
Friday, April 12, 2013

Feathered Friend Friday

Welcome to our series "Feathered Friend Friday." Every Friday I write a post with interesting facts, photos, or funny stories about our chickens and guineas. If you need to catch up, you'll find all the Feathered Friend Friday posts here
For the past few months, David and I have been talking about getting some new chicks this year. After our horrible experience last year with ordering them in the mail, we decided to get some from our local feed store. Their selection has been really hit or miss, and I've been stopping by quite a bit over the past few weeks to check out their supply. I called the store yesterday and they let me know that they did receive some more chicks recently and had quite a few different breeds. I was so excited that I made a bee-line to the feed store as soon as I got off work. I didn't tell David I was going to get them, so when he got home, I surprised him with five new baby chicks!

New Hampshire Red


Gold Sex-Link


California White

Of course, I am already enamored with them. On the way home they were peeping up a storm, but ever since they've settled into their new digs they have been so calm and quiet! They don't fight at all when I pick them up and they easily fall asleep right in the palm of my hand. I'm hoping to spend lots of time with them so they will become lap chickens :)

Are you getting any new chicks this year?


Shared with Farmgirl Friday, The Backyard Farming Connection HopEco Kids Tuesday, Tuesday Muse, Rurality Blog Hop   


  1. Oh Tammy you have to do a photo book your posts just make me happy and your photos are magnificent. Love the quilt and the new chickies great varieties you picked. Chirp chirp I love that sound. B

  2. Oh I love getting new chicks! It's so addictive!! Your little peepers are so cute! Mine just went outside this week, they're 6 weeks old all feathered out and we had a heat wave so I thought now was a good time. Can't wait to see more pictures!! :)

  3. Oh wow....why did you post such adorable photos???? I'm trying to resist the urge to raise chicks (in part because in NY we have to buy a minimum of 6 and I don't want 9 chickens), but they're so dang cute! The Australorp & Welsummer in particular are just lovely. Please keep us posted as they grow!

  4. We have three under a mama out in our big henhouse now... but that's it for us this year, we have declared it the Year of No Chicks until our flock is reduced a little. I'm praying these are girls!

  5. Tammy, they are so precious!! Our local feed store gives baby chicks away this time of year. Some day...In the meantime, congrats on your five brand new darling babes!!

  6. You are so lucky!!! How wonderful to have such healthy looking girls from such a young and impressionable age! Can't wait to see them grow and develop!

  7. THEY ARE SO ADORABLE!!! I love those fuzzy little heads! What a great bunch of little girls you have there! Can't wait to see them as they grow! Congrats Mama!

  8. What a cute little variety you have, congrats chicken mama!

  9. These are so cute and what a nice variety! Nothing could be cuter that a baby chick! Will be interested to see if they become lap chickens. My grandmother had a house full of chickens that would come sit on her lap and she just loved them.

  10. cute!!! Now I REALLY want some chickens! :) Congrats on the new family members.

  11. They are so cute!

    We're still debating what we're going to do.

  12. Oh, how sweet are they? Enjoy the bonding, Tammy.
    So far, I'm still the only chick in the house. Soon...

  13. I can't tell you how jealous I am of your 'feed stores'. I can only imagine (dream), what wandering through a shop selling baby chicks would be like.

    I would LOVE to have them in the U.K, though, I would probably be knee deep in chickens by now.

    I have no chicken self-control :D x

  14. Oooooh Tammy! They're beautiful, and that quilt is the perfect spot to photograph your babies. My four chicks are coming the second week of May!!!

  15. There's nothing cuter than when they are still fuzzy! And what a lovely surprise for David to find chicks on his bed!! (Love the quilt, there must be a great story about it.) The only breed that I recognise is the Australorp (which I think is an Australian breed) they grown into beautiful big chooks (or roosters!). Have a lovely weekend with your babies, S:)

  16. They are all so sweet but I love the little Gold Sex Link chick. That's quite the name to carry.
    Oh Tammy, I would have them named so fast and they would become pets for sure. Have fun!

  17. How sweet...I love Welsummer but my favorite is Gold, so, cute.
    Thanks for your very kind comment on my daughter's music review and for always being so supportive. Your encouragement means a lot to me and to her ... I always send her your comments when I email her. Thanks Tammy. Have a great weekend.

  18. They are all so cute! I would like to get a few chickens here...we have the room...all our neighbors have them...just need to figure out where we could put the coop. Enjoy your new babies!!

  19. What a nice variety. I love the peeping sound too. I am off to the feed store but just for supplies. My chicks have already ate almost 5# in the last few weeks. Little pigs.

  20. They are just as sweet as can be! I love that you found all different ones and that you are getting them used to being held. So important if they need medical attention. I'm looking forward to watching them grow! Oh, love your quilt, too! Happy weekend, Tammy! xoxo

  21. Omgoodness Tammy' they are just darling and I want my own:)

    We have a Grange store nearby that sells chicks. They are so cute. Enjoy your new babies:)


  22. What a great variety of pretty ladies! (They are supposed to be hens, right? LOL) We were planning on incubating this year, but with everything going on I postponed that. Then we visited my Mom...and now we have brought home a 1-year-old "Ameraucana" (who lays white eggs and not blue) and 3 4 week old Welsummers. It's hard to pass up a chick! LOL

  23. I'm dying over the cuteness!!!!!!! I really want some chicks!

  24. Ohhhh --- they are so totally adorable!! You must be grinning ear to ear with every little peep! Great that they will all get along together!! So you already know that they are all girls? Names!! Have fun naming them and how will your older hens do with the little ones? Such a fun adventure!!

