Wednesday, May 22, 2013

How We Homestead: Living Simply

Welcome to the second installment of our new five-week series, How We Homestead. Each Wednesday I write a post about a different homesteading topic to shed more light on where we are on our path to self-sufficiency and what homesteading looks like for us.

When we decided to make the move from the city to the country, we didn't realize it at first, but we instantly began to simplify our lives. In the city, we had a house that we absolutely adored, but it was very big. Much too big for what we needed, and it had old leaky windows, so our utility bill was sky high. Our new home is just a few years old and is much smaller and better suited to our needs. Since the structure is newer and shaded by trees, it is highly energy efficient and we spend about half in energy costs compared to what we spent at our old home in the city.

Living in the country, we are kind of forced to eat meals at home. The nearest restaurant is about 35 miles away, so there's no ordering takeout on a night that I don't feel like cooking. This is sort of a blessing in disguise, though, because it is much healthier to eat homemade meals prepared with whole foods rather than a diet heavy on processed ingredients made in a laboratory.

Where our lives are most simplified is what we do in our leisure time for fun. Tending to the garden is one of our favorite ways to spend a weekend and is also a great stress reliever. We love to take walks around our property every evening to note the changes in our flowers and veggies and take hikes in the woods together when we aren't busy with the garden.

We haven't been to a movie in ages; instead we watch chicken TV.

For us, simple pleasures is what life is all about. There's nothing like watching a mama hen with her new baby chick (something we witnessed for the very first time yesterday, more on that later!) or seeing the woods come back to life after a long, cold winter. Give me nature and I am one happy girl!

Four other awesome bloggers are participating in this series as well, so don't forget to check out their posts to read more about where they are in their homesteading journey. You can find them here -

Staci at Life At Cobble Hill Farm
Meg at Little Homestead
Daisy at Maple Hill 101
Amber at Making A Home

Thanks so much for reading and please do let me know if you have any questions or comments. I'd love to hear from you! Don't forget to check back next Wednesday for the third installment in the series where I will be focusing on real foods and how we grow and incorporate them into our diet.



  1. LOL - chicken tv :)

    I guess I didn't realize how far into the country you guys were.

  2. Haha, chicken tv! That is so cute. Some days I wish we were so far away from town so I didn't have the option for take out. While I do cook most of our meals from scratch, sometimes it's so tempting to just order something! :)

  3. I'm really enjoying this series. I'm not sure about being 35 miles from a restaurant - but I'm getting a chuckle out of chicken tv!

  4. I watch the egg channel all the time on chickenTV ;)

  5. Love the post and love the photos and chicken tv......we LOVE that channel! :) Reality show at it's best, including all the drama.

  6. Isn't chicken TV awesome?! Duck TV is pretty good too! LOL I find I long for that simple, uncluttered life. I've been purging our house of unneeded items and have become quite aware that the kids and I don't need the space of a 2000 sq feet. We could easily live in something 1100-1200 sq feet. But land? I'd like much more land than the 1.54 acres we have (that is mostly swampy)!

  7. Oh Tammy "Give me nature and I am one happy girl" I understand this one good for the both of you finding a life you can truly love and enjoy together. Love the chicken TV :) B

  8. Oh I'm with you on that Tammy I am most at my happiest just taking it all in, the Nature that surrounds us.
    The food cooked fresh at home is always a winner , instead of Lab food.
    Enjoying your posts very much
    :) Have Fun

  9. It all sounds wonderful. Then, you get to harvest all that you have cared for over the summer.

  10. A nightly stroll around the property sounds like oodles of fun. Ya never know what you might discover! Love the 'tude...

  11. You're so right about the healthier eating. We're rural too, and no one delivers here. I missed that A LOT when we first moved here (because we're pizza lovers) but now that I've gotten used to it, I don't mind a bit.

  12. Gardening and hiking are at the top of my list for enjoyment. Chicken TV? Well, I still have Roo hanging around...that crazy bird. I am enjoying this great series.
    Farmhouse hugs,

  13. described it perfectly....I wish we were a little more "homesteady"...that's not a word is it? I would love to be deep in the woods...we are rural but I could be more "rurally"...that's not a word either..I'm sure....oh well I love your "chicken tv" and I'll leave now before the grammar police arrive.....:)

  14. I say again, this is a brilliant series Tammy! Your lives sound idyllic and I couldn't agree more about simplifying your life. Isn't it odd how simplifying makes one's life richer?

    Tammy, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your kind comments, I can't tell you how much I appreciate them...nor how much you inspire me.

  15. Thanks for your post. We have lived in the country for quite some time and I still could simplify my life. It can be hard to let some things go. :)

  16. I love this post. The simple life is in my bones, but not so much in my husbands lol opposites attract right? ;) He watches his Bruins game on his big screen TV and I go out with our son and we watch chicken TV...but sometimes he joins daddy for the game. We make it work.
    Can't wait to hear about the momma and her baby chick!

  17. Yes chicken tv is a bit addictive, I've wasted lots of time on that channel! The other day I was able to catch where one of my girls gets out of the run, and lays her eggs. It was in the middle of a bush, she was so well camouflaged I'd have never seen her or got her eggs, without the chicken tv! I've just converted 35 miles to kms, and wow you do live along way from movie theatre! As we'd say you "live out in the sticks (or wip wops)"!! We are about half the distance to the movies as you, but there is a small town before then 20 mins away. Looking forward to the baby chicks reveal too!! S xx

  18. OH MY GOSH - Chicken TV! That is awesome - what a fun post and I love you sharing all the ins and outs of your journey. Sounds like quite an adventure!

