
Friday, April 26, 2013

Feathered Friend Friday

Welcome to our series "Feathered Friend Friday." Every Friday I write a post with interesting facts, photos, or funny stories about our chickens and guineas. If you need to catch up, you'll find all the Feathered Friend Friday posts here
It took us a little while, but we finally have names for all of our chicks! Here's each girl and the story behind her name...

This is our Welsummer chick. In the past we have used the breed name as a starting point and sort of inspiration for the chick's name, so for this girl we thought Summer was really cute.

Again, with the breed name inspiration -- this one is a Gold Sex-Link chick, so we decided on the name Goldie. I've also been calling her Ginormica lately because she is crazy huge! So much bigger than the other girls. This has led David to make a bet with me that she is actually a he. I really hope not. Too many of our animals have had gender issues, and we don't need any more roosters!

My sweet friend Sherry over at The Rusty Pearl suggested that we name one of our chicks Pearl. Here she is, Sherry! Pearl is a California White chick and will stay mostly white, so we think "Pearl" suits her perfectly.

This is our Australorp chick and we were stuck on her name, so we took inspiration from our 3 year old nephew, Silas. My sister told him about our new chicks, and he said one should be named Cheddie, so we went with it! It was actually David's idea to go with the name and he made the point that since she will be our only all black chicken, Silas can easily pick her out of the flock when he comes to visit. How sweet is that?!

Last, but not least, is our New Hampshire Red chick. I've always loved the name Penelope, and this is the smallest chick out of the bunch and she is so cute and sweet, so I thought Penelope was the perfect name for her. It suits her really well so far!

It's so crazy to look back at their photos from just two weeks ago and see such a dramatic difference, mainly in new feather growth. Their personalities are really starting to come through now as well and it's so fun to get to know them. Each night I make sure to spend some one-on-one time with each girl and get her used to being held. They all sit calmly in my hand for the most part, but Pearl likes to jump and fly around and definitely has a sassy mind of her own! I'm sure we'll notice even more fun little quirks in their personalities as time goes on. It's so exciting to watch them learn and grow!


Shared with Farmgirl Friday, Sunny Simple Sunday, From The Farm Blog Hop  


  1. Oh Tammy I LOVE Feathered Friend Friday they are adorable and so are their names. B

  2. Your family sure is growing. How cute to have their pictures taken on that stool. Of course, I would notice the stool. And it looks like they posed perfectly for you.
    Farmhouse hugs,

  3. Thanks for the chick update. They sure are cute. I love the names you've chosen for each one.

  4. What a sweet family they make. Have fun with them .

  5. Great names! We're still thinking up names for our last two little ladies, though I have a few ideas. Just need to see if their personalities match up!

  6. awwwwwwww. They grow so fast!! Goldie does seem like a roo- quite a bit bigger but it could just be the breed. I saw some guineas running around the other day in someone's yard and made want to get some so bad!

  7. They are so adorable at this awkward teenager stage. What a lovely time you must be having getting to know your new friends!

  8. Those gals are cutesies! I adore the name Pearl :-).

  9. Tammy, those darling little girls are growing as fast as my rhubarb, and you've picked out the most perfect names, too!!

  10. I love the name Penelope, too! They are all great names and they certainly are all very adorable :)

  11. I love them all...and the names are perfect! Enjoy your girls!!

  12. Love the names. Hope Goldie stays female. Lol.

  13. oh my gosh!

    how cute!! thanks so much for sharing dear tammy.
    love the names! so very adorable!

    have a great weekend~

    big hugs~

  14. They are all so adorable but I thought Summer was the cutest. I even pinned its pinterest!

  15. That's adorable that they get their own name and photo. So sweet!

  16. Pearl is a perfect name for a chicken! For some reason I love old-fashioned names for hens...but unfortunately the kids don't agree! They named the 3 new Welsummers Nutmeg, Butterfly and Amber. :wink:

  17. Tammy, I just love all your cute chicks. I love all the names too. Your nephew will be very happy to visit with Cheddie. Wonderful photos, have a great weekend!

