
Friday, October 25, 2013

Feathered Friend Friday: Herbs For The Coop

Welcome to our "Feathered Friend Friday" series. Each Friday I write a post with interesting facts, photos, or funny stories about our chickens and guineas. If you need to catch up, you'll find all the Feathered Friend Friday posts here  

Last weekend I gave the coop a good fall cleaning. I swept out the cobwebs, wiped everything down, sprinkled some diatomaceous earth on the coop floor and roosts, removed all the pine shavings and added several bags of fresh shavings on the coop floor. After reading Fresh Eggs Daily and learning about all the benefits of using herbs and flowers in your coop, I decided to cut some thyme, sage, lemon balm, and oregano for the floor of the coop as well.

In addition to making it smell wonderful in the coop, fresh herbs also have health benefits for your chickens and can repel bugs and rodents. Even if the chickens don't eat them, they will rub up against the herbs while scratching around in the shavings and release the scent and natural oils from the herbs - a sort of aromatherapy for chickens!

We also collected some herbs and flowers to dry out and use in the coop and nesting boxes over the winter when we don't have fresh herbs. Last night we got our first hard freeze, so I gathered even more herbs to dry for the chickens (and also for the humans of course).

Not only do herbs and flowers seem to make the chickens healthier and happier, I enjoy seeing some green and bright pops of color dotting the coop floor and nesting boxes. It just makes the chickens' home a happier one and I do like to spoil them whenever I can!

Do you use herbs in your chicken coop?


Shared with Backyard Farming Connection Hop 


  1. I did not know that herbs helped to repel bugs and rodents as well as making the coop smell nice. What a great added bonus!

  2. Good tip. I'll bet you have some happy chickens right now!

  3. Sounds like you've been busy! We had our first hard freeze here too, they're predicting snow this weekend. I'm hoping that's wrong. ;)

  4. We have never tried this, but what a great idea!

  5. You always have the awesomest and most creative tips on here :)

  6. Oh they are the best loved and nurtured chickens I know. Good job. B

  7. You're too funny!! Do the chickens really eat marigolds? I would think they would have a stinky taste!! You introduce them to herbs in their coop - they may enjoy them so much that they will start eating them from your garden!!

  8. We have sand in our coop but I was thinking about adding some herbs to the nest boxes. Now I definitely will.
    Crackerdog Farm

  9. I don't have a chicken coop but this sounds great for the chickens. You can tell they're well loved. I've always wondered how chickens survive during the cold winter. Guess I'm going to have to keep reading every week. :) Where is Sylvester?

  10. Seems like a wonderful idea and it must smell so fresh and inviting! Love the basket full of colorful herbs and flowers - so pretty. I put tansy in my dog houses, even though they don't use them often (being spoiled fur babies and living in the house), but it helps to keep the fleas at bay. xo

  11. Yes - particularly in the nesting boxes during the summer, under the straw to repel those creepy crawlies. ;)

  12. A great idea. I hope to get some chickens soon! I will remember this idea. :-)
    Love the photo of your flowers and herbs.

  13. I do love the splash of color that adds. Great point to, about how the scratching will even help provide benefits. Time for me to get some herbs :)

  14. I've never heard of adding herbs to the coop like that, but I love the idea. We have plenty of herbs (and chickens who could use a little freshening up) so I'm going to do it too! thanks

  15. I have been seeing this trend pop up once in a while, but never tried it. They sure do look pretty.

  16. What a wonderful idea. Aromatherapy for chickens--how cool. And the herbs sure beautify the coop.

  17. That sounds like a great idea - I love herbs!

  18. I haven't ever added herbs so will be interesting to see if you notice any good effects from it.

  19. What a wonderful tip.. I Don't have chickens but I always enjoy reading your post about them.

    Hope you are having a happy weekend.


  20. When I saw you post this on FB I thought it was the coolest thing! I am so going to do this, super tip!

  21. Very interesting post. I like the layer. And the herbs sound interesting. I might have to look into the book. I probably should have put my name in the hat when you were giving one away!

    ps - regarding the comment you left....your hubby is a HS band director - I'm a band geek and will always be. I remember after we moved into our house and football season started at the local HS I could hear the band practicing in the distance. I was a happy girl.

  22. We don't have a chicken coop but we do use fresh herbs in our people coop

  23. I'm sure they feel the difference and does them good.

  24. I love that they have such a "green" chicken coop! I bet they love them and yes, the smell would be so great! Smart girl! I would have never thought of this!

  25. Th fresh herbs sounds wonderful, the smell would be wonderful. You do spoil your chickens! Have a happy week!

  26. I love that chickens enjoy the smell of herbs too! How wonderful.

  27. Never occurred to me to do this -- will definitely try it! Thank you Tammy!

  28. The Doc here at work raise chickens too and I am going to share this with them. WHO KNEW sister. OMGOODNESS your awesome I love this blog and that GOD crossed our paths. I have not seen PEARL in awhile HINT HINT lol

  29. Every summer, when my lavender is finished, I cut it back and scatter the stalks on the walkway between our house and garage. I love the smell when we walk on it, and the scent is such a great pick-me-up. I bet your chickens love their "herbal bed." Great idea!

  30. I haven't done this, but next year I do plan on planting some herbs for the ladies. Great idea. They got lots of greens from the garden this year though. And now they are getting pumpkin guts as I bake down pumpkin for pie.

  31. If I was a chicken, I'd want to live with you.

  32. What a fabulous idea! I'd love for you to share this on the Maple Hill Hop!

  33. Oh don't blame you I would spoil them to , it's lovely to see your chickens so happy and relaxed. That's what it's all about Tammy xx


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