  19. Thanks for sharing this...great thoughts on homesteading!

  20. So glad you've found peace in simplicity...and love that you're sharing it with us!

  21. I like your simple way of life. Eating at home is a lot healthier, my hubby is finding that out. I would like the chicken TV, sounds like my kind of show. Thanks for sharing this great post.

  22. A beautiful life, Tammy! Thank you for sharing. Life in the country does take adjustment, but the rewards are so worth it! Like you, we take walks in the evening to enjoy nature and I cook every night. Now when I do go out to a restaurant, I am very disappointed in the food. Blech! Your scenery is gorgeous and your chickens could entertain me for hours. Hugs, xoxo

  23. We are trying to simplify our lives before we make the move to the country. You don't realize how much stuff you accumulate over the years, stuff that you don't really need. The more we simplify the more we seem to enjoy life. "Things" seem to cause unnecessary stress and getting rid of them is almost liberating. We live in a suburban neighborhood with many neighbors (too) close by. I look forward to the day when my closest neighbors are our ducks and chickens and we too can enjoy walking our property, listening to nature at the end of the day! Inspiring post - makes me want to pack up and make the move now! :)

  24. As I read this awesome post and the great comments, I'm about to go sit in traffic. I will, though, roll down the window, feel the breeze, and somehow know miles from here, there's a place like you are writing about! I can be there in spirit, at least.

  25. What a beautiful place you live! These pictures are just wonderful!

  26. We move from the city to the county quite a few years ago and it was an adjustment. However, it has been the best decision ever made for us. Glad to hear you are enjoying it.

  27. Such a calming article. I can't wait till we get back to the country. And I literally did watch chicken TV on the computer while my neice live streamed baby chicks hatching in her classroom.

  28. I'm really enjoying reading about your homesteading Tammy. We moved to our little farm in 1999 but like you the homesteading started for us while we still lived in the city.

  29. This is wonderful Tammy.. Getting back to the simple things and I like the idea of just sitting around and watching chickens:) ..someday! xxleslie

  30. I love reading these. Your pace of life is perfection. I love chicken tv. ;)

  31. I Love "Chicken TV" the real-life reality series airing in my own backyard everyday! I think it is a blessing living to far for a quick trip to town. It is a 45 minute drive for us one way and just over an hour the other. I also enjoy cooking so that helps too.

  32. :) We don't have TV, and I think we've been to one movie in 15 years of marriage. Life on our land is what we love. The simple things are most amazing.
    This is something I notice often - the difference in leisure time between city & country dwellers.
    Where we live, about 3 hours north of the twin cities, the city people like to come north to our lakes or resorts for recreation on weekends. They flee their homes for some kind of outside entertainment.
    For us - the weekends are all about tending to our home - the yard, the garden, outdoor projects. Our home (meaning the great outdoors, just as much as indoors) is our sanctuary & offers us endless things to do.
    Walks in our woods are my favorite spare time luxury, too!

  33. Some of the best things about country living are the simpler things:)

  34. I could go for some chicken tv! Way better than anything on the boob tube, I'll bet! Thanks for an interesting post.

  35. I'm really loving Wednesday's lately! I love this post Tammy, it's amazing how much joy there is in simplicity isn't? And I super love "Chicken TV" it is so so good.

  36. Beautiful photos, fantastic ideas:) Greetings

  37. You guys are more remote than we are, it's only 10 miles to town here but we still don't go out to eat very often. Love your chicken TV and can't wait to see the new chick! :)

  38. I have said this before and I'll say it and your husband are an inspiration to me. I SO want to move to a rural area and simplify life...I think it is a key to pure happiness. Now if I can only talk my girlfriend into it :)

  39. There is nothing like digging in the dirt! And I just got that channel on chicken TV. I must say it is hilarious! Thanks for sharing your journey with us!

  40. Your Blog is so cute and you look nice :)
    If you want to follow each other, please let me know !

  41. I'm with you on the chicken entertainment! They are a howl to watch! And we also enjoy gardening and hiking as a family in our spare time. Very simple and relaxing.

  42. The simple pleasures are usually the best.

  43. Living simple brings much more happiness than I ever thought it could! Chicken TV, that sounds like a lot of fun!

  44. I am so glad you are now a country girl Tammy :)

  45. Love reading about your simple and lovely lifestyle. I was going to ask you about your food choices and maybe some sample meals, but I see that's coming up. :-)

  46. Congrats on your new chick! Looking forward to hearing about that experience as well as the next in your series!I do want to know what that bowl is holding... It looks delicious!

  47. At first I was like, "Chicken TV?"....and then I got it, haha! I bet it's cool to see the foliage changed depending on the season and even by the day! I must admit, I see mushrooms in our front yard sometimes and I kick them hard. I don't know why they creep me out when they're gathered together, but they do. I will try to refrain from kicking them when I'm at your house, though.

  48. Chicken TV made me laugh out loud! Your life is very enviable. I love homecooked meals everyday and a small house is always an easy house to clean, in my humble opinion.

  49. Tammy-your lifestyle sounds like total bliss to me! Ours is the same in a lot of ways-just no chickens, YET! :)

  50. Sounds like heaven on earth! glad I found your blog!!!!!


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