
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Line Up

Every evening when I get home, this is the scene that greets me.

The chickens all line up at the fence waiting for me to let them out for some free ranging. They know when they see my car pull in the driveway that it's time to free range! Duchess joins the line up, waiting to get out and dig some new holes.

When I walk down to let everyone out, Sylvester follows me so he can join in on the fun. He tries his hardest to get Duchess to play with him, but she usually seems uninterested.

Playfulness doesn't work, so Sylvester tries to be sweet. Duchess usually warms up to this :)

I love my evenings with the animal crew.



  1. That's really sweet. Our dog, Kane is leary of the cats and prefers they keep their distance. Deb

  2. What a wonderful greeting! What kind of dog is that? So sweet-looking.

  3. How are ya Tammy .
    Those hens were lined up waiting for you just like we were lol
    Sylvester and Dutchess are the sweetest.

  4. They are certainly a sweet bunch Tammy! I can see why you love them so much-I love them too! Thanks for posting these photos! So cute!!

  5. Awww.... Isn't it great to have someone happy to see you when you get home! Or in your case, lots of someones!

  6. So adorable!! Duchess sleeps with the chickens!! Guess that would make sense since she's a guard dog! Does she ever get shaved down? Would think she would be hot in the summer months!


  7. That is so sweet to see all your critters awaiting you. what a wonderful way to unwind.

  8. You've got those animals so well protected.

  9. Girl .. I do the happy dance when you post sister.. OMGOODNESS I know that something great is on the other end of the line here .. AND I am always right .. I get to go to your farm .. I love those animals already .. That dog is the cutest thing ever and the fact that sweet bundle of cuteness cat of yours loves him .. well that is a love story .. HOW cute is that .. Love that you do the free range chickens.. YOUR a good soul . KNEW it from the get go sister and HEY this gal here only surrounds herself with GREAT friends ...SO you know its THE TRUTH : ) HUGS

  10. That Sylvester is quite a suave fellow, isn't he!

  11. Now that's a wonderful homecoming welcome! That would make anyone smile! Such sweethearts. xoxo

  12. Oh what a greeting you get :) I would love seeing them all line up to see me every day like that! Sylvester is gorgeous by the way - I want a dog just like him someday!

  13. They are all so the
    way your cat meanders along ahead of you just
    waiting to cozy up with his big furry friend!

  14. Oh my goodness! What a very special welcoming committee. I love that Sylvester loves Duchess so much! So sweet! Hugs, Tammy

  15. Your animals crew is very sweet!

  16. Your little crew are wonderful , a happy hour or two are spent here I see.

  17. Awww, that's just so sweeeeet! =)

  18. You do have a wonderful crew! Adorable.

  19. LOL That's awesome! Now, when MY flock hears the front door open or the car doors they cackle and quack in a frenzy. LOL

  20. That last picture might be the most adorable animal picture that I've ever seen in my life :)

  21. Wow, what a unique blog you have here. I am so happy to have stumbled upon it! I read your About Us page and fell in love with the idea of relocating to the country to be more self-sufficient. I would love to visit a place like your home someday and truly see how it is to live more genuinely.

    Can't wait to read more from you!

  22. Does your pup hang with the chickens all day long? :)

  23. Lovely! Doesn't it make you smile to know how much they love you?

  24. Awwww - that's absolutely adorable!

  25. Hi Tammy! I'm back..have a new post up but bigger hasn't refreshed and updated my site.. This is just darling and perfect as I near the end of a stressful work day. There is nothing like the sweetness of our pets to brighten our day. Thanks so much for sharing!

  26. I'm sure that such a greeting brings a smile to your face after a day at work...just like your photos brought to mine. :-)

  27. AAAW...this post made me smile. What a sweet way to spend your evenings. Love that all the animals seem to get along so well.

  28. Cute pictures, especailly that last one of Duchess and Sylvester! :)

  29. Oh my gosh, what a huge dose of adorable! I have a tiny dog (Shih Tzu) and he pretty much terrorizes my chickens. He doesn't hurt them, I just think he believes everyone should play with him and hasn't learned the chickens aren't interested.

  30. Grande amizade...Fotos Espectaculares....

  31. How did I miss this post? I think these are my favorite photos yet - I just love them! If I lived on your farm, I'd never leave! Too fun playing with everybody!!! Hope you have a great weekend my friend!

  32. These photo's make me SO happy! Look how well everybody is getting along!

  33. LOL these pictures are really adorable!

  34. Love that I found your blog!! Very cute pictures!

  35. OK, I love that picture of Duchess and Sylvester! Sylvester looks like he will just fall over!

  36. Those pics brought a big smile to my face. Thanks for brightening my day!

  37. So cute how they all await for you! Nice pics!

  38. The first one looks like the cat is on patrol, the last one with the dog & cat is SO CUTE.


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