Monday, April 15, 2013

Seed Starting Giveaway!

For the past few years now, David and I have really been getting into starting our own seeds. It can be expensive to buy seedlings, and we wanted to know where our seeds were coming from, so we decided to start as many of our own seeds as possible. There are different ways to start your seeds indoors, and we've found that the best method for us is to use peat pellets. A few years back we bought a set of pellets with a "greenhouse" to start our tomato seeds, and we have been getting refill pellets every year because it is such an easy and hassle-free way to get our plants going.

First of all, you cover the pellets in water until they soak up all the moisture and expand. Then you can plant your seeds and place the lid on the greenhouse to allow the seeds to germinate. Once the seeds begin to sprout, take the cover off and put the seedlings near a bright window or under a light (14-16 hours a day is recommended) and wait patiently until it is time to harden them off. We already started our tomato seeds for the year and have been rewarded with some beautiful new seedlings!

We have found peat pellets to be especially useful over the years, so I thought I would share this seed starting method with you and give you the chance to win some pellets for yourself! The nice folks over at Plantation Products have generously provided me with enough items to give away to two lucky readers.

The first winner will get a greenhouse seed starting kit along with 2 packets of tomato seeds, 1 roll of jute twine, and 1 set of garden markers. A second winner will receive a greenhouse starting kit, 2 packets of tomato seeds, 1 packet of basil seeds, and a set of garden markers.

To enter, simply leave a comment below (US residents only - sorry to my readers outside of the states!) and let me know if you've ever started your own seeds indoors. Please also include an email address so I can get your shipping information in case you are one of the winners. I will pick two comments at random this Wednesday, April 17th, at 11:59pm Central Time, and will announce the winners on Thursday.

Good luck!


Shared with The Backyard Farming Connection Hop 

* I was provided with these items to give away to my readers, but received no other form of compensation for this post.


  1. I start some veggie and flower seeds indoors. Love watching them grow!
    Love your blog.
    Happy Gardening!

  2. This is a great giveaway! I'm not entering though, ONLY because our neighbor's have a huge influx of tomatoes that they share liberally. I am going to share it though. :)

    Happy Monday to you.

  3. I've been using eggshells, toilet paper rolls and cans to start seeds. It's all good! ;0)
    Best wishes to all of your readers!

  4. I tried a few years ago, I would get them to sprout, but then they would die.... Now I have the time to watch over them (before I was working full time) . I would love to win to try again! Great idea for a giveaway!

  5. I tried a few years ago, but they all died and i had to replant outside. We are planning to plant seeds in the next weeknor so...hopefully soon enough.

  6. Cool giveaway! Your seedlings are off to a great start. Have a happy day!

  7. We've just started seeds indoors this year. Your seedlings look gorgeous in those cute little peat cups. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. It looks like you have a nice bunch of seedlings there. I am going to plant a small garden for the first time in a couple of years. Wish me luck.

  9. Tammy, I've started seeds indoors many times! I love how it brings a bit of early spring into the last gray days of winter too.
    Your seedlings look like they are off to a great start-and thanks for doing such a wonderful giveaway!

  10. Yes! We've done a variety of plants inside before. Maine has such a short growing season that extending it can be quite beneficial.

  11. I started my seeds a few weeks back and they are all doing well. I always do seeds indoors to hold me over until spring hits.
    Farmhouse hugs,

  12. We don't have a yard so leave me out of the giveaway but I still wanted to comment because I think it's an awesome giveaway; and I wanted to say that you've got awesome tips I'll use them when we do have our own garden space!

  13. Tammy,
    I've seen these sold in the stores, but didn't know how great they are to start seeds!! Please put my name in your hat!!!

  14. Oh I love the thought of a garden and sprouting seeds in little pots. I am not in the USA so no need to enter me:) B

  15. Oh wow! You have a lot of nice looking seedlings! We start our tomato, pepper, and herbs indoors. This year I also started some flowers and baby boo pumpkins (only because I wanted to give them a head start)! Only a couple more weeks until I can transplant here, woohoo! I can't wait!

  16. I love that we both posted about seeds today. Faraway pals thinking alike. :)

  17. This is awesome, Tammy!! We've been starting our own seeds indoors for the past two years. This year I'm starting even more seeds than last so I can get an early harvest on some of our favorite veggies. We've started tomatoes, peppers, squash, herbs, and spinach. I can't wait to get them outside, and I'm sure they can't wait either!


