
Friday, May 17, 2013

Feathered Friend Friday: Baby Birds

Welcome to our series "Feathered Friend Friday." Every Friday I write a post with interesting facts, photos, or funny stories about our chickens and guineas. If you need to catch up, you'll find all the Feathered Friend Friday posts here

For today's Feathered Friend Friday, I thought I would post something a little different. Normally I write about chickens or guineas, but I recently saw something too cute not to share.

This is the second year that a bird has returned to this nest by our garage to lay her eggs. I always enjoy watching the mom tend to the nest as I wait impatiently for the babies to hatch. I was so excited earlier this week when I saw these five tiny birds in the nest! After I snapped the above photo, the mama bird was getting very angry with me, so I left her babies alone for a while. It was hard to do!

A couple days later, I noticed the birds standing up in the nest looking like they were ready to fly away. I remembered last year how they jumped out of the nest but stayed close by for a while, so I was wondering when I would see them walking around the porch. Soon after I saw this little guy hanging out on our bench.

He was so precious and let me get pretty close to get this shot. I really enjoyed seeing him out there whenever I would walk by. A couple more days later, I saw that one of his siblings had left the nest to join him on the bench.

I really wanted to pet and hold them (I swear I'm like a giggly little girl when I see baby animals), but I figured it's probably best not to interfere with nature and decided to just let them be. Today the nest is empty and there is no sign of the birds, so hopefully they found their wings and flew off to bigger and better things. Maybe next year one of them will return to the same nest to hatch her own eggs!


PS - Does anyone know what type of bird this is? I am not good at identification so I don't have a clue!

Shared with Farmgirl Friday 


  1. oh my goodness, how cute! have a great weekend!

  2. Tammy, I'm not sure what kind of bird that is either-but I do know that he-or she, is a cute as can be!!

    Have a great weekend from me to:)

  3. I would have wanted to hold them, too, but you did the right thing by leaving them alone :) They are SO darn cute & cuddly!!

  4. so adorable! maybe eastern phoebes?

  5. We have a bird who makes her nest in the same little tree outside of our front door every single year, and I love it! Your pictures are great.

  6. These are the cutest little birds! You definitely got some great shots of these

  7. Oh - that's so fun to be able to watch their progress. They sure are staring you down! These are really fun photos!

  8. Aww, they're so cute! I'm no good w/ bird identification either!

  9. What great photos! Especially your first one of the baby birds in the nest. What a great thing to have a bird nest near your garage. Thanks for sharing.

  10. I'm not good with bird identification either but the photos are just adorable.

  11. Aren't they adorable. I'll ask my blogging friend who knows about birds. I am clueless unless they are regular ones from our area. Deb

  12. Baby birds usually don't look much like their parents - but as they are now - maybe a Mocking Bird?? But I feel that you're too far north for a Mocking Bird? Not sure -- but they sure are adorable!! So close and so cute!

  13. I just found a nest yesterday, didn't realize it and broke one of the eggs. I felt terrible. They are pretty cute!

  14. Love these cute babies, they are adorable! Have a great weekend, Tammy!

  15. So very sweet! I love their wide little mouths! What a fun thing to see! xx

  16. They. All look like Al Jolson from THE JAZZ SINGER

  17. I LOVE THESE PICTURES! Adorable, beautiful wee birdies! Have to show the girls these :) Thank you for sharing!!!

  18. How sweet is that.. I wonderful what kind they are..
    Have a great weekend, dear..

  19. This sounds just like my story last year with a robins nest right next to my bedroom window in a cherry tree! The Momma dive bombed me every time I walked out down the walk next to it. Probably didn't help since, I like you, was nosy and taking pictures, ha ha!! Your pictures sure are great and I hope my little nest gets filled again this year. The faces look identical to the birds I took photos of last year and they were Robins!

  20. Nice photos of the birdlings, no clue what they are either. Have a great weekend.

  21. Have no idea what kind of birds they are, but oh my goodness, are they cute!! I remember the exact moment I fell in like with birds; several years ago I was leaving was walking on a school campus and noticed a tiny bird walking around. It was the first time I was amazed and its tiny stick-like legs that moved that little one around so rapidly. They are precious.

  22. i have no idea what these birds are called........ sorry...but someone has said something.....John Gray....he said what it is .....i love these birds too.....

  23. Whaaaat! They are so cute and grumpy! I would want to cuddle with them too, I don't know how you resisted. You deserve an award for that. Maybe even a trophy? I think I will make you an 'I resisted cuddling an infant wild animal' trophy. Why do they look so grumpy! I just want to poke them and say, 'hey buddy, it can't be that bad, at least you don't have to work a desk job!'

  24. Very cute! The juvenile birds are hard to id because they rarely look like the adults? What did the Mom look like? Black skullcap, grayish belly, black back, black wings, and always flicking her tail while standing? If so, an Eastern Phoebe. If not, where was the nest exactly? On a man made structure or in a tree? If you could post a picture of the mom, we can identify them! :)

  25. They almost look like young starlings. Did you get a good look at the mother?

  26. It's wonderful to see them return to the same place , year after year. They are really cute , I can understand why they give you so much pleasure.

  27. these little baby birds sure make you smile. i have no idea what they are. they have the widest little beaks - yellow.

  28. Your captures are amazing! How wonderful the birdies let you so close. for what it's worth

  29. What beautiful shots.

  30. Mmmmm. Babies are hard to tell. Probably like Tex said Eastern Phoebe who like porches and eaves. So do House Sparrows though. All cute...:)

  31. Tooo cute. Sorry, I'm not very knowledgeable of birds beyond the obvious Cardinal, blue bird, etc.

  32. Just discovered your blog and have enjoyed browsing. Will be back to visit. ;)

  33. Those are some of the most adorable pictures ever! Love that last shot :) I'm not sure what kind of birds those are, aside from adorable. Those beaks! Too cute.

  34. They remind me of starlings or sparrows, but not sure. I am terrible at identification. Great pics!

  35. They are so cute! We have mockingbirds who nest in the same bush outside my bedroom window every year. I love listening to them in the morning.
    Count me as a giggly little girl when I see animals too. I went to a bridal shower this weekend ( outside in someone's yard) and there was a 14 year old golden retriever there.....I sorta wanted to sit with him instead of the humans. ;)

  36. Baby birds are so cute! I think we're ready for some more, they build a nest on the ceiling fans out on the deck. You'll probably see yours again for a second hatching or next year.

  37. Seriously cute baby birds... I was going to guess barn swallows but it doesn't look like their nest is built from mud. If you can get a photo of the momma bird, you should have no problem identifying them via online bird id sites.

  38. Baby birds are so cute. Sometimes, they are difficult to identify when they're young.
    Farmhouse hugs,

  39. Quta!! They look like phoebes. And phoebes do return to the same nesting site year after year.
    Cap as been here for years.

  40. THey are adorable!! We have Eastern Phoebes nesting in our barn right now, and as MADZ said, they do return year after year! :)

  41. I once rescued a bird which I think is an eastern pheobe, but I can't be sure.


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