
Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Earth Day

I am finding pleasure in the pathless woods today to celebrate Earth Day. How are you celebrating?



  1. i have the window open, have been bird and squirrel watching from inside and out. just a lovely day.

  2. At work today - long day and will be a long week. I celebrated yesterday by playing in the mud. Replanted last years strawberries, potted a little Christmas tree with lots of silver glitter on it that one of my students gave me and cut off some dead branches from my azelias. Love pitter-pattering in the back yard.

  3. With my littles - recycled crafts and taking advantage of this 47 degree day. The sun is shining so no complaints here!

  4. We went to a festival on saturday. It was fun!

  5. My allergies are alive and well today-a reminder that beautiful Mother Nature is hard at work getting the world ready for summer:) I plan to harvest more rhubarb later today too and celebrate with some rhubarb pie:)

  6. One of my favorite's! Celebrating by opening all the windows and breathing in the Spring air! Happy Earth Day! xoxo

  7. And that is a perfect way to celebrate it! My children enjoyed activities at school today.

    Happy Earth Day!

  8. It's pretty chilly here, today - but I'm still enjoying a little fresh air and looking out at the rhododendrons that have started blooming. Happy Earth Day!

  9. I have been watching the birds flock to my feeders while it is snowing.

  10. In the woods Tammy! Happy Earth Day!

  11. This has always been one of my favourite quotes. Oh yes love the boot shot:) Happy Earth Day. B

  12. Happy Earth Day to you! After work, I went for a walk on the fireroad next to my house with my dear hubby. And of course I was enjoying watching the birds in my yard. Hubby went back out with a trash bag to pick up cans and bottles thrown along the trail. Hope you have a happy week!

  13. Lovely words, Tammy.. Listened to my first robin singing it's heart out..

  14. Happy Earth Day! Love that quote.

  15. Happy Earth Day! I spent my day clearing the ground and building my extra tall block raised bed garden today. I built it tall because I have arthritis in my left knee and right hip so I can't bend down to work in a standard low raised bed. Next comes the top soil, compost, and manure :-)

  16. I celebrated by being in the garden grounded and connected with Mother Earth :) Love Lord Byron's quote.

  17. What pleasure can be found among the beauty of the earth around us. I planted roses today! Happy Earth day to you. Missed you and I am so happy to be back. Blessings!

  18. I was indoors all day and congratulated a coworker for recycling a can (after she made sure to save the tab for me, of course).

  19. A lovely thought. I too shall find pleasure in the woods.

  20. Windows were open and we're preparing my wee rescue tree for planting out. Beautiful quote Tammy!

  21. Sowing seeds and enjoying the birds in the backyard.

  22. Happy Earth Day! I didn't do much because I am still uber jet lagged, but I know the boys did some gardening activities at school!

  23. I celebrated by going for a peaceful nature walk after work. It was nice :)

  24. I Hung out with the chickens while they free-ranged. A nice way to celebrate everything the Father has made.

  25. We planted three new fruit trees along with composting dead vines from last years garden!

  26. I love the Lord Byron quote. Thanks for sharing.

  27. We planted flowers & I spent time out with my chicky babies. :)


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