
Friday, August 30, 2013

Feathered Friend Friday: Random 5

I've always wanted to join in with my friend Nancy for her fun Random 5 Friday series, but since I always do a feathered friend post on Fridays I figured I wouldn't be able to submit anything. Then I realized I could write five random feathered friend facts, so here we go!

1. Roosters don't only crow in the mornings. They crow ALL DAY LONG. Sometimes I hear Cam crowing in the middle of the night! Most people who visit the homestead are surprised when they hear our roosters crowing loudly in the afternoon or evening.

2. You probably know by now that I love me a fluffy chicken butt. I try not to discriminate, but I have to say, Buff Orpingtons have some glorious fluff.

3. I love the colorful eggs my current layers give me, but I'm really excited for our Welsummer pullet to start laying. She will lay a dark brown, almost terra cotta colored egg!

4. Our coop kitty, Emma, is learning from Sylvester to watch over the chickens while they're out free ranging. I'm not sure what kind of damage she could do to a predator, but it's cute that she stands guard.

5. It seems like the chickens are always on the go and scratching for treats, but occasionally they take breaks. It always makes me laugh when I see them sitting down like this because they look like living versions of hens on nests!


Shared with Random 5 Friday


  1. I loved this post; it is so interesting....I love all the different kinds of chickens you have and I think's it's so cute your kitty watches over them....

  2. I love the 'Chicken on Guard' photo, and I love that your cats and chickens are family. :)

  3. I love learning about chickens, roosters and all kinds of animals for that matter from bloggy friends. Your photos are just beautiful and I have a thing for chickens and roosters. I've always been a city girl and haven't experienced any of this.

  4. Great post! I've oohed and ahhed over your animals before, so instead let me ask..your pictures always so clear and sharp, especially in comparison with my kinda sloppy pictures(which are typically taken with dirty hands on my phone to be fair!)...what kind of camera do you use?

  5. Great post! I've oohed and ahhed over your animals before, so instead let me ask..your pictures always so clear and sharp, especially in comparison with my kinda sloppy pictures(which are typically taken with dirty hands on my phone to be fair!)...what kind of camera do you use?

  6. You take such wonderful photos. I absolutely love the one of the rooster crowing!It reminds me an awful lot of our roo.

  7. I love Buffs :) I miss having them around!

  8. Great idea, combining the two posts. I love the sound of roosters, but I don't think they'd go over well in my neighborhood. Your guard kitty is adorable!

  9. Cams one handsome and healthy looking rooster ! Great shot of him!

  10. i always love seeing your flock! sweet guard kitten made me laugh!

  11. Great photos and I always love to hear your Friday chicken tales. :)

  12. Oh they crow all day for sure! And sometimes all night too.

  13. Yes I can't go past an Orpington's fluffy butt either - Betty our black Orpington is also very friendly. If I don't spread the food out quick enough she will jump up and try to get it out of the container as I'm walking. Have a lovely weekend S:)

  14. Love the pic of your rooster, he is so handsome!

  15. Always love Feathered Friend Friday, and now I love Random Facts Friday, too. Is there anything cuter than a fluffy chicken butt? Maybe a kitten and Hen? I love your handsome rooster, too. Lots to love. Hugs, xoxo

  16. Awwww, what cute photos. Yes, our roosters definitely crow any time of the day!! Your buff has such a pretty fluffy butt! Our doms are ok, but not nearly as cute, plus lately a few of them have been getting poop stuck on their butt feathers :(

  17. I've always wondered: do the brown eggs taste different? Just curious. Have a wonderful holiday weekend my friend!

  18. Great always. Fun facts too. :-)

  19. Emma is colored like the chicken!!
    So sweet! I love the chicken butt feathers too!! Bet they're soft!

  20. I knew that roosters crowed all day long. They run WILD all over Kauai and they crow non-stop.

    Love that fluffy chicken butt too!

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

  21. What a wonderful post. I just love the photos of your chickens and the sweet kitty is adorable.


  22. Oh Tammy your photos always make me smile thank you for the fluffy chicken butt pic:) We had a rooster that crowed all the time I figured he really like to hear himself talk. :) B

  23. That is one awesome, fluffy butt!

  24. I enjoyed seeing the fluffy butt! :) I think it's cool that your kitty watches over the flock.

  25. Great photos! Your eggs look fabulous, and I love the shot of kitty and chicken. :)

  26. Buff Orpington....even sounds like a fluffy Little guard kitty is adorable!!! I always love your posts!!

  27. Lovely are the photos!
    Greetings from, RW & SK

  28. A sweet random five! Thanks for the smiles, Tammy!
    (How cute is that little Emma as watch kitty!)

  29. Oh Tammy -- I love that you took the time to create a Random 5 around your usual Friday Chicken post. How thoughtful and creative.

    And as for Emma -- if nothing else, hopefully she'll keep wandering unwanted felines away from the chickens (you might want to watch her around chicks thought -- my farm kitties have not learned they are off limits yet.)

  30. Wow, your pictures really blow me away! The shot of Cam crowing is awesome!

  31. Buff orpingtons are my favorite breed too. Great photo of your crowing rooster. Barred rock perhaps?

  32. Tammy, I love reading your random five! I was just catching up on your other posts and the farm table you guys built is amazing!! Won't the upcoming holidays be fun-celebrating around it!!

    You've definitely got a gift for photography-I marvel at each and every photo you post!

    And I apologize for being so hit or miss lately-I'm getting my daughter ready to start her senior year of high school-and I've been struggling with empty nest depression-even though it's still a ways away. As one of my most precious blog friends though-you are always in my thoughts:)

  33. Ohhhh I'm so glad I stumbled onto this post from a RJ. I live in So Cal and in the next few years my hubby and I will be leaving for hopefully a more rural setting such as yours. I want chickens that lay eggs as beautiful as these. Loved coming here this morning.

  34. What a fun post!! I LOVE the rooster photo - spectacular! :) Emma is a doll - so sweet.

  35. Such a sweet kitten in your header. One of my outdoor kitties had her first litter while I was away and last week she decided to deposit them in our stairwell. At first there were only 3 but the next day she brought the fourth one along. I'm guessing she knows they are safe with me but there are other people who live in the building too. Lots of people around here have chickens and roosters but none of them look so lovely as yours. The roosters do crow all the time. Often it sounds like they are talking to each other from down the street and around the block because they crow one right after another. I just hate seeing the chickens running the street eating up garbage. I wonder then do the owners kill and eat their chickens at some point after they've been filling up on filthy stuff? Yuck!!!! Have a great weekend. Tammy

  36. You take the most amazing photos of your chickens. And I totally thought that roosters only crowed in the mornings.

  37. Oh yes, that is some fluffy butt!! hehe.

  38. I know what you mean about crowing constantly. It is a sound I love though. :)

  39. Yes I to like they way they roost all fluffy and cute, great 5 Randoms .

  40. I ADORE the picture of Emma and her little friend. That's the cutest thing I've seen all day! Your eggs look great too! Hope you had a great weekend my friend!

  41. Such pretty creatures.

  42. This was cute, love the fluffy chicken butt! Who doesn't love that? :)

  43. I second luckybunny - we all love a cute fuzzy chicken butt!

  44. Beautiful pictures, Tammy! I love how Emma stands guard :)


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