
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Bring The Blooms In

Yesterday when David got home, I was sitting out with the chickens while they enjoyed some supervised free ranging. The weather was absolutely perfect and I couldn't imagine a better day. One of our favorite things to do is walk the property together each evening and make note of all the changes we see, and yesterday the weather was just right for an evening stroll. Spring is such a magical time in the woods and you can seriously see new growth in the matter of a day.

While observing some of the trees, we noticed one had the most gorgeous white blooms. I pulled a branch down close to smell it, and found the scent so intoxicating. David decided to cut off one of the branches that was getting in the way of another tree close by, so he asked if I wanted some blooms to put in the house. He didn't even have to ask, because he knows my affinity for bringing in blooms - our butterfly bush is a favorite of mine to bring inside the house. I gathered up some vases while he started cutting branches to arrange.

The branches and blooms look so lovely in my milk glass vases. I've already placed them in several rooms in the house and I'm really enjoying the scent. The only thing bugging me is that I don't know what kind of tree this is! The scent is somewhat woodsy and oriental, and made me think of jasmine.

Anyone have any guesses as to what this might be? I'm really intrigued!


Shared with Rurality Blog Hop, Home Sweet Home  


  1. so very sweet! not sure of the type, though.

  2. It is blackthorn blossom. What a lovely way to spend your first minutes together in the evenings!

  3. I love how the long stamens stand out against the white. We're expecting severe storms today so I gathered several bundles for the house too.

  4. Oh, I'm a little envious you've got such pretty blossoms. A couple of more weeks and we'll be there too. Now if it would just stop snowing...

  5. This is really beautiful. What a lovely sign of early spring :)

  6. For sure they are blossoms off a fruit tree, we have lots of those too - although we don't get any blossoms here until early - mid May. Such a beautiful time of year when things start to bloom! :)

  7. I love, love, love spring blossoms! Those blossoms look like the ones on that are now blooming on our cherry trees. Happy spring!

  8. Gorgeous and such a sweet story! I know how frustrating it can be to have so many lovely trees (all in bloom) yet not know what they are. So many fruit trees have similar blossoms! You’d think it would be easy to identify a tree by the fruit, right? Not one of ours. This one looked like an apple, yet had characteristics of a pear. So last year I took pictures and detailed notes when it bloomed, then when it fruited in the Fall I completed my research. It is an Asian Pear! The Blooms are so aromatic and sensational – I can’t wait for it to bloom this year!
    Good luck identifying your tree!

  9. We have a tree with blossoms similar to that unusual but delightful scent...I do not know what it is though...we planted it 30 years ago! It is in full bloom right now and the bees are in heaven!!Ours is not a fruit tree...the leaves are sort of reddish brown. If there's an arbourist in your neck of the woods...perhaps you could e-mail a picture? Have a great day!

  10. Oh so pretty - and how wonderful that they smell so nice. I love bringing blooms inside - it really makes the place cheerful!

  11. Very pretty! They look lovely in your milk glass vase! We have some like that here in Washington and they are wild plum trees with tiny plums that the birds eat. Not sure if you have those where you live, though. Hope you solve the mystery! xx

  12. They look like pear blossoms to me? My neighbor has a pear tree which blooms here in New England, in mid May. If you find out, let me know - very pretty!

  13. I am not sure but looks like an apple blossom to me but I am not sure. Sure is pretty though. B

  14. Hi Tammy, they are so lovely and delicate.

  15. The flower looks like jasmine! It'so pretty s the perfect container for it. How nice that you find so much joy while walking the grounds of your property. Although we don't have a farm, we live near extensive trails that we enjoy almost daily. Enjoy the spring!


    1. Oops! ..on my cell and typos happen! pretty and the milk vase is the perfect container!!!

  16. So lovely.. It must smell heavenly.. Looking forward to budding blooms..

  17. How pretty! I can almost smell the blooms. Love spring!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  18. Kind of looks like our apple blossoms! But not really! I am no help.

  19. I just love blooms in vintage vases-and your blooms-and your milk glass vases are perfect Tammy! Happy, glorious spring!!

  20. So pretty! It reminds me of the blossoms we had on our wild plum tree when we lived in Iowa. Let us know the answer if you find out!

  21. It looks like some sort of blossom...and so so pretty! I love bringing flowers from the garden into the house too.

  22. I am hopeful they're apple blossoms. Apple trees are fab to have. I cannot wait for blooms here!

  23. I am not sure but the blooms are just beautiful and look great in that pretty vase!

  24. Well is sure looks like Spring has found you, yeah! I'm no help either and have no idea what they are but do agree that they look like a blossom from a fruit tree. Maybe apple or plum? Whatever they are, they sure are pretty and look great in that vase!

  25. We have some similar trees but I don't know what they are.

  26. So many of the blooming trees and shrubs look similar, so it's difficult sometimes to determine exactly what they are. No matter -- so very pretty!

  27. Lovely. Wish we could smell through the puter!

  28. I don't know what they are, but they're pretty.

    My mother-in-law used to have a gardenia outside of her house that would smell oh so good when it started to bloom, I forgot about that until now.

    Spring is coming, hurrah!

  29. This makes me so happy to see. I love this time of the year when all the flowers start to bloom :)

  30. Sigh - you have blossoms. How lovely!

  31. Blossoms always a pleasure to see...lovely.

  32. Beautiful! :) Spring is made of blossoms! I am glad God gave us something pretty to look forward to at the end of the long winter! :)

  33. Mock orange or multiflora rose, I'd guess....but wow! you already have flowers???????

  34. Such pretty little blooms! They look so lovely in the milk glass. Have a great day! Tammy

  35. MY wife used to collect milk glass but sadly she lost it all in our house fire several years back. I miss living out in the country as we did then.

  36. Lovely little blossoms, I've got the same in my dad's orchard and I'm pretty sure the tree is what we call "a black cherry tree" - the cherries are very small and dark and tasty!

  37. What lovely blossoms, let us know if you figure out what it is for sure! I love old milk glass and your vases are beautiful! I have been on the lookout for a cake plate. :)

  38. So good to see that blossoms are popping out somewhere♫ Chicagoland is a bit behind...My Rurality:

  39. Oh Tammy what a nice thing for you and hubs to share! I can smell the lovely scent from here!

  40. I'd have to see the tree to be sure, but it looks like a flowering pear. Sadly most pears aren't fruiting. I hope you get fruit though (and I could be very wrong!). I'm not always good at the guessing game. :)

  41. My guess would be pear... and I too love the scent, it's heavenly! Thank you for sharing on 'Rurality Blog Hop #10!'

  42. No idea! But I love bringing in blooms from the outside. I don't love the insects I bring in with them (at least my peonies and branch clippings)....but I just deal. :)

  43. wow spring blossoms! beautiful flower arrangement.

    happy spring!
    gorgeous shots as usual:)


  44. Looks exactly like the blossoms on the Bradford Pear trees I have at my farm. Love them!


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