
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Clearing The Camera: Early Fall Edition

It's looking more and more like fall around here! I find myself constantly reaching for my camera, so I thought I'd share a few of my current shots. (PS - click here if you'd like to see more photo posts.)

Newly fallen leaves create a vivid blanket of color on the ground.

Early morning dew hangs like pearls on the strands of a spider web.

Emma kitty's eyes pop against the still green grass.

A slowly ripening pumpkin looks beautiful with the fallen leaves.

What signs of fall are you seeing out your back door?


Shared with Tuesday Muse 

PS - Don't forget to visit Daisy, Staci and and our new blogger, Sue, today for their posts in the Homemade Living series. Next week I will share my post along with Mary and Jackie.


  1. Beautiful shots Tammy.
    Gorgeous spider web capture ~ really awesome !!

  2. Oh Tammy I always love your clearing the camera. The spiderweb is amazing. B

  3. I love the picture of the two leaves and also the picture of the pumpkin. Fall is the most picturesque time of year isn't it?

  4. Love everyone's photos of fall where they are. Our trees are turning colors like crazy now. And our pumpkins are orange. Need to post some fall photos of my own.

  5. beautiful kitten cat! :) love the fallen leaves, too.

  6. Beautiful are your new blog photos!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  7. Welcoming us into fall sister. I just love it and I hope that your printing all of those beautiful pics. Frame some and stage them around the house. Just beautiful. As always I feel like I was there sister.. HUGS and Fall blessings to you and yours. Love, Sherry @ The Rusty Pearl

  8. What a wonderful celebration of fall!

  9. These pictures are amazing as always. That spiderweb is beyond fantastic! It looks fake! GREAT shots!

  10. It's always a treat when you have a clearing the camera post. I am a bit envious of the autumn you have in the northern hemisphere. OUr predominant trees are evergreen eucalypts so we never get that display that wows.
    There are no signs of autumn (we don't call it fall) here but spring has definitely sprung.

  11. Great photos, I love the one with Emma and your boots. :-)

  12. Love them all but that spider web and Emma's eyes are priceless!

  13. I LOVE to photograph spider webs. Yours is just beautiful. Oh how I love fall and you've done such a wonderful job capturing all the colors. :)

  14. LOVE the spider web pic, that is so neat! Emma always bring a smile to my face, too :)

  15. You got some beautiful shots of fall. It seems like fall hasn't officially arrived here yet. The leaves are still green. I can't wait for them to really start falling so I can photograph them as well. That spiderweb shot is amazing!

  16. Fal IS here!! Emma is lovely and nice shot of your wet web!!

  17. Awe- we don't- it was in the 80's today-ugh but I LOVE your fall!

  18. Our fall colors are winding down. We didn't have a very pretty fall this year anyway. I love all the colored leaves on the ground and that is a great spiderweb!

  19. The spiderweb photo is amazing. The leaves here in town are changing and are beautiful. In some parts of the mountains though there was really no then brown then on the ground. The pumpkin picture in your new header looks like it has leeches all over it. That's crazy!

    1. And I don't mean that in a bad way. As I scrolled down that was the first thing that popped into my mind!

  20. Beautiful! It's looking a lot like Fall around here, too.

  21. You have so many pretty signs of fall happening here Tammy. Beautiful captures. xo

  22. How gorgeous. That web shot is just exquisite!

  23. These photos are so lovely, Tammy. It reminds me of when I first came to your blog and the photos blew me away. They make me feel like I am right there beside you. Thank you so much for sharing your talent. xoxo

  24. Whew, I can't even see the grass for the leaves, it's def. time to rake here. :)

    Your Emma looks like she loves you so. :)

  25. Lovely autumn photos and the spider is just awesome!

  26. Tammy-I'm stunned! Your photos are incredible, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart! You are one talented girl:)

  27. Emma is so cute, love the Autumn leaf and the spiders web! Great series, have a happy day!

  28. I always love your photos, Tammy. :-) Fall is just beginning to appear here, and it's my favorite season for photos!

  29. Fall looks so beautiful through your lenses!! Love that picture of the spider web.

  30. Nice shot of that spider web!! I absolutely love this time of the year.

  31. You take beautiful photographs!!!! ALL of them are gorgeous but I can't resist that kitty. :)

  32. Isn't fall grand! - Your shots were lovely. Emma is so cute and the dewy spider web was fantastic.

  33. Such great shots! LOVE the one of the spider web - I strive to get a shot like that but webs around here aren't designed all that well LOL

  34. Gorgeous photos Tammy -- the one with you holding the leaves is my favorite. xo


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