Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Homemade Living: Best Ever Pumpkin Bread

With fall in full swing, I have been craving everything pumpkin lately. I know a lot of people don't wait until fall to get their pumpkin on, but I like to wait until the season has a good head start. While waiting in line at Starbucks recently, I spotted some pumpkin bread and decided it was time to embrace everything pumpkin. I was inspired to make my own pumpkin bread at home, and let me tell you - it was one of my favorite things I've ever made.

Best Ever Pumpkin Bread
adapted from King Arthur Flour
Makes 2 loaves

1 cup vegetable oil
2 2/3 cup granulated sugar
4 large eggs
2 cups (or one 15-ounce can) pumpkin puree
2/3 cup water
3 1/3 cups flour
1/2 t baking powder
2 t baking soda
1 1/2 t salt
1 t vanilla extract
2 T pumpkin pie spice

1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly grease two loaf pans.
2) In a large bowl, beat together the oil, sugar, eggs, pumpkin, and water.
3) Add the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, vanilla, and pumpkin pie spice, stirring to combine.
4) Divide batter evenly between loaf pans and bake 60-70 minutes or until cake tester inserted into the middle of the loaves comes out clean.
5) Cool bread completely on a wire rack, then wrap well in plastic wrap.

This bread totally surpassed my expectations. I honestly couldn't believe how good it was! Maybe after my last baking session resulted in an epic fail I was just thrilled that something turned out right, but really this bread is so delicious. The recipe recommends you wait overnight to eat the bread because when it rests for a while in the plastic wrap, it gets so moist and flavorful.

Since the recipe bakes up two loaves, I sliced one and put it in the freezer for longer storage (I made sure to wrap it tightly in plastic wrap covered in aluminum foil to prevent freezer burn). This morning I took one slice out and brought it to work with me for a mid-morning snack, and it tasted just as good as when it was freshly baked. I love that the bread isn't too sweet, but just sweet enough and the spicy pumpkin flavor really shines through. I think baking this bread will become a fall tradition for me!


This week in the Homemade Living series, I am joined by Mary and Jackie in posting about how we incorporate homemade items into our lives. Next week Daisy, Staci, and Sue will be up. If you have some free time, please check out the other posts in this weekly series!

Shared with From the Farm Blog Hop, Down Home Blog HopThankful Hop   


  1. "get their pumpkin on"--love it!

  2. Stunning photos! You make me want to take more time with my recipe posts. Punkin' bread is my boy's hands-down fav breakfast! Yours looks SO moist! Enjoy!

  3. It looks delicious. I am obsessed with all things pumpkin, so I will try just about any recipe that includes pumpkin! Yum!

  4. The bread sounds delicious and I love your photos, very nice!

  5. Thanks for the recipe and you have nice pictures of it.
    Greetings, RW & SK

  6. It looks beautiful! I have been starting to think about pumpkin pie...

  7. I'm always looking for new versions of old favorites :) Hoping to give yours a try- it really sounds amazing!

    Thanks so much for coming by my blog for a visit to The Chicken Dictionary :) Always fun to learn something new! You too have beautiful birds and we seem to share the same interests in lifestyle, animals, and photography. Hope to have many more visits here :)

    Yellow Birch Hobby Farm

  8. Your photos are beautiful!!! I wish I had a slice right now!

  9. I am going to print this and make it sister. OMGOODNESS I can smell it just by looking at the picture. Thanks for sharing. As always LOVE LOVE !!!! Have a blessed and HAPPY week

  10. This sounds good. I like pumpkin bread any time of the year!

  11. Yum. Will bake some immediately. Thank you!

  12. Now I know what I am baking at Thanksgiving! I have tried different pumpkin breads that have been too dry. This one sounds so yummy - thanks Tammy! xo

  13. Yummy! This sounds great! I will be trying this, we love pumpkin. Thank You!

  14. I love this time of year for all the pumpkin-y goodness! Your bread is beautiful and I can almost smell it from here! :)

  15. I have been baking pumpkin bread every couple days for the last couple weeks. My family is inhaling it and truth be told me too... So good with some soup or by itself. YUM! Your pics are awesome and I super love the last one and the glimpse of your table.

  16. Somehow eating pumpkin any other time besides fall is just wrong-i can't eat the bread-but I'll be baking some up here real quick. My son loves it so much. Beautiful pics Tammy

  17. Your pics look so appetizing, Tammy.. We love pumpkin bread.. Thanks for the recipe.. xo,

  18. Your bread looks delicious--and your food styling and photography are terrific, as usual. You always have the coolest pans and dishes and silverware!

  19. I love pumpkin bread. This recipe looks great! I'll have to give it a try.

  20. This looks good. I work with a lady who makes pumpkin roll and brings it to us during the fall. Delicious.

  21. It looks absolutely delicious!! I marvel at your photography - you should really think about submitting to magazines. Have you ever looked into it? I can help you with a couple of them possibly. If you're interested, let me know.

  22. Your photos are amazing and this bread really does look out of this world yummy. I made mine last week but banana bread is most definetely in this weekend's rotation. Perfect for Fall!

  23. I wait for fall too to get my pumpkin on. Thanks for sharing the recipe ~ I'm going to give it a try :)

  24. Oh this looks most excellent. Must try soon!!

  25. I love when you bake! Sounds delicious, and this needs to go on my baking list soon!

  26. Oh wow that sure looks like the best pumpkin bread ever !!!
    I can't wait to try it .
    SUper photographing of it too !

  27. There's some on my counter now! Scrambled eggs, grape ketchup and pumpkin bread was our breakfast today. :) Great photos! :)

  28. Looks delicious! Now you have me drooling for all things pumpkin.

  29. Beautifully made pumpkin cake...

  30. Tammy, your pumpkin bread looks and sounds delicious! I will have to try your recipe. Thanks for sharing. Have a happy day!

  31. i'm not a fan of pumpkin but i have to say that it looks really good!

  32. Oh my lord I would eat this breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Is that wrong?

  33. Yum - this looks delicious! I love your last photo - you could be a food photographer, it's just to inviting!

  34. Your kitchen photography is awesome!! The pumpkin bread looks really good too. :-)

  35. How delicious! And what great shots.

  36. This is bookmarked and I am gonna make this as soon as possible. I love, love, love the idea. And I will have to forage your site to see if I can find a banana bread one too as I am not good on that.

  37. Gorgeous bread, Tammy! And just the kind of recipe I'm in the mood for! I will definitely make this after our out of town guests leave and we get back from our own quick trip out of town.

    Happy Fall, my friend!

  38. I LOVE pumpkin bread. It always reminds me of when I was a kid in school and every Friday they would make pumpkin bread. It was so good. It made Friday even a little bit more special. I am going to have to give this recipe a try. I have been using the one out of my Betty Crocker cook book. Your photos look fabulous my friend.


  39. If you grew your own pie pumpkins you could make pumpkin bread whenever you wanted. Oh wait, I guess you can with canned pumpkin as well. Enjoy your bread!

  40. Looks very tasty. I will try and make some this weekend. Sarah

  41. As always, your images of food are very well made and so tidy.

  42. Looks great, I love pumpkin bread, I am going to try yor recipe. I enjoy baking too.

    Check out my last post: Chocolate Chip Cookie Tips

  43. Hi Tammy! Love your 'neck of the woods'! The recipe looks so yummy! I'm going to make some today! Thanks for sharing! Blessings from Bama!

  44. Just made the pumpkin bread, it is Awesome! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

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