  25. Oh Tammy they are so sweet.. Blessed you are.. smile..

  26. Love at first sight. You are going to be a busy mama.
    Farmhouse hugs,

  27. Squee! Look at those adorable little peepers. And your pictures are just gorgeous - great job!

  28. Awwwwww, they are soooo adorable! I've often thought I'd like to try keeping chickens - but not until we're living full-time in one location. Best of luck with your new chicks, Tammy.

  29. They are precious! Every time we visit our local CoOp this time of year they have chicks and ducklings...they are so cute I always want to get a handful (my son too). Alas, not this year, we're not ready yet...first this first, and one thing at a time. This is the year of the bees!

  30. They are so cute! My kids keep wanting a duck since they have ducklings all over the place around here for sale :) That isn't going to happen though, I can live through your super adorable chick photos though!

  31. Oh they are so adorable- I LOVE little peeps! Great idea to photograph them on a quilt.

  32. Adrian said "I like those ones, mama".

  33. I saw that adorable pic of them that you posted on FB yesterday (the one of them eating) and I showed it to one of my coworkers!!

  34. Oh my gosh, they're cute. I can't even pick a favorite, they're all so darling. Congrats on finding them. It'll be fun watching them grow up on your blog. :)

  35. Oh my so cute looks like you are on a new adventure ..

  36. As you know, I hatched seven chicks just last week.

  37. Oh, and your new chicks are beautiful! I love the Australorp!

  38. I admit to loving my Welsummer, she lays the most beautiful eggs and is such a sweet and docile girl. I want more, but alas, I have no room!

  39. awe the last one you can name PEARL !!! HINT HINT .... love ya girl.. have a blessed week . I love this

  40. Yay Tammy, clapping wildly for your new lap chicks lol You have a lovely selection there.
    Yup I ended up not being able to pass by some white Sultan bantams at the feed store this week ... you'll see them in with the tortoises when you visit the blog ( yes your heard right, shying the tortoises heat lamp they are~ ha ha) Never had Sultan bantams before so I am excited to see them grow.

  41. How lovely they are! Hope they grow well for you.

  42. More girls?! Whooo - I see many delicious eggs in my future! They sure are cutesies.

  43. These are to die for! They are so cute!

  44. Such cute little ladies! I was just out with mine, and I am amazed every day at how fast they grow!!

  45. They are just GORGEOUS!!! I'm so jealous, I've always wanted to keep some chooks in the backyard.

  46. What gorgeous feathered friends!

  47. Hi Tammy! I just found your blog...congratulations on the new arrival of chickens! They are so precious! I scrolled down and saw that you have a great roasted potato recipe. I'm a new follower! :)


  48. Well you know the answer to that question. :) Enjoy your babies -- so very cute! xo

  49. Adorable shots! I love getting chicks. Since I got adult laying hens this year I doubt there will be any chicks. Maybe a duckling or two if I can find the ones I want or my ducks can keep the eggs safe from the dogs long enough to hatch them :)

  50. I bought 3 and they are about a month old. I'm not sure if it will ever stop snowing in Colorado to move them outside. I haven't even taken them out for a quick run in the grass because it hasn't been that warm yet and they aren't completely feathered yet. I think that is the right thing to do. I'm a novice at this but I'm pretty happy they haven't died know, dogs, cats, kids, my incompetence...

  51. Oh my what an interesting selection at your feed store. I love that you got one of each. I will enjoy watching these as the grow into their adult plumage.

  52. Oh they are so adorable! I agree it is going to be fun watching them grow!

  53. Oh my goodness, they are precious! We just got ours in the mail yesterday and they are doing really well so far. I haven't been able to get good pictures like yours, though! I hope I can soon because they are so cute :)

  54. Oh my, they are darling! I want the gold one! I bet I can't have chicks on our property. I'm pretty sure my neighbors would do away with me if I tried. :)

  55. omg, they are so cute and adorable!
    they are so precious.
    thanks for sharing my friend.

    big hugs~

  56. They are adorable! but no, I have no space for lil chicks :(

  57. Tammy we've been so busy I haven't had time to post about anything yet, but we got our first chicks! The breeder is going to keep the girls until our run is ready on the 1st. They will be 8 weeks at that time too so they will be ready to go straight to the coop. I am so excited! Got 2 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Rhode Island Reds, and 2 Gold Sex Links. All hens but a rooster is possibly in our future too.

  58. Oh so adorable and each one with its own unique face and character ~ Wonderful photography ~ ^_^

  59. We have toooo many this year lol So no new ones for us! Thanks for sharing your post with us! I hope you join us again (yeah I know it’s a day late… linky issues) at Eco-Kids Tuesday!!


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