
Monday, August 12, 2013

They Grow Up Too Fast!

We took the kitties in for another round of shots over the weekend, and they are now both over four pounds! It seems like each time we take them in they double in size (right now they get a set of shots every three weeks). Gizmo is done with his shots, but we have to take Emma in one more time. The vet said since their baby teeth had already fallen out, she estimates they are both around 13 weeks old. We are definitely going to get them fixed, but we have to wait until they are about six months old.

They were both ready to get back home and out of those carriers! Emma handles it better than Gizmo - he was constantly sticking his legs out the holes in the front of the carrier and desperately trying to escape (he scratched up his nose pretty good as a result).

As we arrived home, I noticed Sylvester patiently waiting for his friend Emma to return (we keep Emma outside and Gizmo stays inside).

Reunited and it feels so good.

They love to play together and Sylvester takes such good care of her. He used to be gone all day long and just came home to eat, but now he hangs out by the chicken coop with Emma all day and keeps an eye on her. It's the sweetest thing! As soon as we got Gizmo back to the house, he ran for cover in his cozy spot under the bed and napped most of the day. I guess the visit really took a lot out of him!


Shared with Tuesday Muse 


  1. oh, sylvester is a sweet friend to her!!! adorable!

  2. It always does take a lot out of them I find. Glad it's over for them for now.That Sylvester is one cool cat. What a great photo of the little buddies.

  3. I love cats, and I love seeing people take good care of their kitties! They are so sweet and fun. :)

  4. They're so cute! Gosh, I haven't had a cat fixed in years, but we used to do it when they were like 8 weeks old! Guess they wait a while now (or maybe it was because I always had males?)

  5. Awww, they sure DO grow up too fast. I always say the same thing about my boys <3

  6. Gizmo and Emma are so cute that it should be illegal!! Seriously I just wanna hug them for hours!

  7. Aw, that's sweet of your cat to have taken to the kitten. And poor Gizmo's little nose, aww. They're all sweet.

  8. I am glad you are having the kitties fixed, I wish more pet owners were more responsible with the pets. What a cute story about Emma and Sylvester. They are cute playing together too. Great shots! Enjoy your week ahead!

  9. They are so cute when they are kittens...Such cute pictures too!

  10. Adorable Tammy and YES they do grow up fast. Tomorrow is my "puppy" Layla's 2 yr old birthday. We also have an ailing 13 year old .. it's very sad to see Ginger get older and are thankful to have Layla's energy around. Her puppy days went by quickly and she brings us so much joy .. as do your chickens and kittens:)

  11. Sooo adorable! I love that Sylvester has such a wonderful friendship with Emma!

  12. This is the sweetest picture!!! I love the playfulness with Emma and Sylvester! Adorable!

  13. Aww I love that Emma And Sylvester are such great buddies... Everyone needs a friend :) Love love love that 2nd shot, so stinking sweet!

  14. That's so awesome that Emma and Sylvester are friends. The picture of them playing is too adorable!

  15. Such cute little kittens! Yes, baby animals grow up way too fast.

  16. Absolutely adorable! Love seeing the friendship between Sylvester and Emma. Everyone needs a friend!

  17. Aw, Sylvester and Emma are so cute together! I wish I could have kittens, but I am so so SO allergic!!

  18. I think you are going to have two big cats! And Sylvester is such a handsome boy. Love how he is playing with Emma. Sweet. :)

  19. Adorable <3
    Our feral kitties are getting tamer, and their Mum has started to disconnect from them now too. They've spent the past 3 nights in the farmhouse now :)
    Janie x

  20. My Alex adopted my little Naomi in a similar way when she turned up as a tiny kitten. He just took her under his wing (paw?) Your cats are lovely!

  21. What a sweet story! I am so glad Gizmo is feeling at home. I just love your animal stories...We could learn much from the animal kingdom. Have a great week. Blessings!

  22. what fun, love the reuinited photo!

  23. Lovely capture as their reunite Lovely.

  24. You can see Gizmo's nose, poor baby. I love that Sylvester is Emma's protector. He knows.

  25. I just found your blog

    It has got to be the most adorable blog out there



  26. Awwww....I can't resist kitties of any kind. Your looks so sweet. I love the story of Sylvester and Emma. Hope they both feel better after their shots.

  27. Poor little Gizmo and his banged up nose! I love how Sylvester takes care of Emma, too cute! :)
    P.S. Now I've got that stupid song running around in my head! LOL!!

  28. They are so cute! I love how Sylvester loves Emma...:) I am also loving your is so cute! Can't wait to hear more stories about these babies...:) thanks for sharing!

  29. What a sweet post; I love cats....It's wonderful to see Sylvester take such good care of Emma...He looks like one big dude but so gentle with her.....

    Enjoying your blog....

  30. They are so sweet! They ARE growing so fast... wow!

    Wishing you a lovely day.

  31. I ADORE that last photo - cutest thing ever!!! The story of Gizmo's legs sticking out cracked me right up. Love your new header!

  32. That photo of Sylvester and Emma is so sweet! All 3 kitties are so cute! I'm glad I found your happy post from Tuesday Muse.

  33. They really have grown quick! So adorable and I still can't get over how much Sylvester and Emma love each other.

  34. Belos gatos...Espectacular....

  35. Awww! Sylvester and Emma have a sweet friendship. :-)

  36. Awww how sweet. :) They do grow up too fast, that's for darned sure!

  37. They are adorable! I love watching them play :)

  38. How cute! I love that last picture of them.

  39. You are so responsible with your kitties!!
    How do they do with the chickens when they are out of the run and grazing?


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