  18. They are so sweet and I love their names!

  19. I so love your chicks and wish I had some.. smile..

  20. What great names for all your new girls and they are all so stinkin' cute! :)

  21. Soooo cute! All their names suit them well!

    I got a real good laugh out of Ginormica. This is exactly why we called Helga Hoofenheifer her (his) name. It was so much bigger than the rest of the chicks. I am still convinced that she's really a rooster. :)

  22. Welcome to the world, little chicks! What cuties!

  23. How cute is that! The names seem to fit each little chick.

  24. They are really cute!! Looks like fun times ahead with this group! :)

  25. Aren't they sweet?!! Enjoy your new babies.

  26. Aww, Goldie is my favorite. My favorite hen that died last weekend was named Goldie, too. She was my only backyard mutt, and she followed me everywhere. :(

    I think your hubby may be right about your Goldie being a roo. Big thick legs are the only clue I see right now, so I could be completely red on the face yet. Could it be that Goldie is a couple days older? He/she looks more feathered out than the others too. Anyway, enjoy!! (Have you figured out I LOVE talking chicken yet?) <3

  27. Tammy, I love all the names you've chosen, but Cheddie is my favorite! The chicks sure did a great job posing for their portraits--they are all adorable. Their sweetness really comes out in their expressions.

  28. Those are the cutest chicks ever! I love their names!

  29. Adorable names but also the cutest pictures!

  30. Aww such sweet names. How old are they now?

  31. They're all cute, but the picture of Cheddie made me laugh, I love her already!

  32. Belas fotografias de lindos pintos...Espectacular....

  33. Love finding out there names Tammy :) I like them all .Cheddie is so funny, love it! !

  34. Adorable ~ you are just surrounded by nature's love ~ ^_^ ~ Great photos ^_^

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  35. Aww love their names, so cute. It is so amazing how quickly they change, enjoy.

  36. They posed so nicely for you Tammy and I love their names. So cute! xo

  37. How adorable they all the name Penelope!

  38. They are darling! Love the names. :)
    Our chicken days are currently behind us, it's been quite a few years since we had any. Some of our laying hens were Gladys, Rose, Pansy, Petunia & Swap Bandit. Our rooster for many years was Pete.
    My 6 year old nephew has chickens, he just hatched thirty or more chicks from the incubator.. some of my favorite of his chicken names are "Spy Chicken" and "Apple Pie."

  39. Great names and I love reading the stories behind each little chick. I think Penelope is such a sweet little darling and so wee. And Summer really looks like she has a cheery sunny personality!

  40. They look so cute! Thanks for visiting and leaving your lovely comment...

  41. Oh, they are too sweet. Cool names too.

  42. i'm not going to lie - but summer is the cutest. love her. great photos. chicks are hard to get because they never stop moving. all great shots.

  43. Your girls are very sweet! I have a hen named Penelope too. I think the Sex-Links is a girl. They can get pretty hefty but are such great layers.

  44. They all are so adorable, but I really like Summer! How fun to pick everyone's names.

  45. such fun names for your chicks and exspecially adore the chicks themselves. This past weekend I flew off to visit a girlfriend and finally had a chance to read the book, Once upon a Flock!! Hope you have a chance to read it - it's a fast read, but you make me think of you and naming your chicks and recognizing their personalities!

  46. You named Pearl after my puppy Pearl, didn't you? Now I have a grandpuppy named pearl and a grandchicky named Pearl. How will I ever keep them straight?

  47. I love them all! And great names. We have 15 right now...I'm just the surrogate Momma...all but 4 will be leaving us when they are fully feathered. Of course my 7 year old has named our 4...he couldn't wait. How old are yours now? We just put ours outside ( they are 2 1/2 weeks old.) and they are so happy with the extra room in the big brooder. I'll be staying tuned here to see how you plan to integrate as I am a bit nervous about that. We have 4 older girls who are not very happy about the peeping next door at this point. lol

  48. Amazing how they seem to just pose for the camera!! Mine never do that :) I'm sure it is the great skill of the photographer!!


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