
Monday, September 9, 2013

Clearing The Camera: Gizmo Edition

We haven't even had Gizmo for three months yet, but I wonder how we ever got along without him.

It has been fun (and a little sad) to watch him grow so quickly. Sometimes I look back on photos from just a couple months ago and can't believe he was ever so tiny.

A couple weeks ago he really gave us a scare. He had a freak accident getting his toe stuck in the leg of a chair and had to undergo emergency surgery to remove the toe. I was a nervous wreck leaving him at the animal emergency center while they put him under and repaired the injury. Thankfully, we got a call just about 45 minutes after we left that he was ready to be picked up and did just fine. He had to wear an e-collar for a while so he wouldn't pull out his stitches, and at first he hated it but eventually got used to it.

Sometimes he can test my patience when he plays with the tomatoes, attacks my feet, and gets into everything, but when he cuddles up on a lazy day and purrs loudly until falling asleep, I know he is happy and completely content and there is no better feeling in the world.

I have always loved animals, especially cats, but there is just something extra special about Gizmo. Maybe because I was wishing for a kitten and he just showed up in the chicken coop one day like an answered prayer. Whatever the reason, it doesn't really matter because I am just so happy he's in our lives.


Shared with Tuesday Muse 


  1. your photos of him are truly amazing! That first one just tugs at my heartstrings. And that photo of him with his cone.....what an adorable little thing. :)

  2. I LOVE that 6/22 pic of him in mid-meow. What a wonderful capture :)

  3. Oh he is so cute, and I can tell, much loved!

  4. Gizmo is a sweet kitty! I can see why you love him so.

  5. Belas fotos de lindo gato...Espectacular....

  6. SO cute. And look how much he's grown :)

  7. Gizmo is one cute kitty! Thanks for sharing these adorable photos.

  8. Awwww - Gizmo is a doll! I can't believe how fast he grew though! That's crazy!

    Wishing you a lovely day.

  9. I'm LOVING this edition of clearing the camera! Gizmo is so adorable - and I love to see the "then and now" shots. Too cute!

  10. He is a handsome little guy! It's amazing how they can steal your heart so quickly and completely. :)
    I'm planning a kitten post for tomorrow.

  11. He is really the cutest kitten I've ever seen!

  12. Such wonderful photos--and writing! Gizmo is adorable!

  13. Aww, what a cutie! This was a really sweet post, Tammy, and the photos of Gizmo are adorable!

  14. That face could melt Antarctica. So glad you found each other. :)

  15. What a wonderful display of Gizmos time with you. I enjoy looking back at pictures when our cats were kittens. Their expressions are just precious!

  16. He is just so gosh darn cute! If we didn't live two states away, I would just have to come visit him!

  17. This is the sweetest post Tammy. My favorite picture is the one where you show how quickly he grows.. yep.. it goes by SO fast! I had to smile when I saw the photo of the cone. BOTH my girls are wearing one now. Ginger (my old girl) has to wear one to keep her from scratching and hurting her delicate old skin. and my little Layla (who just turned 2!) is wearing one because she had emergency surgery for an abscess she developed probably a result of a wasp (she took down a wasps nest while we were in Canada and was stung multiple times). She's a character .. and like Gizmo, tests our nerves on occasion but I wouldn't trade them for anything.

  18. Pets add so much joy and love to our lives. Glad Gizmo found you!

  19. He is beautiful!! And such a very lucky kitty to have found you guys!! Love that face!!

  20. What a lovely photos from Gizmo.
    Greetings, RW & SK

  21. Cats are absolutely the best things ever. I don't know how people live without them. I have rescued and fixed so many within my short 25 years - and plan to rescue and spay/neuter many more in my lifetime! They are just so sweet and precious. LOVE them!

  22. He's a cutie pie! Kittens do get into lots of mischief! Animals are so pure-hearted, especially cats. When they love you, they really let you know! xo

  23. Tammy, Gizmo is a cutie! Glad he found a happy home with you!

  24. It's amazing how quickly we bond to our pets - especially when they are an answer to a heartfelt prayer. There are no coincidences. :-)

  25. So cute! I love how kittens always seem so super eager and positive. You've got a winner there :)

  26. Looks like your husband's perfectly okay w/him being an indoor cat (and aww to that picture!).

    I love Gizmo. He makes me want a cat. :)

  27. Please, please consider doing a "Gizmo" calendar (Sylvester and chickens, too)! I'll buy them. Gizmo is so photogenic - those eyes, wow!

    Victoria, Connecticut

  28. Oh Gizmo! What a sweetie he is. So sorry to hear about his accident. He sure is growing up to be a handsome boy. Best wishes to you, Tammy

  29. So sweet! And I am sorry to hear about his accident. We will be praying he will heal well. And I love his story of how he came to you.

    xx oo

  30. That is a wild story about his toe. Glad all is well - I'm sure it makes a great story for him to tell his kitty friends ;-)

  31. Gizmo sounds like he will give you many years of love and keeping your hands full.



  32. Gizmo is beautiful! Glad he did well with his surgery. Kittens can get into all kinds of trouble, it seems. It makes me want a cat to look at your pictures. Well, if the truth were told, I want a cat even when I don't look at photos. Next year...

  33. Oh my gosh, this is so cute. My brother rescued a litter of kittens, and I have been so tempted to take that feeling is worse!! Adorable!

  34. What a sweetheart! He is meant to be yours and you are meant to be his. :). A cat's purr is one of the most beautiful sounds in the world!

  35. Tammy - Those are such cute photos! And I'm not even a cat fan! I love that one of him curled up with your hubby!

  36. oh my word is Gizmo the sweetest thing. Poor guy having surgery. Glad he's healing.

  37. Gizmo is SO adorable! My, he is growing so fast, too. I can imagine what fun he is :)

  38. Awww Tammy, what a beautiful post! Gizmo is adorable! You are so lucky to have found each other :)

  39. He's adorable. How quickly they grow. I'm happy to hear he made it through surgery without a hitch.

  40. Some cats just wiggle their way into our hearts even more than others, don't they? As though they are just more in tune, or they are on the same wavelength. I'm so glad that Gizmo turned up in your life, like such an answer to prayer. He's such a cutie!

  41. Wow! Gizmo has really grown. I didn't think he was all that tiny to begin with until you showed the two pictures side by side. My cat Winston sleeps behind my knees like that.

  42. Awww just adorable!! :) Meant to be!

  43. That little face of his is precious!

  44. Oh, he should be okay, but of course, quite a scare and trauma for him!


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