidays. They also serve as a fabulous all-natural air freshener with no chemicals whatsoever! Every time I walk past the pomanders I get a hint of the scent and it just screams holidays to me. I think I will make these clove oranges for years to come!


This week in the Homemade Living series, I am joined by Mary and Jackie in posting about how we incorporate homemade items into our lives. Next week Daisy, Staci, and Sue will be up. If you have some free time, please check out the other posts in this weekly series!


  1. How pretty! And can only imagine how wonderful they must smell. One to add to my list of must-try projects :-)

  2. I think I'm gonna make some of these to hang in the closets. Thanks, Tammy!

  3. those are cute. glad they are fragrant, too.

  4. I had never heard of pomanders before—but now I researched them and see they were used to ward off airborne illnesses in times past. Now though they are used for the natural fragrance. I will try and make one: it's amazing that they will just cure by themselves and last a year or more. I hope mine does.

  5. I haven't made pomanders for such a long time. Thanks for sharing, this is a great activity I can add to the list of activities I'm doing with my daughters over the holiday season.

    Wishing you a lovely day.

  6. I've never even heard of such a thing, but I have to admit that I'm intrigued.

  7. I bet they smell so good. And the nice thing is, while I normally have to avoid strong scents of any type due to Cort's asthma, I don't think these would bother him at all!

  8. I bet they smell just amazing. I will have to try this . What an awesome Idea. I was just thinking of you this morning . I saw your post and thought YAY my friend … hugs

  9. I haven't seen these in years! (Yep, I'm old!) I can just imagine how wonderful it smells! :)

  10. Very pretty and they smell good too! I had my Girl Scout troop do this one year. Good craft for kids.

  11. Oh....I bet they smell so good!! I've never made these either. They look great!

  12. We use to make them as kids every year for the Christmas season. And like everything else, it got filed to recess of my mind. That is until last year. The memory popped into my head! I made a few for last Christmas, and all my grown children-who have never seen them, thought it was a cool idea. Well except for my son. I guess it must be a 'girl thing'.

  13. I've made these before and they smell soooooo good! Thanks for the reminder, I really want to make some again. Yours look great!

  14. I've made these years ago, but didn't think to make pilot holes! Clever!

  15. I have never made them but I think that's on our "to do" list for the weekend. What a fun idea and perfect for Thanksgiving! Thanks my friend!

  16. I'll bet they just smell heavenly and they are so lovely! Thanks for sharing this, Tammy - what a fun idea. xo Karen

  17. We used to make these when I was younger and I loved them! I found some years later in the Christmas decorations and they still smelled just as yummy. I love that scent so much, I made a soap that smells just like it! :) Now I need to go find some oranges...

  18. I've made these before! They do smell so good, and they are really fun to make. I love natural decorations for the holidays! Your display looks beautiful.

  19. How fun that you've started a new tradition. I love the fragrance of fresh fruit, and I love the smell of cloves, so I'm guessing I'd love this too.

  20. My son made one for me long ago for a Christmas gift. He made his at school. :-) It was so wonderful. He was so proud of it. He was only in 3rd grade.
    We will have to make some here at home. It would be a fun project.

    I really like your creative decorating.

  21. I made some a few years back.... I am happy to hear you can purchase the cloves in bulk cheap. They can be expensive in the grocery stores....I think I will try them again this year....I can smell your house from here..... yum! Blessings!

  22. I've made these with different fruit. I use a corkscrew to pierce them! lol! You've inspired me to spend some time this year making some! :)


  23. Yup! I do this too. I think I even blogged about it in my early days. :) I love your eclectic mix of stuff decorating your house.

  24. These are so neat, how have I not heard of a pomander before? I will have to try and make at least one and see if we like the scent.

  25. Hi Tammy,
    I love your Pomader Balls! I've been making these since I was a little girl :) and make my first one around Thanksgiving. They are so fragrant .. even when they have been on the counter a while.
    Yes! Use a toothpick before the clove:) it's so much easier. I think I have these on one of my holiday blogs from last year. I'll be putting the cloves and oranges out for my family to start on these next week! xxleslie

  26. Oh wow how cool is this?! Super! I have seen these before but didn't know their name. Love the idea and may bust out a few for the tree this year. Sounds fun, thanks for sharing Tammy

  27. I am sure they smell wonderful! I have not seen them before, thanks for sharing this idea. Have a happy day, Tammy!

  28. Oh Tammy my Grandma used to do this and I can smell it I bet your house smells wonderful. Hug B

  29. A very nice, old-fashioned holiday craft -- thanks for the reminder Tammy.

  30. I have tons of oranges as I am working on some home made orange spices biscuits for edible Christmas gifts. Now I am tempted by the pomanders.
    I am compiling a list of edible xmas gift from my fav bloggers. Do you have one I can add to the list which goes live in mid December?

  31. Sounds wonderful. I just may have to try this. Tucked in with some fresh evergreen boughs I bet would smell delightful!

  32. These are lovely - and they smell so good too.

  33. They turned out beautiful Tammy. I made some for HGTV Gardens too! Great minds think alike. They are a great family project as well. My kids made some amazing patterns in them :)

  34. Ya know, never have....but you make it seem easy. The color & scent would be beautiful & cozy in the livingroom this Winter...add another item to the to-do list!

  35. I used to make these when I was a teen. I had forgotten about this and will have to make them with my daughter this year. Thanks Tammy!

  36. What a great idea I must try this over the Christmas period. Thank you Tammy :)

  37. Yes- as kids we would make these at school and take them home for Christmas presents for parents and grandparents!! Will have to make a couple this year!! They always make the kitchen smell so good! Thank you for the reminder Tammy!

  38. What a GREAT post. I love these and I particularly love them on the platter. Yup - my weekend project!

  39. ¸.•°♡♡º°

    Ótimo purificador de ar natural e aromático.
    Bom fim de semana!

  40. This is the first I've heard of pomanders...they look so cute! And I love that they're a natural air fresher too.

  41. Totally cute idea. I think I might have to try this

  42. WHat a great idea ... holiday aroma therapy :)

  43. oooh, so pretty! I love that idea.

  44. I've never seen this before but you make it look so easy to do. I'm going to have to try this out. Maybe Madison may give a hand. I really need to start doing a bit more craft wise with her as well. Thanks for sharing. :)

  45. I did make these one year and they smelled so good. But our environment isn't conducive to leaving fruit out too long so they did start to go bad. I would imagine in a colder environment they might last longer. The aroma really does scream holiday time. :) Best wishes, Tammy

  46. Hi Tammy

    This is my first visit to your blog and I liked this place :)

    Yes. I learnt about pomanders in Blogland last year and made one and blogged about it too. It was fun.

  47. This is like food art! I like it!


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