Friday, June 7, 2013

Feathered Friend Friday: More Chick Cuteness!

Welcome to our series "Feathered Friend Friday." Every Friday I write a post with interesting facts, photos, or funny stories about our chickens and guineas. If you need to catch up, you'll find all the Feathered Friend Friday posts here

Ellie's chicks are starting to really show their personalities now! They are getting a bit bigger and finding their wings, so they have learned to fly up on the perches in their brooder. It's really funny to see a tiny chick flapping her tiny wings and jumping around like crazy! But they all still love to be close to their mama and I often find them all cuddling when I stop in for a visit. The chicks will poke their heads out to see what's going on before leaving the safety and warmth of Ellie's feathers.

"Mama, is it ok if I go visit with the crazy chicken lady?"

They've also taken a liking to walking all over her, which she doesn't seem to mind.

And recently they got to try out a new treat!

Once Ellie tells them play time is over (she has a specific chirp that calls them back) they obey and settle back in for a nap.

Sometimes I see Ellie trying to get a couple moments of shut eye here and there whenever she can. Apparently being a mom to five active babies is hard work! Nap when the babies nap, right? :)


Shared with From The Farm Blog Hop, Rurality Blog Hop  


  1. oh my gosh! cuteness overload! the little face peeking out from behind miss ellie. then the last one...

  2. Oh that is adorable!!! I wouldn't get anything done with my day...I would just want to watch the precious chicks. Great photos!!!! Thanks for sharing...:)

  3. Awwww, I love them. I wish I lived close by so that I could come over and cuddle them <3

  4. So sweet! Love baby chicks . They are so fun to watch!

  5. So cute!! I love having a broody. Hopefully one of my new girls will be my new broody. :)

  6. Awww....the mom and chick photos are soooo cute!! I love Feathered Friend Friday!

  7. Aw, So sweet!
    Yes - I definitely empathize with Ellie on the five active offspring note! :)

  8. Fantastic photos Tammy, I especially like the last one! Are you able to tell how many boys there are? I've been able to spot slight differences in combs at this stage, which usually proves right! S:)

  9. So adorable! I love watching mama hens teaching their chicks about life. One of my hens hatched out one lonely chick yesterday. Last year she managed 11, so who knows what's going on? It's so cute. I need to go get some decent pictures. You take great photos.

  10. The "shut eye" shot - adorable :-) And how funny to watch them peck the treat off their momma's beak!

  11. Omgosh.. SO adorable and your photos are wonderful!

  12. This is just so downright adorable! What sweet shots!

  13. Your photos are great but that first one is absolutely adorable. Deb

  14. I would have wept with joy if I'd have caught that top pic on film, it's absolutely beautiful :)
    Janie x

  15. I love the pic where the chics are staring adoringly at their Mama. So cute! Happy friend friend!

  16. Oh Tammy your photos always make me smile. My Mom had two sets of twins fifteen months apart and yes she napped when they did too. I guess man and chicken have more in common than we think.:) B

  17. Awww, I think Ellie just really wanted to be a mommy - this is so sweet!

  18. Baby birds are so sweet and I love the story you've told about Mama Ellie.

  19. They are so darn cute! Loved the video too!

    Wishing you a lovely weekend.

  20. Oh, they are SO sweet. What a good Momma she is...

  21. How precious! Love how attentive she is. Melts your heart. xo

  22. I always love your pictures, so much cuteness!

  23. Oh. My. That is wonderful! What a good mama.

  24. So sweet how they sleep with their mama. They are living a wonderful life just the way hens and chicks are supposed to. :) Best wishes, Tammy

  25. This is so precious! How do you drag yourself away?!

  26. So cute Tammy! Ellie was definitely meant to be a mom! Do any of your other chickens ever offer to babysit and let her take a break? ;)

    Have a great weekend!

  27. Those are such sweet photos! I remember watching my Mama Claire when hers hatched - she looked like an exhausted, sleep-deprived woman but loved every moment {well, almost every moment} of motherhood.

  28. Aw! That video was so cute! The chicks were like 'Give me that, mom!!-Mmm'

  29. So so sweet, Tammy.. Love your chicks and mama sleeping is so cute..
    Take care, my friend. xo

  30. Very cute! And yes, nap when baby naps! The chickens know it, why is it so hard for us (humans) to do?!

  31. Aw these pictures paint such a sweet story. Great job! Aw, Ellie is such a great mama, so much to love about this post.

  32. Gorgeous love those little chicks and adore ma ma , Lovely post. :)

  33. The napping photo....SO CUTE!

  34. Ellie is such a great Mama! Our friend's chicken just had 6 babies...they are too cute...they offered us a couple...but we are not ready yet...Don still has to make some room for a coop! Have a great weekend!!

  35. I love the picture of them sleeping! How sweet!

  36. oh my gosh, love that top photo of him peeking around mama :) so cute!

  37. Oh my gosh the pictures of the sleeping chicks might just be the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life!!!!1

  38. Cuteness personified. We have the same division of labor... flora and fauna wise....:)

  39. The little pee-a-boo picture is adorable. And yep, sleep when the kiddos sleep or you might get no sleep at all! :)

  40. I cannot get enough of Ellie and her chicks. These pictures are STUNNING and just make me melt! Thank you so much for sharing this experience with us.

  41. Whoa, you've got chicks popping out from all over!

  42. The first thing I saw was that face peeking over the other chicken. You've got a lot of chicks!

  43. Oh my gosh that is so precious! Momma looks so peaceful in her new job of mothering :-)

  44. They are adorable! I can't wait to see if any of my girls hatch babies someday.


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