
Friday, April 5, 2013

Feathered Friend Friday

Welcome to our series "Feathered Friend Friday." Every Friday I write a post with interesting facts, photos, or funny stories about our chickens and guineas. If you need to catch up, you'll find all the Feathered Friend Friday posts here

One of my favorite things to do is take photos of my chickens while they are free ranging. They are usually totally oblivious of me and just go about their business while I snap away. Up until recently everything had been so brown and dead out here that I wasn't feeling inspired to take photos. But now that things are starting to slowly come back to life, I can't stop taking pictures!

One of their favorite spots lately is this patch of weeds up by the house. When I saw them pecking away, I thought it would make for some good shots so I got down on the ground and rolled around to get on their level and get a different perspective.

I had to laugh at this last shot I got of Ellie, head down in the weeds. Definitely oblivious.


Shared with Old Time PartyFarmgirl FridaySunny Simple Sunday, Weekly Top Shot, Backyard Farming Connection Hop, Tuesday Muse   


  1. happy chicken butts! make me laugh!

  2. Oh Tammy your Friday posts make me smile ear to ear. AWESOME photos. B

  3. Such amazing photos. I don't blame you for getting out there and snapping away now that the weather is starting to get a little bit nicer! Keep 'em coming.

  4. It's so nice to see the snow gone and all those happy chickens. Deb

  5. Those are happy girls playing in the flowers! What sweet, sweet photos! I am smiling. :) xoxo

  6. Nice chicken pix. Yes, it's a good practice to take photos from a different perspective. I'm always pleased with what I get.

  7. That second picture is awesome - I love the perspective shown there.

  8. Tammy, I know the feeling of being so happy to see the brown changing to green! It's wonderful! I love the different perspective of all of your girls today too! Great pictures! :)

  9. Wonderful pictures -- again!

  10. I LOVE that last shot! So, so happy that Spring is finally hanging out here!

  11. Fantastic photos Tammy! Especially like the last one, it has a beautiful, dreaminess about it. Unfortunately my girls are moulting at present so not looking their finest! S:)

  12. I love the shot of the sun shining through - it looks like Spring, yay! The girls, as always are beautiful. So fluffy!

  13. The girls are looking beautiful. When you said you were laying on the ground rolling around taking pictures, all I could think of was you got chicken poop all over your clothes. LOL

  14. Great photos! Nice to see some signs of spring, our daffodils are just starting to bloom!

  15. These are great photos - I love the blurry background and setting sun - the lighting is very flattering for your chickens :-)

  16. What lovely picture, thanks for sharing.
    I love 'chicken-eye' level ones :) x

  17. Aren't you blessed to have someone to pull weeds for you! Enjoy spring!

  18. Oooooo! I LOVE this angle for photos! It makes you feel like you're right there with them. I can almost hear the girls clucking contentedly while they 'work'. :-)

  19. Bottoms up! LOL! Thank you kindly for boot scootin’ on over to the Old Time Party!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  20. Great pictures. I'm jealous of your lack of snow too!

  21. they're all great shots, but that last one takes the cake! upside down & definitely oblivious, isn't she... lovin the fence & barn in the background =)

  22. Love those tail feathers in the air!

  23. Beautiful chickens and nice shots of them. Happy Spring!

  24. All of these pictures are really quite beautiful but that first shot - it's just unreal. I can just imagine it as a painting!

  25. Beautiful photos, Tammy! I'm so envious of the wide open spaces you have. Being in the city, most of our photos have houses in the background. You should enter some of your photos to homesteading magazines! I think urban farm and grit are usually looking for chicken photos.

  26. As always you have beautiful photos- Also i agree, much better to photograph them laying down in the grass than in their pen ( which I confess to having done before)

  27. I believe I have two new pullets like Ellie -- Wyandottes? They are gorgeous!

  28. Ha-ha! Must be some good stuff in those weeds. :) Have a great weekend. Tammy

  29. Don't know what you feed your ladies - but they are the healthiest, fluffiest, and happiest chickens I read about and are pictured on this blogger!! Tammy- you have the magic egg thumb!! (you know- instead of green thumb) Lovely ladies!!

  30. Lovely ladies! We may catch up to you in the "greens" some day soon. I found, or I should say, my ladies found some new growth today. It was excited for all of us! What breed is Ellie? I am starting to learn breeds now, and she is one that I don't recognize.

  31. That flowery grass is so lovely!

  32. Great pics Tammy! I'd love to have you stop by and share your post on The Creative HomeAcre Hop today!

  33. Oh your chickens are so wonderful always bring a smile to my face.:)

  34. Ohh, I love your girls. I need to get out there and snap some of mine too!! :D

  35. They're as happy to see Spring weather as we are, you know. :) The background is nice and crisp, it feels warmer than winter. These are all great pics. :)

  36. Hi, hopped over from old time party. Love these gals pecking away. Getting down on the ground and rolling around paid off big time! Now a new follower.

  37. Que gallinas mas bonitas les ve muy saludables

  38. Beautiful chooks you got there. They look so happy!

  39. Those are beautiful chickens! Especially the light golden brown one.
    Thanks for sharing!

  40. Yes ma'am, that counts, most definitely! Thank you so much for joining =)

  41. Fun! Chickens make for an interesting subject, and I especially like that last shot.

  42. aww, i see the barn now. gotta ya. ( :
    too great!
    hello chickens. sweet.

  43. I bet you are so happy to see all those little flowers. Love the fluffy bottoms up in the air too.

  44. How springy and pretty with the country background, flowers and those sweet girls!


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