  18. Your pics are wonderful. I prefer to start my seeds indoors too. Clean seeds and knowing everything from start to finish as to where my food comes from is a daily goal here in our hood. Not to mention super cost effective :). I use these pods too, they are the best! Love how they are self contained and easily transplanted.

  19. Just wanted to comment, no need to enter as I've got seeds coming out my ears. My dad used to seed programs for schools as part of cooperative extension so we got all of his leftover seeds every year. I'll never be able to plant them all. This is the only year in the past many that I haven't started my plants by seed. Mostly because I'm working a lot this month so I can have the next two off with some medical work and it will just be easier to buy seedlings at the greenhouse. And the other reason is I haven't worked in the garden yet because it is still covered with snow!!!

  20. I wish I could do this but I live in an apt..

  21. Don't enter me in the contest please; just wanted to comment on what a wonderful, generous idea this is!

    I use a similar set-up for starting seeds although I also use a heat mat since my only available space for starting seeds is a rather cool and damp basement.

  22. I haven't had the greatest luck starting seeds indoors. I usually just put them directly into the soil outside. I have better luck that way, for some odd reason.

  23. Awesome!! We have all our seedlings in seed trays indoors under the grow light. We have already transplanted several of them to the garden- I'm excited! Those little peat pellets look so convenient and easy!

  24. Yes I have started my seeds indoors. My dad gets his garden going every year by starting the plants indoors..

  25. Don't enter me in the drawing, my tomatoes and eggplant are already started. ;)
    I have never tried the peat pots, good to know they work so well!

  26. It's been absolutely YEARS since we've started seeds indoors. However, every year when we purchase plants for the garden the thought goes through my head of what a "markup" there is on these plants!!

  27. Oh what an awesome giveaway.Those peat pellets look amazing.

  28. so cool. please enter me. thanks. what a great giveaway. so fun.
    have a great week. take care.

  29. Please enter me. That is so cool.

  30. Nice giveaway, Tammy!! I almost always start my seeds indoors, and a greenhouse thing would be so helpful because my cat eats my baby plants. *sigh* <3

    kfinnigan621 (at) gmail (dot) com

  31. Hi! I almost missed this one!! That's what I get for being away and slow to get back to things. I'd love to win this awesome giveaway. I actually have a small seed kit for my son that we are going to start very soon here. I'd love one for myself! :)

  32. Not entering the giveaway - but just wanted to say I'm really really impressived with your efforts to start your own seeds!

    Best of luck to all who enters.

  33. I have always wanted to try starting seeds, but never have. This kit makes it look fun and easy! There is nothing like the taste of fresh veggies! Thanks for the chance to win :)

  34. Would love the chance at either or these offers; it is almost time to start pumpkin, cukes, and melons here. Thanks for the chance. Deborah

  35. That is awesome that you're starting your own seed. I can't wait to see all the lovely veggies you get out of them this summer!

  36. I have used tp rolls to start seeds and they work pretty well! Great giveaway Tammy! xo

  37. Fascinating! Those peat pods look marvelous. Years ago we used to start our own seedlings but we've cut back. It is so much fun ... and effort ... but such a feeling of self sufficiency.

  38. We start our own every year. Please enter me in the giveaway.

  39. How awesome! I have never done this! That's a really nice giveaway.

  40. Tammy,

    I have really enjoyed reading your blog. Feathered Friday always makes me smile! You inspired me to make a herb garland for myself. Thanks!

  41. Totally entering this giveaway! I am moving and haven't got to start buying seeds yet for my new home! But ye I have started seeds before and they all turned out really well. Except my lavender it pittled away. But everything else did beautifully! I hope I win and would be a beautiful blessing <3 is my email! :-) :-)

  42. I just started some seeds last week. A few different kinds of peppers and tomatoes.

  43. What a great giveaway! I haven't start seeds indoors before. I always mean to, and I always run out of time! I did plant some chard last summer and it was growing fine, but then a rabbit ate it. :(

  44. WOW! Looks like an amazing giveaway. Whoever wins is going to be one lucky ducky. Or, since it's your blog I should say CHICKEN! :)

  45. Such great tips. Bummer that I missed the giveaway while I was on vacation...maybe next time :)

  46. i would love to start my own fruits & vegetable garden with this starter kit.


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