Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Pumpkin Carving

We've been harvesting pumpkins around here since August, so we have racked up quite the count. I think in all, we were able to grow over 20 pumpkins this year! I kind of lost count a while back after we shared some with friends and family. Our pumpkin luck afforded us the luxury to simply grab a couple pumpkins off our front porch to carve earlier this week.

David chose one of the warty ones, and I chose one that looked easy to carve because my skills are lacking somewhat. I began carving out my classic design on my pumpkin when I noticed David was taking a much different direction with his.

A little crazy, right? He used one of our smaller butternut squash with the stem pointed out to act as the nose for the poor little guy in the big pumpkin's mouth. Then he had the idea to add some screws to the final product to complete the look.

Mine is very tame in comparison! Here they are side by side.

Did you carve pumpkins this year? I'd love to hear how yours turned out.

Happy Halloween!


PS - Don't forget to visit Daisy, Staci and Sue today for their posts in the Homemade Living series. Next week I will share my post along with Mary and Jackie


  1. I like David's creativity! We haven't carved pumpkins for several years but I miss it. I didn't purchase any pumpkins this year for the porch even. I decorated the inside though and love it.

  2. Dave has a frightening--and fun--sense of humor. But your pumpkin is sweet & traditional, and most welcoming. The October issue of Martha Stewart Living demonstrates what whan can do with a dremel tool & pumpkins....they too are not your mama's pumpkin!

  3. Oh Tammy I love David's sorry yours is nice but his scares me and that is what Halloween is all about right:) No pumpkins this year I should go find one for tomorrow night. Love that knarly pumpkin. B

  4. That is some awesome creativity on David's part wow. I love both of those pumpkins - they complement each other well. I didn't get to carve this year - but I s,pose there's still 24 hours :)

  5. We had plans for pumpkins, but as of yet no pumpkins! First year pumpkinless!
    Yours both look great!

  6. I absolutely LOVE them! They came out great! Good job!

  7. They're both so cute but in different ways! Happy Halloween - and congrats on such a great pumpkin harvest!

  8. I love your classic jack o' lantern. It's great!

  9. Ha! Love it!
    We carve pumpkins every year.. I kind of get into it. I always do a traditional jack-o-lantern, too.. and then get a little more creative. Never quite as creative as your David, though!
    Your two pumpkins make a very fine pair. :)

  10. Believe it or not, we only ever carved one pumpkin a few years ago and never again. I like your tame one. I see David has a dark side. HA! Funny how some pumpkins are so warty. What causes that? Happy Hump Day! Tammy

  11. Ah, how cute! love them! Yes, we had some fun this year doing this with the kids and granmas, and uncle and niece!

  12. I love your hubby's pumpkin! He's way more creative than I will ever be. We grew a few pumpkins in our garden, but we'll probably just set them out, uncarved for the trick or treaters. Now that our kids are grown, my hubby and I don't really get into Halloween stuff like that anymore.

  13. Happy Halloween!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  14. Great pumpkins. So cool that you were able to grow so many. Pumpkin freezes pretty well - I still have some in the freezer from last year.

  15. ha ha ha....his pumpkin cracks me up! I probably would've done the traditional as you did. Love the creativity though and they look fantastic!

  16. Oh, and I think your fall header is spectacular!! :)

  17. My husband carved four pumpkins last night. With a power drill. His are unique too, just like David's!

  18. This is the cutest post. I'm going to steal David's ideas for next year and really wow my niece and nephew!

  19. Happy Halloween! Cute pumpkins. I love them lit up at night!

  20. How fun growing your own pumpkins! I love the uniqueness of the one on the right. Never saw anything quite like it! very creative.

  21. Love it! David has quite the skills on ghoulish carving! We didn't carve any this year, however if we did, mine would look like yours :) Happy Halloween!!!

  22. How fun! They are really cool! I usually carve them every year myself, but haven't this year. Every pumpkin I've cut up, I've eaten ;) Still have two big ones though and three pies so maybe tomorrow I'll carve one yet! :)

  23. I think they're cool! Mine is the tame one this year too, and I love them all lit up (at my house and yours!). Happy Halloween!

  24. Very skilful Tammy; well done!

  25. Ha, Love it. Yes, we carved pumpkins. And then roasted pumpkin seeds. My favorite thing to do after carving. ;-)
    Happy Halloween!!

  26. Very original!
    I seldom carve pumpkins anymore, I prefer to decorate or paint them...when I do carve them I generally cut the bottom off; it makes lighting a candle inside easier!

  27. The five we grew are still sitting on the patio table. We are slackers - you're are great!

  28. Great pumpkin carving Tammy ! They look awesome.
    We didn't carve any this year ~ but I did take pics of pumpkins with the critters lol

  29. Love how you two are the Ying and the Yang for each other!!

  30. We didn't carve any this year. We only had two jack o lantern pumpkins. Last yearvon the after holiday sales we bought a stick to the pumpkin decorator kit. We did that instead. I'd likevto get creative when I carve but tend to go basic. David's pumpkin looks great!

  31. Great job -- I tend to lean towards the traditional carvings, but both of these are great!

  32. I wuss out and leave the carving entirely to the OH. It is fun though to watch. OH has set aside tonight for making the tomato jam so watch this space....

  33. Hahaha I love David's creativity, that's funny! No, no carving for me, too hard on my hands, I like to decorate them or leave them plain, I know, kind of boring but oh well.

  34. We just carved pumpkins last night! Lol. I love your pumpkins. I'm more a traditional carver myself, but I like David's creativity!

  35. Love both the carvings!

  36. How awesome to have grown so many this year! I had to leave my pumpkin vines when we moved so I'll enjoy yours :).Great carvings too. Have fun today!

  37. Love them both. My pumpkin this year looks very similar to yours. Very traditional. 2 triangle eyes & a smile. I think they're fun no matter how you carve them.

  38. Hehe! It looks like you two had fun. David is an artist, I've never seen a pumpkin like his. :-) Your traditional pumpkin is more like I would have done. I haven't carved a pumpkin in years. I just used a sharpie marker to draw a face on a butternut squash, nothing fancy.

    Happy Hallowe'en!

  39. They both turned out great but I like your 'tamer' version the best! :)

  40. hahaha I love both your pumpkins but David's is truly a work of art. We didn't do any pumpkin carving. I am no good at doing anything like that anyway. I've missed Sylvester the last couple of posts, here's hoping for a Sylvester return soon. :)

  41. Love your goblins! So creative of David, too! Kind of scary! We didn't carve pumpkins this year - time got away from us, but I love to light them and put them on the deck railing. They look like disembodied spirits from inside. Happy Halloween! How fun to grow your own pumpkins! xo

  42. David's one is really creepy!!! Great job to the both of you. I've never carved pumpkins before...I'd love to try.

  43. Cool! I love the creativity with the warty pumpkin!!

  44. You did such a great job! They look awesome! How cool that you were able to grow them yourself!

  45. I LOVE YOUR PUMPKINS! the one with the little squash is my favorite! SO creative and fun! Well done!


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