
Monday, July 8, 2013

Pioneer Women Outing: Lavender Farm

Each month a group of women in my family and some of our friends get together to do different activities, many of them focusing on old skills that have been lost like food preservation or soap making. We call ourselves the pioneer women and this past weekend our group took a little field trip to a lavender farm near St. Louis. It was such a great time!

When we arrived, the owner of the farm gave a very thorough and interesting talk on lavender and all its beneficial uses. I really had no idea that lavender was so great for medicinal purposes! I've always heard about the cosmetic uses, but actually it sounds like it is a wonderful all-natural cure for just about anything that ails you. It can help wounds heal faster, alleviate symptoms from allergies or sinus issues, and can also act as a sleep aid.

Dried lavender can also be used in cooking, and after the talk we had our lunch which featured some of the lavender grown there on the farm. With my veggie wrap I had a wonderful spinach strawberry salad with a balsamic vinaigrette infused with lavender. To drink I had lavender lemonade, and for dessert it was a chocolate brownie with dried lavender. Everything was so delicious!

After lunch I was ready to go pick some lavender for myself. They have several different varieties growing at the farm, and I was sure to harvest my lavender from the variety used for culinary purposes. If you use a different type of lavender, it can be very overpowering and slightly bitter in your food.

I was so thrilled to see bees everywhere! They actually have two beehives at the farm but they were all sold out of honey. I wish I could have tasted some - I bet it is heavenly!

After I had collected my lavender bundle, I spent a little time walking around the property and taking in the beautiful scenery. There were several small ponds and a cute old barn making up the landscape.

To end the time at the farm, we headed up to the gift shop where they sell all sorts of wonderful products created with their lavender. I purchased some lavender essential oil (made from steam distillation) so I could try making a few of my own cosmetic items at home.

It's always fun to spend time with my pioneer women. The lavender farm was the perfect destination for our outing for the month of July!


Shared with Tuesday Muse, Eco Kids Tuesday, Barn Charm  


  1. We did have a great time and this is a great picture if all of us, also the pics of the farm are so good Tammy you are an accomplished photographer.
    Aunt Bette

  2. Such a great idea to get together with family and friends each month! I should do the same with mine.
    P.S. I love your sandals :)

  3. What a wonderful time this must have been. I love the photos - especially the amazing capture of the bee!

  4. How fun! The lavander fields are gorgeous and I am sure the smell was awesome....What a great trip. Blessings!

  5. Love the photo of you in the field of lavender. Very cute.

  6. I learned a whole bunch about lavender! thanks!

  7. what a cool tradition for you pioneers! :) i've never been to a lavender field but have seen lots of photos in blogland. i have no doubt, the real thing is much lovelier than a bar of commercially made soap or lotion. :)

  8. What a beautiful farm! Nice to see the bees at work, too.

  9. I am SO envious! What a great trip. I'll bet it smelled incredible there!

  10. Tammy, this sounds like a fun visit to the Lavender Farm. I loved the scent. Lovely photos and a great shot of your pioneer group!

  11. Wow! Those pictures are so beautiful. It looks so peaceful and serene at that farm. It make me want to lay in those lavender fields and take a little nap~

  12. Oh I want to join your pioneer woman club it looks and sounds like so much fun, I love lavender and we have farms near me I must go have a look. Beautiful Bee photos Tammy. B

  13. It looks beautiful! I love cooking with lavender :)

  14. I had no idea lavender could be used for so many things! Nice photos of the lavender fields.

  15. I LOVE the Pioneer Woman Group!!! sounds like a fantastic time! Oh, I can just smell the wonderful fragrant lavender fields.....probably a little more fragrant than my few plants. :) What will you be doing with your lavender? I want to try making lavender wands this year. We'll see if I get the time {and enough lavender} to do so!

  16. I love when you do your pioneer women adventures. I used to have some lavender but I accidentally trimmed it too much one winter and killed it.

  17. what a nice adventure for your group. beautiful pictures.

  18. Looks like you had a blast! We have a lavender farm down Cape just a bit. One of my favorite places to visit. Just magical!~Melissa

  19. The Pioneer Women sounds like a wonderful tradition! And the lavender fields are beautiful! Makes me want to plant a field in lavender! I started some from seed last year, it got off to a slow start, but surprised me and survived the winter. I think it'll take a few years to get it really growing strong before I can harvest some though....

  20. What a great idea...having a group of adventurous women to go on outings with. Your pictures are gorgeous...I learned a thing or two about lavender as well. It looks like a great time was had by all!:)


  21. Lovely lavender fields! Sounds like such a fun adventure

  22. What a wonderful way to spend a day! I cannot imagine being surrounded by that much lavender! Sounds heavenly Lavender is my favorite essential oil. I have been using it for years for, as you mentioned countless reasons. I would think that honey would have been wonderful. Imagining it on some fresh baked biscuits. Yummy!! Your pioneer women's club sounds like a lot of fun! I wonder what you are going to do with your lavender?

  23. A fun outing with a fun group, it sounds like. :-) Lavender is one of my favorite essential oils, I use it in health and beauty products, and as a sleep aid. We have a small lavender farm not too far away that I've never been to (she said with shame).

  24. What a great adventure. I'll have to remember it the next time I'm in St. Louis seeing my peeps. I had some lavender growing in my yard, but I think it froze in April.

  25. So pretty there! I didn't know of all the uses for lavender; very cool!

  26. What a great idea and fun group! Love your pics, this place looks so neat. I have heard about the benefits of lavender as well, I bet that honey was delish!

  27. I would have been in Heaven visiting a lavender farm. How fun that would be to be part of your pioneer women's group, you all are so fortunate to have such a great group of women in your family.

