
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Clearing The Camera

Here are some recent photos I've taken that I wanted to share. Go here if you'd like to see more photo posts.

Some of the gorgeous lettuce we've been harvesting lately.

Water droplets on our Lily of the Valley.

Fern transplanted from my grandma's garden.

The first strawberry we harvested this season. It was really delicious!

A beautiful Asiatic Lily just opened up.

Sunlight streaming through the trees during an evening walk.

Super tiny, fuzzy headed baby bird just hatched in a nest by our garage.

Hope you've enjoyed a slice of our homestead.


Shared with Rurality Blog Hop 


  1. I love it when you clear your camera! That fuzzy headed baby bird - so adorable!

  2. Your pictures are always so beautiful! Looks like you have some beautiful flora and fauna over there :)

  3. Aw cute bird. My lilies are blooming too but my lettuce has bolted.

  4. Great photos, but the one of the baby bird is my favorite!

  5. I took a very similar photo of my lettuce in a colander I received for my birthday last month. Lettuce is really quite beautiful. I hope you get more strawberries!

  6. Ok, that baby bird is adorable! Love his hairdo! Beautiful lily too. :)

  7. I love all of your definitely have a great eye! The little bird is precious....:))))

  8. Hi Tammy ...tis the season for baby birds , so glad we get to view them :) Our Asiatic lillies started blooming this week too, your are a gorgeous color !

  9. These are wonderful Tammy -- love the path through the woods and of course, little fuzzy head. :)

  10. It looks like the season's moving along nicely at your place. I have some Snapdragons here that cannot make up their mind if they want to flourish or die, and they seem to do both regularly, lol

    That strawberry looks pretty tasty!

  11. How sweet that you have a fern from your grandma's garden. The Asiatic lily is GORGEOUS. Great post.
    ~ Kathi

  12. That Asiatic Lily is absolutely stunning. I have never seen one of those before, but it's gorgeous.

  13. the 2nd one with raindrops was lovely! the last one made me smile!

  14. oh my goodness - that baby bird!!! :) I LOVE "clearing the camera" days! Our first strawberry was so warm and sweet and delicious. Don't you just love spring????

  15. I LOVE the photo of the waterdrops on the leaves - quite poetic actually. Wonderful captures here :)

  16. Oh Tammy I love clearing the camera. The light in the bush and the baby bird are my favourite. B

  17. How cute is that fuzzy baby bird? LOVE THAT! Also, I think food tastes so much better when you harvest it yourself! There is nothing like the very first strawberry of the season!

  18. I love your photos! I am in need of a great camera. The hubby bought me one a few years back as a present. I didn't have the heart to tell him it doesn't take the best shots. That lily is stunning!!!

  19. These are excellent pictures! So beautiful! The last one with the baby bird just warms my heart!


  20. Wonderful photography ~ love the little baby bird ~ awesome! ~ Happy Day ^_^

  21. the fuzzy headed baby bird picture is so cute.

  22. Great pictures! I love the one of the sunlight in the trees . . . and of course the baby bird.

  23. I really enjoy your photos when you are Clearing the Camera. Today my favorite one is the Sunlight streaming through the trees. Oh, I think we have the same bird nesting at out place. This is the second bird this season to use our outdoor ceiling fan to build a nest (or rebuild it in this girls case), but our new babies look exactly like the one you pictured. Do you know what kind of bird it is?

  24. That little bird is just too cute!

  25. All wonderful! But that lily of the valley was my favorite :-)

  26. I've never seen a lily like that! I love all your pics...always! :)

  27. Love these photos. The baby bird is adorable!!

  28. cool pics............i love the lettuce pic so much....

  29. Wonderful photos! I love the baby bird:)and the lettuce at top. Nice photos Tammy!


  30. Lovely photos! Love the fern from your Grandmother's garden and the baby bird is too cute! xo

  31. I love the lettuce and the pretty ferns and the beautiful lily! The baby bird is just adorable. Great series, have a happy day!

  32. Oh gosh - all shots are so pretty! And that tiny fuzzy head is adorable.

  33. Beautiful pictures! I wish I could remember to take my camera out with me...but I always leave it in the house and just use my phone.


  34. You take such beautiful pictures!

  35. Stunning photos! I just love the last one of the baby bird- priceless!


  36. hi tammy, thank you so much for sharing these beautiful shots! great work!
    i really like the one with the water droplets.

    happy summer!


  37. The last photo is the best. I love those little birdies. We have a dove nest in our backyard tree. Can't see any action yet. I just see either a head or tail feathers of mama sitting in the nest.

  38. Lovely shots nothing quite like freshly grown Lettuce. Wonder what the baby chick is ..The Lily is a very pretty color to.

  39. my little dalton planted strawberries...they are coming along!

  40. Great shots of some delicious first the photo of the sun coming through the woods - beautiful!

  41. Summer solstice for you tomorrow so enjoy your evening walks. Me i am keen to get back some extra daylight. The sun is setting at 4:50 pm atm. Not much time for gardening after school. Lovely photos as always.

  42. That is the most beautiful lily I've seen!! Too bad they don't last longer. also adorable baby bird - Only a could love - all that fuzz on top of his head. Instead of growing into his teeth or ears - He'll be growing into his beak!!

  43. You did an excellent job capturing all these pretty sights to share. Loved them all.

  44. I sure love seeing things in your hood!

  45. Greetings via the hedgecombers. You take such beautiful pictures.

  46. They're all beautiful pictures, Tammy! Love that Asiatic Lily and the baby bird, so cute!

  47. Oh my gosh, how sweet and funny that little chick is! And what a beautiful mossy nest! Great photos!

  48. All beautiful shots. But, that little head . . . :)

  49. Wow great pictures! Following your blog now! Looking forward to your posts :)


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