
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Homemade Living: Late Summer Bouquet

Early this morning before leaving for work, David cut some flowers to take for displaying in his new office at school. Since moving into the school's new band room this summer, he has been working on adding personal touches to the space to make it feel more inviting.

David puts together gorgeous bouquets effortlessly and seems to really have an eye for color. He inspired me to make my own bouquet this morning before heading off to work.

This morning was quite a bit cooler than what we're used to this time of year and it almost felt like early fall. I lost myself in walking around the garden and collecting blooms for my bouquet. The sun was shining and the birds were singing and I think I could have stayed outside meandering in the garden all day long. It was truly one of those mornings that just makes you want to linger a little longer than you should.

I proudly displayed my bright bouquet in the kitchen and I know I will enjoy the pop of color every time I enter the room. Who needs pricey store bought bouquets when nature provides so much beauty right outside your door?


This week in the Homemade Living series, I am joined by Daisy and Mary in posting about how we incorporate homemade items into our lives. Next week Meg, Staci, and Amber will be up. If you have some free time, please check out the other posts in this weekly series!

Shared with Rurality Blog HopDown Home Blog Hop, From the Farm Blog Hop  


  1. Love the colour combination. Very pretty.

  2. that is really sweet. best kind of bouquet. :)

  3. Gorgeous, especially the black eyed susans. I walked around our garden the other day hopefully looking for signs of spring, and found hellebores & primroses flowering. S:)

  4. Oh so pretty. Love the old enamel pot too and in orange!!! Oh and love your new header.

  5. Gorgeous Tammy ! I just love them and your little vase. :)

  6. Love this post :) My Mum has that knack of putting a bunch of anything together and making it look beautiful, just lovely.
    Janie x

  7. So pretty. We just moved back to the U.S., so I can't wait to get our garden planted next spring.

  8. It's lovely & I love the pitcher/vase that you have it displayed in!

  9. You are both very artistic ~ love floral bouqets that will cheer anyone up ~ lovely photos ~ thanks, carol, xo

  10. Beautiful flowers and in the perfect container for them! I'm inspired to go pick some of my black eyed susans!

  11. Beautiful photography and sense of colour! It's amazing all that grows there!

  12. Love the orange rustic pitcher, such a perfect match with those gorgeous flowers.

  13. Tammy, your bouquet is lovely. The colors look pretty together too. Beautiful images, it was cool today here too. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  14. Tammy, it is so true - who needs to buy them in a store when they are in your garden. I love those Black eyed :) - Thank you for sharing

  15. So beautiful! This is THE type of bouquet I crave all Summer long! I love that Dave inspires YOU to make this lovely bouquet - that's pretty cool!

  16. So pretty......what a pretty sight to see when you start your day in the kitchen. Ahhh...fall.....can't wait...:)

  17. So pretty! Fresh flowers from the garden are the best :)

  18. What a beautiful job! I have absolutely no cutting flowers around here... I need to remedy that. :)

  19. Great bouquet and what a perfect pot to put them in! Really love it!

  20. I love freshly picked mixed flowers! You did a beautiful job! I also really like your new header!

  21. You are so right! :) Your bouquet is just beautiful. Enjoying home-picked flowers is the best. Our morning was cooler today as well. Today our high was 71 - completely unheard of for this time of the year. I'm enjoying the break from heat and humidity!!

  22. Tammy,
    How fun to gather and make a bouquet out of your own flowers. The flowers are simply gorgeous! I love the tea kettle for a vase.

  23. That bouquet really looks fantastic in the orange coffepot! I have enjoyed fresh garden bouquets all summer. I will really miss them come the first frost.

  24. That turned out so nice...I love Black eyed Susans and Cosmos and the lavender in there. Great idea for the teapot the color! Have an awesome day!!

  25. What a gorgeous combination. Love the coffee pot. I picked some flowers from our yard today too-great minds think alike I guess! ;0)

  26. My kind of flower arrangement. The only thing that would make it better would be if it was hand delivered by a small child:)

  27. Your bouquet is beautiful, and it looks perfect in that bright orange coffee pot. Your morning sounds like so much fun. I love to be outside in the early morning--it's my favorite time of day.

  28. What a gorgeous bouquet!! Your "vase" is a perfect showcase for all the beautiful flowers. I should have quite an impressive sunflower display in a few weeks. I am so excited for all the color!

  29. So beautiful! Love the old coffee pot as a vase!

  30. What a beautiful bouquet! Those bright yellow flowers would cheer me up any day.

  31. Black-eyed Susans are my fav♫ Nice arrangements!

  32. Nicely done! Love the coffee pot and the amazing colors.

  33. Tammy if I am ever in your neck of the woods I am going to come visit and learn some creative tips from you. I absolutely love your photos.

  34. This looks almost identical to the one I have in a mason jar on my kitchen table. But it will be my last as the perennial garden is pretty much petered out in our neck of the woods.
    I love those Fall, chilly early mornings out in my garden, sipping hot coffee and picking the last of the tomatoes and soaking up the morning sunshine.

  35. What a delicious bouquet - just lovely!

  36. oh that is a beautiful bouquet!! you know, it feels like fall here too...i like it but it's still summer, i want heat until it's really fall! although i know my boys appreciate this cooler weather for football practice! i actually have to put my hoodie on before it's over!

  37. Tammy, I just love those kind of mornings.. It's been overcast and cool here too and I liking it. The light rain is helping to water are dry forested area and local gardens. Your garden bouquet is so pretty! xxleslie

  38. David is artistic...making music and floral arrangements is a sure sign. I love that quality in a man. :-)

  39. So pretty what a lovely little display of flowers. Feeling the same here first thing in the Morning, An Autumn feel. Clever Hubby I must say.
    Sheila x

  40. Making a bouquet is an art and some have an eye for it. I seem to never get it right.
    Like that last picture.

  41. Love the flowers and pictures - Black eyed Susan's rock! And also just catching up and noticed your new header - LOVE it!

  42. What a pretty bouquet. I love flowers but rarely take the time to bring them indoors; I should do that more often.

  43. Loving this colourful bouquet! Better than the storebought ones for sure.

  44. Aww, that's romantic too that you have similar bouquets to look at all day! Very pretty ones too! :)

  45. That is quite the lovely boquet for sure. And yes it really has felt like fall in the mornings lately hasn't it?? I love it.

  46. hello tammy,
    what a beautiful flower the colours.
    greeetings from germany,

  47. do not take me bad.i am copying one of ur pics from's just too admirable.........and i wish i had them u greww them in ur backyard?

  48. Gorgeous bouquet! The orange container is also very pretty.

  49. I'm a sucker for practically every room if I find the time. ;) Yours is a beauty! :)

  50. that is really gorgeous! best kind of bouquet!!

    big hugs~


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