  28. What fun!! And beauty!! And I can just imagine the fragrance!!
    My mom has been a big fan of lavender for many years, it's kind of her trademark scent - whenever I come by something lavender infused, I pick it up for her. This place really looks awesome, and I love that you learned so much and the idea behind your group outing!
    PS: I love your hat. I'm a hat lover. :)

  29. I love these outings - what a fun trip to take! I love lavender, we grow a bit and my girls love just rubbing it in their hands to make perfume!

  30. What a fun outing. I love that so many of you are able to work these regular get togethers into your schedule.

  31. This looks like such a fun outing. I'd love to make some lavender sachets or wands for my dresser. It has such a light soothing fragrance, I'm glad you had such a wonderful day!

  32. Oh Tammy! That looks like such a fun time! I have three lavender plants, but I'm not sure what variety they are. I like to dry them and hang them up for the scent and for decoration. Other than that, I really haven't used it for anything else. I tried making lavender-infused oil last year but it ended up molding so I had to throw it out.

  33. How beautiful and how fun!! Lavender farms are so picturesque. I'm not even sure what variety our lavender is, or whether it is culinary or medicinal. It looks a little different than most with lots of green petals or leaves on the stems. Smells so good though!

  34. What a wonderful place for an outing! I bet the fields smelled lovely. Lavender is one of my favorite scents.

  35. Wowza! I have GOT to get up there! How fun!

  36. I love lavender. I picked a bouquet from my own plants a couple days ago to soothe a headache, and it worked like a charm. I just adore the scent!! Your outing looks like it was so much fun:)

  37. Tammy this looks like so much fun and wish I could have joined y'all;) We have a lavender farm about an hour away that reminds me if this one. It's amazing what can infused with lavender as well ad the many household uses. I use lavender sachets in my dryer.. love my sheets to smell like lavender fields! Great photos too!! That barn at the end is perfect:)

  38. Your group sounds like it would be fun to be a part of and also educational. The Lavender Farm sounds very nice. We have one in our area so perhaps someday I shall have to take a trip to visit it. Loved your tour through the one you visited.

  39. Your trip sounds absolutely lovely! I have never tasted lavender before, but will try it if I ever have the opportunity! To bad you weren't able to try the honey, that definitely would have been wonderful!

  40. What a wonderful time to spend yearly with family!! So neat that they are your "pioneer" family!!
    It's sad that we use so much medicine. I truly feel that God has given us all we need for food and meds through the plants that grow all around us.
    I'm so guilty - but if we ate only plants, then we could easily use only plants to cure our ailments. Meat = cow and pig - is terrible for our heart and killing us. I'm not a vegetarian; wish I could be. I eat eggs, fish, milk, cheese, and chicken.
    You are getting established with healthy foods and a healthy life. I wish I could raise my babies again and I would cut out cow, pig and chicken meat. I would live in the country and try to teach them what is healthy and right for them. Bless you Tammy!! You are blessed.

  41. Your trip sounds like so much fun, Tammy. What a beautiful place! I was just in Oregon and I was so excited to see lavender growing in people's gardens (we can't grow lavender in Florida). I couldn't stop taking pictures!

  42. I love Lavender,but I have had no success with having it grow in my garden. :(

    This day sounds like a great time. Thank you for sharing.

  43. That looked like such a fun trip! I bet it smelled heavenly there!

  44. Tammy, I'd love to visit a lavender farm ... fantastic. Do you ever use lavender in your cooking? I've seen it done on food tv but haven't tried it myself. Cheers

  45. I want to be a pioneer woman and come too! I was just thinking about growing some lavender here!

  46. Beautiful place to visit! Love the shot of that old barn.

  47. I love visiting lavender farms especially during flowering season. The perfume in the air and gorgeous fields of purple. Looks like you had a fantastic time!

  48. What fun Tammy! I would have had to bring home a few gifts myself -- what a gorgeous place for a get-together with the girls.

  49. What a charming group of ladies.

    I didn't know that different lavenders taste differently. From my soap making days I knew that they smell differently, but never really thought about the taste.

    Do you remember the name of the culinary one?

  50. It does look like a beautiful place to visit. Lavender smells so good, I can totally see it being a sleep aid.

  51. Such beautiful lavender fields! I've never eating anything containing lavender, I would love to give it a try. Great pictures, Tammy!

  52. Tammy that must have been so much fun being in fields of lavender ! Looked beautiful. Nice to get out with a group of like minded friends.

  53. What a beautiful place the aroma must have been heavenly. I use lavender oil on my pillow most nights Tammy. Lovely shots sure does look inviting.

  54. Tammy, I wish all of you all the best. I know natural soap used to sell well here in P.R,,

  55. A lavender farm near St Louis? I'll have to check into that & swing by the next time we go to Shaw's Garden... I LOVE it there! Lavender fields are sooo pretty! Great shots & thanks so much for joining =)

  56. great barn shot with the goose holding the door open. I love lavender lemonade with lavender cookies. So good. I bet the air was scented very nice with the field of it.

  57. This looks like it was such an awesome outing. I bet it smelled wonderful there!!

  58. Just love your group and get togethers! Such a great idea. The pictures are great, lavender is so beautiful, so gorgeous to have fields full of it :) Lunch sounds delicious, I love the idea of the brownie with dried lavender in it!

  59. I envy your group of "sisters". The lavender farm is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing with us at Eco-Kids Tuesday! I hope to see you again today!

  60. I love lavender! Great post and it sounds like an amazing trip too...I will have to be more diligent in harvesting and drying my own next year. It always seems to bloom to fast for me and I don't get to it in time! :)


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