
Monday, June 17, 2013

Summer's First Bouquet

Last year I wrote about our first cutting garden and how amazed I was at the flowers we grew from one $0.20 packet of wildflower mix seeds. This year, a lot of those flowers have come back up volunteer, so we have been watching them grow every day while anxiously awaiting our first blooms of the summer.

One morning late last week, I went out to tend to the animals while David checked on the progress of the garden. When I got back up to the house, he presented me with our first bouquet! 

Such pretty purple flowers all tied up with a ribbon just for me. Also tied up with the wildflowers was a little bit of flowering thyme so the bouquet would smell nice as well as being beautiful.

I never tire of fresh flowers! What flowers are in your favorite summer bouquet?



  1. Tammy I love fresh boquets too much. Love the smell of my herbs as well. Have little enchanted gardens in nooks and crannies everehere. Love rubbing my hands lightly across the rosemary in the morning the smell is so nice to wake up to, before dusk I always have to do the same with the lavender ...ahh. :)

  2. What a sweet and lovely surprise!!

  3. I adore this bouquet - it's pretty perfect! My favorite is peonies - I just love them, so beautiful! Hoping to grab a bouquet at Wednesday's Farmer's Market for myself and for Sydney's 5th birthday party - which is Saturday!

  4. That is a beautiful bouquet! (And very sweet!) I love most flowers...I'm not too picky! We have daisy's blooming in the back and my son picks them for me...those are the most special!

  5. A cutting garden is on my "to do" list, as well as an herb garden. I was hoping to put one in this year but have been busy with other projects. I did plant some petunias, zinnias, bachelor button and mixed sunflowers (the dwarf sunflowers should be opened this week!), it's a start. :)

    Nice bouquet!

  6. This little bouquet is so sweet, Tammy! I'd love to be able to plant wildflowers by the dozens but I'm not too good with the names of them! lol! We do grow tons of daisies so I will get many bouquets with those.

    Have a happy week!


  7. Peonies are my favorite. Mine just opened so I have a large bouquet on my kitchen table.

  8. I always want to plant those little wild flower packs, but never get around to it! It seems I always have more vegetable seedlings to get in the ground and little space left over :-)

  9. Beautiful flowers! My hubby and son planted a wonderful flower garden for me this spring and the flowers are now blooming like crazy.

  10. Nothing is more beautiful than a fresh bouquet of greens, herbs, or flowers! Your bouquet is lovely and a beautiful color. We are finally getting flowers from our garden and it's nice to use my own.. rather than store bought flowers on the kitchen. I managed to get all my roses cut before the deer got to them;)


  11. Oh Tammy your David is indeed a keeper he is such a romantic I am so happy for both of you. I know a little about perfect:)
    They are beautiful much like you two. B

  12. So so romantic and special. People should never forget to do these little gestures for their loved one :-)

  13. Oh Tammy-what a sweet surprise!

    I love bouquets that contain lavender! I just can't get enough of their scent!

  14. Nothing beats a home grown bouquet for a present! When I was a kid I was that odd one out at birthday parties whose mum sent them with a homemade posy of flowers wrapped in tin foil to keep them damp. But I wouldn't have it any other way! Ha!

  15. Those are beautiful! My favorite flowers are tulips and gerber daisies....can only be happy when gazing at them!

  16. I threw seeds in for my frist ever cut garden. Only I'm not really taking care of it, so I'm not sure what will happen. I love all summer blooms!

  17. How lovely! What a special treat....I have been loving the sweet pea vines blooming....cutting those along with my fresh apple mint and lemon balm with lilies, spirea and whatever else is blooming in our yard. I have really enjoyed cutting flowers for my vases this year. Blessings!

  18. Beautiful. I'm always so happy when something I planted last year comes back to surprise me! Love the flowering thyme tid in with the bouquet.

  19. Absolutely beautiful and so sweet!

  20. So pretty! We don't have a cutting garden yet.... Maybe next year?!

  21. They are so pretty! I love bouquets of wildflowers much more than a bunch of the same flower. Simply beautiful!

  22. So sweet he brought you flowers! Right now we are picking roses because there are a gazillion blooms.

  23. SO sweet and beautiful. I love wild flowers but sadly they don't survive the wild life here so i'll just enjoys these :)

  24. That is so sweet, Tammy. I love any kind of flower. I wish we had some herbs growing, maybe next year.

  25. My yard is terrible for growing things, so when I get fresh flowers they have to be bought at the farmer's market - which is fine by me because I love supporting local business. I love your pretty bouquet. I hope it's the first of many in your home this summer :)

  26. Aren't those sweet? We love sunflowers, zinnias, gloriosa daisies, and agapanthus.

  27. Those are so pretty! I feel the same amazes me the beauty that comes from a tiny seed. I have a patch in my garden that comes up every year since I put seeds down over 4 years ago! I have so many favorites I could never choose. My kitchen table always has a mason jar filled with cuttings from my garden. Makes me smile.

  28. How delightful! And so sweet :-) I love finding volunteer plants in the garden, especially such pretty delicate ones.

  29. All my Mallow died out. I, too, love fresh flowers. Fun to go out and pick a bouquet from your own flower garden. In the winter, once a month, I buy a bunch when I buy groceries. Sure brighten ups a winter day. And if I am lucky and get them when they are really fresh they will last up to two weeks.

  30. Awww! How sweet! A very pretty bouquet. I just love flowers of every kind. The more the merrier! xo

  31. So pretty! I like snapdragons and cosmos and black-eyed Susans. :)

  32. Lovely!
    I'm not sure what my favorite are.. I love them all!
    I currently have bunches of lily of the valley in small ink jars - I love them.
    Indian paintbrushes are a favorite summer wild flower for picking, deep in the woods about a mile behind our house, huge patches of them grow.

  33. Those are really pretty, and really summery. I love when the flowers come back up!

  34. So pretty beautiful , wildflowers of any kind assorted colors would be mine .

  35. That's so sweet! Beautiful flowers! I love them all, they all make me smile :)


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