
Monday, September 30, 2013

Clearing The Camera

Here are some recent photos I've taken that I wanted to share. Go here if you'd like to see more photo posts.

Our marigolds have done so well this year! We're saving the flowers after deadheading so we can plant the seeds in our garden next year.

On Saturday I took my grandma to a local parade to see David's marching band. It was so cute to see her enjoying herself so much, waving at all the floats and clapping along to the music. She forgot her sunglasses, so I let her borrow some of mine. She thought she looked silly but I think she looked adorable.

90 years young!

I posted this photo on the blog's Facebook page over the weekend with the title "The Homesteader's Entourage." It was one of our most popular photos ever posted. If you aren't following along yet on Facebook, click here to like our page!

I've really been enjoying my play time in the woods lately. It brings out the kid in me!

We've been harvesting and using so much butternut squash lately (go here for a good soup recipe). I love the vivid orange color that greets me when I slice the squash in half.

Sylvester photobomb level: expert.

Our sweet little Emma kitty is getting fixed tomorrow morning. It makes me so sad when I have to drop off animals for surgery, but of course I know it's for the best. She has to stay overnight, so I'll be counting the minutes until I can pick her up on Wednesday evening.

Hope you've enjoyed a slice of our homestead.


Shared with Tuesday Muse 


  1. Great photos, Tammy. You'll treasure the one of your grandmother.My children's grandmother is 90 next week. Big party planned to celebrate. Love the kitty and cat-bomb photos.

  2. "The Homesteader's Entourage." might be the most adorable picture I've ever seen. Wow. You need to enter that in some photo contests!!

  3. Beautiful are your photos, Tammy!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  4. i always worry about my animals, too. love your pied-piper sylvester. :)

  5. That pictUre is fantastic! I can see why it was so popular!

  6. Gorgeous photos, especially the one of your grandma. She's lovely!

  7. Love the pics as usual - but my very favorite is the one of your beautiful Grandma! Sounds like the perfect Fall day Tammy!

  8. Hi there, I just love marigolds they look beautiful, I love the picture of the cat with the birds following. Beautiful pictures xx

  9. So sweet, Tammy! I love all the photos, especially Grandma in her cute shades and Sylvester leading the Guineas. Too cute for words! xo

  10. Aww Gram looks adorable in your glasses !
    That butternut squash photo is great even with the paw bomb lol
    Guinea photo another winner ~ I don't do Facebook perhaps some day.
    Hope kitty is home and happy soon.

  11. That squash looks very yummy, and healthy!

  12. Nice round up if photos Tammy! ..and there's that gorgeous squash!!

  13. Your grandma looks amazing, and the sunglasses look wonderful on her! Sounds like a fun time for you both :)

  14. Your grandma doesn't look a day over 70! You are so lucky to have her in your life, I never knew mine.

    What a great picture of kitty leading the way! Love it!

    I had my pup neutered a few months ago and I was a wreck. It's the maternal side in us I guess. She will be fine, and wow, she is pretty!


  15. Great photos. Always fun to see photos of your animals.

  16. Always love the peek into your homestead. I can see why the guineas and Sylvester photo is such a big hit. Seriously adorable :)

  17. i remember that photo on fb, love it! good luck emma kittie, get well quick!! and your grandma looks cute!!

  18. Just such a sweet sweet post, dear. xo

  19. So sweet of you to spend some time with your grandma! That is so special. We live so far from our grandparents that we don't have an opportunity to do things like that very often. I understand your worries on taking Emma to the vet - I go through that every time we take one in to get fixed! But each and every time they have come home just fine and I feel so much better knowing I did the responsible thing for them.

  20. Now those are some seriously cute kitty toes! I'm loving my winter squash harvest now, too. I have so many, but only because I plant so many. Enjoy your harvest!

  21. LOVE the entourage! That is too funny. Our marigolds did remarkably well this year too. Guess who's currently enjoying them.......the coop girls. They love the leaves and the flowers. I think the photo of your Grandmother is beautiful!

  22. Nice collection of photos! I love your homesteader's entourage! :-)

  23. Good luck to your cat w/the surgery!

    Our Marigolds did great this year too! I was happy to see it. I might move them too though, to the side yard instead of the front.

    I'm sure you hear it all of the time, but your grandma does NOT look 90. And the glasses did look cute. :)

    Have a great rest of the week!

  24. Oh ... the entourage! Simply too fun!


  25. Love the pictures, and I totally agree, Grandma looks adorable!! You take such great pictures! I see a photography book or something in your future, so many great pictures.

  26. Your grandmother is so pretty. She looks great in your sunglasses!

  27. Tammy,
    I really like "The Homesteader's Entourage" photo. You were in the right place at the right time and with camera in hand.

    You are right, your Grandma is a cutie. Looks like she is enjoying the parade.

  28. I think you're Grandma is adorable too! Glad to hear she had fun at the parade.

  29. I can see why that picture is so popular, it is adorable.

    You have just given me an idea for my front garden...tyres! I could plant flowers in some tyres and hopefully my chickens with leave them alone! Your marigold looks lovely and so does your grandma, those glasses suit her :)

  30. Hi Tammy, I love all these photos but the cutest one is the birds following your kitty! I just popped over from Nancy's A Rural Journal to say Hi and meet a new blogging sister!
    Looking forward to futures posts...
    Beth P

  31. Hi,
    Oh my, I love "The Homesteader's Entourage"!!

  32. I have got to plant some marigolds in a tire next year -- love it!

  33. I can see why the Homesteaders Entourage is so popular. Super cute. And love the marigolds in the tire.

  34. Great photos, Tammy! I love your grandmother shot, she does look young! Your marigolds are pretty and your kitties are adorable. Have a happy day!

  35. Your grandma is beautiful and she looks great on those glasses. Cute pics ;)

  36. Love the photos especially the one with grandma and the Homesteader Entourage. That is too cute. It sure does look like a lot of fun living on the farm.

  37. This are all great but I love the one of the cat leading the guineas!

  38. I love the flower and the butternut squash image wi the cat paws!

  39. I love your pictures Tammy always! I did like the homestead entourage picture on FB, because it just cracked me up!! Sylvester just rules the homestead. ;) and his little paws in the squash picture, lol, just love it! :)

  40. I think the posts of cleaning your camera are my fave. You can really see how you spend your time. I'm glad to call you a friend. :)

  41. Your Grandma looks very 'chic" in her shades ;-) I like the old tire filled with marigolds, and of course your boots ;-) My daughter has a thing for buying different patterns of those mud boots ;-)

  42. Thanks for sharing the information! Nice post <3
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