
Monday, April 8, 2013

Thyme Roasted Red Potatoes

I think mother nature feels bad for keeping us stuck in winter so long, because we had the most gorgeous weather over the weekend! It was sunny and warm (in the 70s!) with a light breeze. We were able to get quite a bit of work done outside and around the house on Sunday, and come lunch time we were getting pretty hungry. We needed something filling, but not too heavy because we had more work to do. We had just cleaned out the herb bed and the woodsy scent of thyme was wafting through the air. This inspired me to to use some of the thyme in our lunch and after brainstorming for a while, I had the perfect idea.

I had a few small red potatoes left over from dinner earlier in the week, so I decided to make thyme roasted potatoes. All I did was cut the potatoes in quarters and sprinkled with salt, pepper, and thyme. Drizzled on some olive oil and roasted in a 400 degree oven for about 20 minutes, shaking the pan once halfway through cooking to make sure the potatoes weren't sticking.

I bought some corn on the cob earlier in the week (a little early in the season for corn, but I couldn't wait) so I thought that would be the perfect accompaniment to the potatoes.

It was so yummy! The potatoes got crispy on the outside and had a wonderful flavor from the thyme. And the corn - how can you go wrong with corn on the cob? We paired the meal with some sweet iced tea with lemon balm from the garden which made everything taste even better. This is my favorite kind of meal.

What did you cook up this weekend? Did it include anything from your garden?


Shared with Eco Kids Tuesday, Healthy Vegan FridayWhat I Am Eating   


  1. I am dying for fresh corn as well - looks like such a delicious meal Tammy! We were still in the low 50s this past weekend but this morning is sunny and should be in the mid 60s! I can hardly believe it! It's a great way to start the week! Windows wide open!

  2. This looks so yummy and cant wait for all this good summer stuff. Will be here before we know it.

  3. Wow, those potatoes look great! I will have to try this.

  4. Yum!! Looks delicious. We have fresh thyme growing back in so I will have to try this!

  5. Not only does this meal look delicious, but I am so impressed with your ingenuity too! Our garden is coming along, and in a few more weeks the herbs will be ready to harvest. I'm really looking forward to fresh herbs again!! Oh, and then there is my monstrous rhubarb...;)

  6. MMmmm....those potatoes look delicious, and just what was needed to refuel!

  7. This looks SOOOOO yummy! I want to get some tomatoes and herbs planted this week. :)

  8. Looks delicious! Our temperatures are finally getting into the upper 60's and I can't wait to get out and get the gardens cleaned up!

  9. I love potatoes just about any way they are cooked. I am going to have to try your thyme recipe :-)

  10. Yum! and that corn looks pretty good, also!

  11. Potatoes from the garden are an absolute favorite. Spend any time digging down there and we're sure to turn up a few. Can't wait until the parsley is back so we can do potatoes with parsley and goat cheese again!

  12. Tammy, I think we were on the same page. I used herbs in my cooking on Sunday too. I often do these potatoes with thyme and rosemary. Can't go wrong either way. I never mind Spring cleaning the herb garden. The scent is so rewarding. Your lunch looks delicious! I will be posting my dish tomorrow.

  13. Sounds and looks delicious, Tammy..

  14. Oh boy do these sound fantastic! And that corn? It looks absolutely mouth-watering!

  15. Sounds like a lovely summer meal! I want to learn more tips for using fresh herbs, so I love this and will try it!

  16. The garden is finally tilled, now that we have good weather!

  17. Oh gracious, those taters sound AWESOME! Will definitely have to try thyme and potatoes in the not-so-distant future, thanks to you!

  18. That looks wonderful...corn on the cob is my favorite...we don't have any here yet. Our veggies are coming in very well...we have been able to eat romaine and red lettuce everyday and curly kale too. We went to the farmer's market and got squaw bread...made a kale, lettuce, sprouts, tomato, cucumber, avocado and walnut sandwich today...oh Yum...tonight we made asparagus soup because it is now asparagus season year...yippee! Have a great day!!

  19. Tammy, this looks so good. I always make roasted potatoes.. they are perfect with everything!


  20. I haven't seen fresh corn on the cob in the store yet, but if I do, I'm snatching it up too. Early schmearly. :)

  21. Yum, yum!! The potatoes look perfect and thyme is one of my very favorite herbs! :)

  22. We're getting in Florida's Candycorn also. It's the BEST corn on the cob in the world. You have the best meal on your plate!! New potatoes and candycorn on the cob! ENJOY!!

  23. It WAS a georgous weekend and your lunch sounds (and looks) so yummy!!!

  24. Our weekend was so beautiful too! I did grill asparagus and loved how they came out! Enjoy the remaining of the week, Tammy!

  25. Mmm... those potatoes look wonderful!

  26. Sounds delicious. I love corn on the cob!

  27. Nothing yet from the non-existent garden... we're supposed to get some snow this week! Yikes. Yummy duo, Tammy!

  28. The corn looks so good!!! So beautiful! I almost licked the computer screen!! ;D

  29. Mmmm....looks and sounds delicious!

  30. Looks and sounds delicious! Amazingly enough I did use dried thyme from my garden and also some pickled beets :) I am so anxious for fresh corn. When our corn comes up in the garden we eat it right off the cob while standing in the garden. I love it! :) I cannot wait to fill up on good corn!

  31. This looks so delicious Tammy. I think I'm going to try it with some sweet potatoes tonight and headed out to the farm stand to get me some sweet corn that they just got in from Georgia. Can't wait til' it's native but I need a little taste of summer cause we're still having snow here....supposed to get another 2-4 inches tomorrow. So I figured if we still have to deal with the cold and the snow a little longer it doesn't mean I can't have summer on the dinner table tonight. I love your photos and especially the ones of your flowers that you picked. Oh I can't wait.

  32. This looks so appetising. Thanks for sharing this with me.

  33. I make oven roasted potatoes.. never have with thyme. I'll have to try it. Thanks for sharing with us at Eco-Kids Tuesday!! Hope you come link up again today!

  34. YUM....thhyme is probably my favorite herb. I will have to pin this or I will forget! Looks delicous.

  35. Lovely! Thank you for sharing this with Healthy Vegan Fridays. Check back on Friday to see if you were one of the Top 3! We hope to see you again this week. You can submit a post from Friday to end of Tuesday:


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