Friday, October 4, 2013

Feathered Friend Friday: Guineas On The Homestead

Welcome to our "Feathered Friend Friday" series. Each Friday I write a post with interesting facts, photos, or funny stories about our chickens and guineas. If you need to catch up, you'll find all the Feathered Friend Friday posts here     

Just the other day I was thinking about how at first I really didn't like our guineas at all, but now it's hard to imagine our homestead without them.

Aside from the fact that they eat up tons of ticks and bugs and lay amazingly delicious eggs, they actually are quite entertaining and charming. It wasn't always that way, though, because at first they were so loud it was nearly unbearable for us to be outside. After we had our original flock of 16 on lockdown for their first six months to be sure they would always return, we let them out to free range. And chaos ensued.

They do make great "watchdogs" because if they sense any threat they will scream very loudly. However, when first let out to free range, everything seemed like a threat to them because they weren't quite familiar with their surroundings. A simple butterfly fluttering by could send a rush of panic through the flock and result in deafening screams. Just about the time when I said I'd had it and thought about getting rid of them somehow, they got quiet and became pleasant and enjoyable.

I guess they knew what was good for them! Now they follow me around for treats (sunflower seeds) and make sweet little noises while going about their business. In the mornings they tend to range out pretty far and I usually see some of them across the street visiting the neighbor's cows in their pasture. Towards the end of the day they come  back and hang out by the house until it's time to roost in the trees for the night.

The guineas get along just fine with the chickens, cats, and Duchess. Occasionally they fight amongst themselves, but we don't see squabbles very often. All in all, our homestead is a peaceful one, something I never thought I'd say two years ago this time!


Shared with From the Farm Blog Hop 


  1. Oh Tammy I have never had the pleasure of raising guineas and they sound like it would be fun. I know they truly do have a wonderful home. I would be visiting the cows too:) B

  2. They are beautiful! I think it's funny that they follow you around all the time for kids do that, too ;)

  3. hi tammy,

    happy world animal day! your guineas are just so cute! they also look so happy.
    what a delightful post!

    have a great weekend~

  4. LOVE that second pic. It's like a group photo :)

  5. Sadly, something got our guinea last week. I am going to miss him, and his peeking in the windows to see what we were doing all the time.

    Your guineas look awesome. They do have such personality!

  6. We got our three geese as guard geese. They have been quite a challenge... mostly because nobody told me how destructive they are!! They peck wood to bits and love to chew on our siding. Some days I am not too sure about them, but then they have recently started becoming more protective of the house, and that is why I want them. I really want them to work out, but some days I just don't know about them!

  7. i wish i could keep some here - could use some grasshopper eaters. :)

  8. Beautiful photos. Time gets passed away being with them...

  9. Your guineas are lovely! Please stop by and check out our moment today!

  10. My grandparents had guineas, and I remember the noise they made! Do you collect all their beautiful feathers? S:)

  11. Interesting post! I use my turkeys for bug control - and they do great. We did try Guineas very early on when we first started with critters here and even though we had build a special area to keep them enclosed in until they got settled, they dug underground and under a buried fence to get loose on the first night - they were about 6 months old when we got them. We never tried them again because of it - and because anything outside of a fence here gets eaten so we need critters that will for the most part respect the fences which amazingly our turkeys always have. Also the noise! But I do love the look of them, and also how useful they are with their eggs but also their bug control and warning system... they are really neat critters and I'm always so interested in your crew and how they hang out and follow you around now. Interesting to read about!

  12. Bless their hearts, they are a bit on the homely side! They are fun to keep though!

  13. Awww, they are so beautiful. I know guineas can be loud though, and why some people can't handle them. I think if they calmed down a lot like you said they would be ok as long as we had a good bit of land for them to roam around on!

  14. I love guineas but Mountain Man says "NO way ~too noisy ! "
    We use to hear the guineas up the road in the middle of the night as he couldn't get the to go in at night lol
    I still love them !!

  15. I love them too - I have considered getting them to reduce our crazy tick population. They are great birds to have around and make me smile. Thanks for sharing your pics!

  16. Ah, you post the sweetest things about your animals! I guess the guineas just take a little longer to feel at home - and you made a nice home for them!

  17. I love your birds.. all of them.. Your blog is so inspiring, Tammy.. xo

  18. I love that they simmered down just in the nick of time, and it made me laugh. :)

  19. I didn't (don't) know what guineas are! Are they like duck or geese or quail? Do they lay eggs or are they (gulp) to eat? Always amazed at what I learn on your blog!!


  20. I have been interested in Guinea's but was afraid of how much noise they make. Based on your experiences, I will reconsider! You said they perch in the tree's at night? What about in the winter?

  21. They look really cool but I would be worried about the noise. Happy to hear they have chilled out.

  22. Tammy, I am glad you stuck it out and all has calmed down with the guineas! They are pretty. Great post, thanks for sharing. Wishing you a happy weekend!

  23. I really like the look of guineas but I just couldn't stand the noise. It was a delight to read here that you get used to the sound! Thanks for another interesting FFF.

  24. I think I've mentioned we only have one guinea left of the original flock -- he hangs out with the older Plymouths and seems quite content to do so. :)

  25. Who would have know that feathered friends made great watchdogs? Then again I remember when growing up in the Caribbean my grandmother had a turkey that hated me. She would chase me around the yard and I would be scared to go outside and play. I've always been afraid of turkeys since then and don't eat them either. Hope you're having a great weekend with your feathered friends who don't chase you around. :)

  26. They are beautiful animals! After reading your posts I really want to try their eggs.

  27. They sound so cute! I giggled imagining them being freaked out by a butterfly. Glad to hear they have settled and are great watchdogs and producing delicious eggs!

  28. They really are hilarious to watch - I enjoyed a lot of my interactions with my neighbors flock. I've not yet tried their eggs but, hopefully, they will be added to our someday larger farm. :)

  29. Wow, I love the picture of the guineas walking in the mist. How beautiful! And I loved reading about how they've adjusted. Your homestead does seem such a peaceful, magical place. You write such a terrific blog.

  30. Glad they settled down for you! We house-sat for a couple who had a flock years ago, and I remember the sound of their chatterings - 'Coconut, coconut', they seemed to be saying! Or shouting, I should say! I love that they roost in the trees. Smart birds. xo

  31. I love guineas, so much personality! Yours are beautiful.

  32. I'm so glad! They're so interesting; I'd love to see one! They're not your usual chickens!

  33. Your guineas are so cool! I've never seen them before! I love how much I learn from your postings.

    Wishing you a lovely day.

  34. Wise decision keeping those entertaining little guys, I just Love them. I may have mentioned they just don't like the rain, on visiting our garden from over the fence they used to run and hide under the nearest bush. I have never tried one of their eggs though. Enjoy and so glad they have calmed down now.
    Sheila :)

  35. I don't know that I had ever heard of guineas until I got chickens. It seems that some people have both. Who knew!

  36. Our neighbour's guineas came to visit my husband when he was working in the basement one day. The basement window was open and they peeked in. I guess they didn't look so charming at eye level. :-) Some day I hope to add them to our place to help keep the wood ticks down. I laughed at the idea that a butterfly used to startled them. That's a rather funny thought.

  37. I would love to get some guineas but I think my neighbors would probably kill me. Visiting you from the From the farm blog hop.

  38. Ahh....the memories of my grandparents farm. My Grandpa said guineas were the best watchdog a farm could have! I loved them-so pretty and interesting to watch!


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