
Monday, August 5, 2013

Clearing The Camera

Here are some recent photos I've taken that I wanted to share. Go here if you'd like to see more photo posts.

Gorgeous lily bouquet David picked for me.

Sylvester always wants to play with Duchess. It's the sweetest thing.

Been drinking so much of this lately! Go here for the recipe.

Sweet sentiment drawn by David on the concrete before installing our new floors (more on that to come!).

Our black-eyed Susans are blooming like crazy!

Gizmo is into everything lately. I forgot how curious and crazy kittens are.

We've been having lots of rainy days lately. Good for napping :)

We watched my grandma's dog while she was on vacation. Roxy quickly worked her way into our hearts!

Hope you've enjoyed a slice of our homestead.


Shared with Tuesday Muse, Rurality Blog HopFrom the Farm Blog Hop   


  1. loved the pups and cats. and RAIN! looks so refreshing! need some here.

  2. Oh I love the dog and cat love picture! !

  3. Yes! I've been drinking too many lately too!:) yum! Great pics Tammy and such a darling pup!

  4. Beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing. :)

  5. Wonderful images; thanks for sharing a simple way of living!

  6. Love the pictures Tammy! Awww..Gizmo is just adorable and it's so sweet with Sylvester and Duchess!

  7. Nice photos, especially of the black eyed susans. And I always love animal shots. Your kitten is adorable.

  8. Aww, those kitties are getting so big!
    Janie x

  9. Love that photo of Sylvester and Duchess, so sweet, and Gizmo in the dishwasher! Looking forward to seeing your new floor. S:)

  10. I love Gizmo in the cupboard. Great shot. The last photo...not sure what Gizmo thinks of the whole thing. :)

  11. Beautiful pictures! I love the shot of the rain - we could use some!

  12. Your kittens are too cute :) All your photos are beautiful!

  13. Yes, it was enjoyable to see more of your home. All of your photos are beautiful, just like they always are. It looks like Gizmo is thinking about pouncing on Roxy. :-)

  14. Tammy, I love the cute doggies and the kittens. And the black-eyed susans are beautiful. Lovely images, have a happy week ahead!

  15. I love them all! Such a great idea to clear the camera!

  16. I love clear the camera posts. Random smiles. I can't wait to see those floors!!!

  17. Loved all of the pics! Your grandma sure has a cute dog!

  18. Looks like the cat might be jealous ......

  19. Beautiful photos, Tammy. I so love that sweet photo of Duchness and Sylvester.

  20. Great shots, the kitten looks like trouble in the making. Enjoy them.

  21. All of the pictures are so pretty but I especially like the ones of the flowers and the kittens!!

  22. All beautiful photo's! Loved seeing some more Gizmo :) I forgot how fast they grow!

  23. I LOVE the picture of your husband and Roxy. How sweet.

  24. Great set of pics. Gizmo is so cute!

  25. Gizmo is so adorable! And that rain picture is amazing! How did you capture that? I can never hardly capture the raindrops on camera. For some reason they never show up well. The picture of Sylvester and Duchess is smile-inducing.

  26. Sylvester and Duchess - PRECIOUS!! And good job to David on the bouquet gift to you - beautiful flowers!

  27. the iced coffee. :) LOVE Gizmo - I do remember those trying kitten days. They are so sweet though, it makes you forget the craziness. Beautiful photos.

  28. great photos and i especially love the one of sylvester and duchess, that is so sweet...also the little heart with your initials...awwwww

  29. yes, i loved seeing your slice of life. it's just perfect!

  30. These are all such fantastic pictures. I can't even pic a fave. Nice selection to put up! And lol at your partner in the kitchen!! Gizmo looks like a good helper. At least you have someone who is interested in the family runs. ;)

  31. Oh shots are really Lovely those darling Kitties and that cool look on Duchess's face ...all so cute Love them. :)

  32. Looks like a pretty nice life. I love the shot of the rain. We don't get rain like that in San Diego.

  33. First time visiting, but from just looking at this slice of life of yours....I like ya :) Think I'll stick around by being your newest follower :)

  34. Love them all, Tammy!!
    The lilies & black eyed susans - those are both of my favorites this time of year. Little Gizmo is too cute, and I love the cabinet he is exploring in!
    We haven't had a rainy day in much too long now.. I've been craving one.

  35. Aw looks like you guys had a great week! I love seeing photos of your kitten. Make sure you take a ton while he's still so little! It's always my biggest regret when babies grow up.

  36. Your photos are so beautiful! You have such a great eye!

  37. I just saw Gizmo on Facebook and he looks like a teenager now!!! :)

  38. Lovely flower shots!! The best is Sylvester and Duchess--- LOVE :-}} Like your heart too!

  39. AW I love it when you clean you camera. That is so sweet you hubby writes love notes to you on the floor :)

  40. Such sweet photos Tammy. I sure like it when you clean out the ole camera and always enjoy the peak into your hood :) Life IS good!

  41. Love it when you clean out the camera, Tammy! These are so charming! So full of love and life. Precious. xo

  42. You do take such lovely photos. Lilies are my favourite flowers so those get my vote

  43. Oh my gosh!!! I know that's not very eloquent of me, but oh my gosh!! These photos are extraordinary!!

  44. Fantastic photos and your little kitty and husband and dog are delight and love the kitty in the dishwasher ~ Great photography! ~ Happy Day ~ carol xo

  45. Black Eyed Susans are some of my favorite flowers too! I love the picture of Duchess and Sylvester!

  46. Oh, what a lovely series of shots. Love that last one!

  47. Sweet post Tammy. Your hubby is adorable. :)

  48. Tammy, love the shot of Duchess... our cats love to play with our Lucy. The kitten into everything, yup, I agree, you really have to watch so you don't close them up in something! Thanks for sharing on RBH this week!

  49. I always love these posts, such a great mix of pictures. I really enjoy them :)

  50. Amazing photos, as always. So glad you share them and CONGRATS on your etsy shop! Horray!!!


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