Friday, November 1, 2013

Feathered Friend Friday: Rooster Parade

Welcome to our "Feathered Friend Friday" series. Each Friday I write a post with interesting facts, photos, or funny stories about our chickens and guineas. If you need to catch up, you'll find all the Feathered Friend Friday posts here  

I wrote about our young roosters' antics a couple weeks ago, but I have to dedicate another FFF to them today because they continue to amuse me and I can't stop snapping photos of them!

As soon as they hear me come out the back door, they run to meet me as fast as their legs will carry them. They hope I'll have a treat for them (which I usually do), but if I don't have any treats they will just follow me around for a while, stopping every five seconds to belt out a nice loud crow.

As I walked around our property yesterday evening with my camera to see all the leaves that were turning, they joined me on my trek. It was like my own rooster parade and I was the grand marshal. Everywhere I went, they trotted along behind and kept me company. I can't imagine a better end to my day.

Wait for meeee!


Shared with From the Farm Blog Hop 


  1. Love that last shot! What fun.

  2. I've got some Cochin hens that do this very thing - they follow me everywhere! And their run is different from the other chickens - it cracks me up every time. With their feathered feet it looks like they are running in old-fashioned bloomers!!

    I love your little chicken pens and houses in the background of the first picture. Looks like a quaint little chicken town! Quite lovely.

  3. They're like my kids - they follow me around until I give them snacks :)

  4. They are such lucky boys to have you as their mumma! Our rescue rooster Mr Frizz, still has not regrown his wings and feathers, but when he does I'll share the transformation. Have a lovely weekend Sx

  5. The first shot is so well composed. It really captures the design of your homestead. It looks lovely, well done.

  6. Your photos are gorgeous and your rooster are so handsome!!

  7. I love your pictures of the roosters. I think if I ever got tired of chicken eggs I would just have roosters running around instead of hens.

  8. I like your photos, Beautiful!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  9. I love these roosters - your post perfectly described them - and your pictures do as well! Great shots and what funny birds! :)

  10. Oh I love coming here. I would be taking lots of photos too. B

  11. I love to walk in the yard with the chickens all around me......your photos are great! Your rooster is very handsome....:) Great post!

  12. You capture the best rooster-tales! :)

  13. They are so handsome ! We now have the chicks from this Spring that are now adult rooster I think we may have to ask around at the other farm as the ratio hens to Roos is now at a tipping point. Ollie by Golly and Mr Belvadere of course are safe to stay ~ but we have at least 4 up and coming Roos that are now getting a bit randy ! lol

  14. You should get a little baton like a majorette has, and march along with the roosters following.

  15. Five baby chicks Ellie hatched,
    but none of the boys were dispatched.
    They like to parade
    on the farm in the shade.
    Pleased that their heads stayed attached. :-)

    Love, Sue and Renoman :-)

  16. How fun! They trust you and like to be around you. Just as it should be. :)

    Fun pics too. :)

  17. Those roosters act like little dogs! Ha, ha, so cute!

  18. Sooo cute. My friend Joy, has a white hen that follows her. I picked Joy's green beans in her garden a few times. Guess what, Snow White the hen, kept me company too. I loved it.

  19. What a great post.. It has me smiling. I just love the photo of the rooster on the table. But they are all great.


  20. They are so handsome, they do make me smile. I love, "Wait for meeee.!" I think I have a super cute rooster story coming up for you about Punky, but I have to see for myself if Cliff is right about what he saw this morning!

  21. I bet it is quite the sight to see them following you. Kind of like having your ducks in a row but they are roosters!

  22. They are beautiful, and your backyard is resplendent too. Your picture of the crowing rooster is gorgeous. They bring back wistful memories of the wild ones we once had:

  23. I can't think of a better way to take a walk! They are so handsome - love all the photos and I can just picture you as the Pied Piper of your little farm. Happy Weekend, Tammy! xo

  24. I love your rooster tales too! What a sight to see them all running after you! So cute! Have a happy weekend!

  25. What great company :) That second picture is beautiful!

  26. awww how funny. They're like little puppies. There's still no photo of Sylvester. Madison said you promised. :)

  27. Well, you are their mama after all... :)

  28. Don't you just love them!! How quickly they learn who has the feeding hand and the BEST snack!! FUN!

  29. Hello again my friend-I love your feathered friends and their antics. Your photos transport me to your world.

  30. Your caption on the last photo made me giggle.. What a cute rooster parade!

  31. Absolutely hilarious that they follow you around. I bet that's a sight to see. :) Best wishes, Tammy

  32. They are just beautiful!! I love that they are so much a part of your lives. :)

  33. Beautiful shots and I bet they are happy to, very amusing that last shot.

  34. What fun shots!! From the Farm blog hop sent me your way! Take care and hope you will stop by the country :)


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